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Everything posted by ShesACheetah

  1. I came home the other night to find this crumbled up in our bedroom garbage. Since we've been dating, I have always seen her wearing old, beat-up pairs of panties and always thought to myself, hey, maybe I should buy her some new ones? Well, she bought some new pairs on her own and a LOT of pairs at that. We haven't had sex in weeks, so I'm assuming these new panties aren't for me or to entice me to have sex with her, but maybe for her side piece who's been giving it to her behind my back? I mean, why else would she all of a sudden by a bunch of lace thongs and crumble and hide the receipt in the garbage? Opinions?
  2. Check your PMs! I think I found more of her!
  3. What an unbelievable woman! Have any more?
  4. Ok i'll email now!
  5. Won't let me send you any new messages... Should I post them here?
  6. Do you want more of her? I can PM you more pics or post them here.
  7. Who wants some of her?
  8. How about this busty babe?
  9. PM me if you want to see more! Thanks!
  10. Thanks for the reply. I sent you an email!
  11. Do you have an email? I will send them there. It's easier.
  12. I agree with you. By the looks of her, would you fuck her? Does anyone want more pics?
  13. Thank you. Yes, most women will never admit that they have another man or are cheating. I obviously won't ask her straight out yet until I get more evidence.
  14. Thanks for your reply and advice. Do you think there is a way to tell by maybe examining her worn panties from the hamper? I also this morning found a womans razor in the bathroom garbage, which probably means nothing, but I of course think she may have shaved for her side piece last night before he came. I'm going to try and setup some sort of camera tonight. But I'm home now and she's not, so I'd like to do some investigating.
  15. Thanks for your reply. I actually have tried to check her phone and iPad but it seems she may changed her passcode, which is more evidence to something fishy.
  16. Hello All! I have a brief story to tell and I would love for some expert advice in return! I will share some pics of my girlfriend later on so you guys can get a good idea of why another man would want her! Ok, so it begins, As of the last few weeks (months?), I have been working overnight shifts, therefore I have not been home to go to sleep with my GF, or fuck her for that matter. By the time I get home, it's early in the AM and she is in her 40th dream already, so I don't wake her. With that being said, I always tell her to text me before he goes to bed or when she gets home, and she always used to, but now she hasn't in the last few weeks. I also recently bought an expensive bottle of wine for us to drink together, but of course, I got called into work and we were not able to enjoy it that night. The next day I came to realize that the bottle of wine was empty and gone and there were two wine glasses in the sink. (She claims she drank it with her mom, but her mom isn't a big drinker) Now, keep in mind that she is usually home from work around 430PM, whereas I do not get home from work until almost 3AM (I go in at 6PM, BTW) So, as she's getting home, I'm leaving for the night. On top of all this, our sex life is not the best. She never seems too satisfied and I almost get the feeling that she is not missing it, nor did I really ever please her the way she wanted anyway. Whenever we do have sex, it seems as if she cannot wait until its over. It's so weird that once she claims that she "cums", she automatically asks me to cum for her, as if she just wants the torture to end. I'd say we have sex maybe twice a week, if we're lucky, because she shows no sexual desire towards me and if I do not make the first move, we would never have sex. All of these things are pointing in the direction that she has a man on the side with a bigger dick than me, who fucks her brains out when I am at work, which explains why she shows nothing sexually towards me. I must also admit that her pussy always seems loose and beat up, whenever I do enter her. I am not a big man, so I know it is not my dick that is stretching her out. But who knows, maybe I am just overthinking the situation.
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