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    Aurora, Colorado
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    Music, Traveling, Photography, Hottubbing,Licking my wife's ass and I REALLY LOVE when she paddles me.. HARD... It's NOT sexual.. I just deserve the hurt, humiliation, and pain!

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  1. This is for any of you Bulls out there who would like a text/phone bitch to hhhhhhhhh, ddddddddddddd, make fun of on a regular basis. I would love to be the loser who is just waiting for your next text with a rock hard 4" cock. You can email me at [email protected] if you are interested.
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  2. My wife fucks my ass with her strapon but i have never been bred by a man, I know I need it though.
  3. AhmedTALA, that is a beautiful cock...and one i'd enjoy forcing down my throat.... i want to prepare your manhood to penetrate my wife's willing and wanton cunt. Please please fuck my sissi ass when youre done with my married wife's dripping pussy...make me your bitch. I am sooooo conflicted right now....i know i crave a hard cock...i crave a cock to adore, worship and serve... i need a cock.....i need a cock inside of me to make me a complete person...... I am no longer a man... i am a cum slut without the cum.... i need a cock more that my wife needs a cock. I pushed away the DOM BULLwho promised me all i wanted and didnt even realize it... my fear keeps me from a life of freedom to be who i really am....and in the process... i am denying my wife the pleasures she deserves and needs. Help me understand how i proceed...help me start the conversation necessary to strip me of any masculinity i ever had and convince my wife i am not worthy to penetrate her cunt again with my tiny man-clit...and beg her to take a DOM BULL for a full time lover and partner....... Help me!!!! Whimpering, faggothusband [email protected]
  4. Thanks guys....its been helpful.... I confess i am chatting with other bulls on undernet and Wifelovers...and i get so hard and their words and Dominating language arouses me so much i NEED their cock...but they are so far away in other states...and i remember that i have a BULL right here down the road....who understands me and my urges...he says he knows what i want..... and so far he has.... I think i reach out to other guys cause in my heart i know they arent close...but why did i advertise on Doublelist in my own city if i dont truly want a man to own me and eventually my wife and sleep in our marriage bed while i wait in the hall??? I am such a sissi faggot....i need another man to completely emasculate me and make my wife his whore....my darling beautiful, sweet, mother of my children... ....wife. I am open to suggestions as to how to admit to my wife Michelle that i want cock...more than her...and i want her to spread her legs for other men...real men...men who are able to please her properly.... because i know she is unsatisfied with my 4.5" man-clit.... she has a bigger dildo...and she loves it...and the best i can provide is frequent oral on her.... i know she deserves more...and better.... Please tell me and even have your wives tell me the best way to broach this new lifestyle. She has stripped off all her clothes when she gets drunk and danced in front of our friends...but has never crossed the line. I want help her bulldoze over the line and blow it up.... Please help me...email me direct... I also want to be able to express my feelings for another man...more than just sucking his cock.... i want to offer my ass and surrender myself to his superiority.... what can i say to him that he will understand and believe my sincerity... I need his cock...... [email protected] Faggothusband
  5. I am not afraid of my new Bull...rather i am afraid i will love it too much. My wife dominates me in bed and denies me release sometimes. Other times she paddles and spanks me...not sexually...but because i am such a whiny bitch sometimes and i am not performing for her like she wants. She insists i eat her pussy often....and after she cums will tell me to go away. I think i want to see her pleasured by my Bull...but like i said... i may love it...instead of just being turned on by seeing her satisfied by the cock of another man. Will she fall in love with him...and not need me anymore? Will she only want him inside her pussy and never me again. Will i turn gay also loving his cock and getting my only pleasure from sucking him...getting fucked by him...and receiving my cum-reward at the tip of his superior cock? I want his cock in my mouth SOOOOO bad...and i want him to fuck my beautiful, darling, smart, sexy, wife. PLEASE tell me I'm not alone to feel this way....please tell me i'm not the only guy who wants to guide another man's cock into his own mouth...and beg him to fuck his ass.... to make him feel unworthy as a husband and sex partner.... i CRAVE my Bull's cock inside of me....and i've never even met him yet... but he says the right words that make sense to me...and my little dick twitches when i see a text from him..... and if im honest..... i'm kinda falling for him emotionally...because he seems to understand my thoughts and does not judge me...... Hell...my wife and I may both fall in love with him..... What is wrong with me????
  6. It isn't that it doesn't feel right, it is that it is such a huge step to take it makes me really nervous
  7. Hey guys, just looking for advice. I have been talking to an Awesome Bull lately, but I think I have pissed him off because I am scared to meet. This is all new to me, I just feel something deep inside that tells me this is my future and my destiny. I would love to talk with Bulls or other cucks. you can email me directly at [email protected]
  8. I got 125
  9. faggothusband

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