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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by HotWifesHubby

  1. I must be different, I Think BOTH need to find sexual release in HotWifing. My wifes lovers are only to affect us when they meet my wife. My wife is the one who sets the rules, like that I am NOT to fuck her the day Before her date, SHE decides if I am alloved to be in the same room or not, if I am to bring them refreshments, etc. I want to be her driver, the one who supply the condoms, the one who licks here Clean (Condom or not), and act as their friend if we go for a cruice etc. And YES I would carry a chastitycage if she wants me to. In between we have a normal sexlife, based on her needs.so no lover may affect that.. Not atleast at this moment!
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