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Cuckold Porn


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  1. was cruising the amazon books and found a "how to" cuckold book that was written by a woman, so I bought it and loaded it on my wife's ipad to see if she would read it. Did this before with poor results, but this time she actually read the book and is getting into the Hotwife Challenges. The book revolves around letting my wife roleplay being a hotwife and gives her challenges to complete, so it's more like a game to her, but I'm loving it. BiG change in her attitude because she can go at her own pace, but some of the early challenges are pretty tame, but later they do ramp up to some pretty advanced cuckoldery.... I cant wait to see if she is game to go that far. The book is "The Faithful Hotwife" I'll keep you all posted on how it goes, but so far we've made 2 trips to the adult store in town to buy her some "toys" !
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