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Tinaincharge last won the day on July 21 2014

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  1. Thank u will write more today for your pleasure
  2. What do you do when you walk in your apartment and your aunts boyfriend is jerking off looking at pictures of yourself on fff, with your panties in your hand? This is what happened to me one spring day. I had been living with my "aunt" for 6 months, and I use the quotes because she wasn't really my aunt, but rather an older sister of my best friend from grade school on up to college. Beverly, my friend, and I had taken very different paths upon graduation, and a schism evolved. She went to college, and was now starting law school, while I did 6months of community college, partied a little much, and dropped out. I did a few things, before getting a job bar tending at a gogo bar. The drinks were many, the drugs rampant, and I fell into a bad relationship with the owner Dave. Dave shacked me up in an apartment, as we had a great time for about a year until his wife found out. So, at 22 I found myself homeless, jobless, and hopeless. And that is when I saw Linda in a Starbucks where is was applying for a job. Lynda was 18 years older, and a pharmaceutical rep. She invited me to stay with her. She had just been divorced and said she would like the company as the house was "too quiet". So we moved in together and not long after she met Scott, who was a landscaper who, in my opinion, was more of a freeloading loser. He moved in three months later, and it had been the three of us since. I could understand why she may have liked him. He was a built tan guy who was a charmer. I always suspected he was a bit of a perv- I had a good radar for pervs by the many guys who frequented the gogo bar I had worked previously. They were normal everyday looking guys who if you caught them at the right moment, they would be gazing at you with a hunger of a wolf. I had found this very site on my laptop when it had been used by them when their desktop crashed. So there I was in the archway between the den and the hall watching Scott, dick in hand, looking at my pics from my recent trip to the beach wearing my bikini top and white shorts. He had my white lace panties in hand taken from the laundry hamper. They were soiled with the remains from a tryst with Dave an evening before. I occasionally saw him, even though his wife made him promise that I wouldn't work there any longer. Dave had been over, and spent a couple of hours while Scott had been hanging in his room. He must have heard us, I am sure. So what to do? Most women would walk away, or confront him with disgust,or even tell his girlfriend. Not me. You see, I am a bit of a bitch. And a bit of a perv myself.its just who I am. "What the fuck are you doing, perv?" I said forcefully walking at him while he tried to close the screen, which he wasn't successful. "Are you jerking off over my pictures?" He had quickly covered up, and, at first, tried to deny it. The denials turned to pleas. "Please don't tell Linda", he groveled. I laughed at him. "Is that my panties? You know my friends jizz is all over them." He said nothing and I realized he already knew. "But you already knew that didn't you perv. What do you think Linda would say if she saw you sniffing my undies?" Again he said nothing looking horrified. I then smiled. "Way I see it, your MY bitch now, Scott. Now say it." "I am your bitch". He said his head looking at the ground. "Good. Now first, order me sushi, and I will tell you what I am going to do. And clean up around here." I walked over to him snatching my panties out of his hand.i went into my room and found and put on a pair of tight cutoffs with no panties, boots and a white halter top. I was going to play with this guys head. He got my dinner, and cleaned the place. When he called me to tell me the food was here, I walked out of my room, and he almost dropped the bag of sushi. "You will do what I say whenever I say it, or I will tell Linda everything." He nodded. "Now strip for me". I said sitting down at the coffee table to eat my sushi. He took off all his clothes. He wasn't unattractive, nor was he not endowed, but I wasn't going to let him know that. His cock was hard. "is this exciting you Scott?" He nodded yes. "I bet it does you fucking pathetic shill of a man. Jerk it for me." He began to jerk off in front of me, while I ate ny spicy tuna roll. "Stop jerking and feed me my dinner." He sat down next to me and used chop sticks to feed me, his hands shaking while he did this. I took a pair of chop sticks and clamped onto his cock. "Like a little shrimp roll". Then the fucker tried to kiss me, and is smacked him. " get on you knees bitch." He kneeled before me as I pulled up a chair right next to his face. I put my crotch about three inches from his face, and began rubbing it, my pussy hair poking out from the sides of my short cutoffs. "You want this bitch?" "Yes", he said his voice wavering. I started to rub my pussy, masterbating myself. I pulled my crotch aside, and stuck my finger in my wet pussy. I pulled it out and rubbed his lips with my juice. "You are my bitch now, if you do as I say, you might get some." I continued to rub, and I have to tell you I love an audience, so it didn't take long to get myself off. I moaned, and purred putting on a show while I made him jerk off into my wine glass. I told him I was coming and told him to do the same, and the guy actually jizzed in my wine glass. Hard! "Now drink your cum". He took the glass and swallowed it! "Now bitch, while Linda is away, you will wear nothing but a pair of her panties around the house. And you will do as I say. Good night!" And with that I left him there on the floor, is cum on his tongue, Linda's panties on his bod. This was going to be fun! (Tbc)
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