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Posts posted by WAcuck

  1. My wife and I have a great relationship with both knowing and accepting that she will have lovers.  We really haven't been much into the "lifestyle" she just likes something different now and then.  Really the only time I was humiliated by one of her lovers is when we all went to the coast for a long weekend.  

    When we got to the hotel we all went into the lobby and I checked in as I had made the reservations. The clerk helping us said "two rooms, correct?".  I said yes and my wife's lover spoke up and said...yes, two rooms, one for my lover and I and one for her husband. The clerk stopped and looked at me.  The clerk helping another couple looked at me and that couple looked at me. I was embarrassed but what could I do...it was true.  I said yes, two rooms. 

    We had a wonderful weekend but I will always remember the feeling that day.


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  2. The best part for me is knowing that she is happy.  She doesn't have to sneak around and worry about "cheating". We have a wonderful relationship which just happens to include a third person. We are all friends and know exactly what everyone expects out of the relationship. The main thing is that she is happy.

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  3. My wife has been with 4 other men that I know of since we have been married.  She had been with many more before marriage and we used to play a game where she would tell me about one of the men she was with before while we made love.  We both always got very turned on when she did this.  I finally told her that I would love to see her with another man.  She took a long time ( over two years) before she finally agreed but it was quite wonderful when she did that.  She has had two long term lovers now.  

  4. In our case I am not able to have sex more than once a week. I have never had a sex drive that made me want it more than that.  My wife is a very sexual person and we have agreed that she can have more if she wants.  She doesn't choose a man because of his size, just one who she seems to get along with well. The man she is seeing now is a little larger than I am but not the reason she chose him. 

  5. WAcuck. . .What exactly do you mean?

    What I mean is that my wife does love me and I am sure of that.  Her sexual activities away from home are just that--sexual--she has no deep emotional connection with her lover.  Yes, she does love the way he makes her feel physically but she and I are in love emotionally and have been for many years.  I am confident in that love enough to not feel threatened by her seeing other men now and then.  

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