very white woman- if she is honest- wants to be swept off her dainty feet by a powerful black hunk. She knows there is no place in the world where she can feel more protected, more feminine, or more submissive than in his huge, muscular arms. She knows she there is no pleasure more delicious than lying naked with him, exploring his hard muscles with her loving hands, tasting his black skin, and spreading her thighs to welcome his huge black cock into her sex. The white woman wants to be owned, enjoyed and bred by her dream black stud. Her feminist principles evaporate as soon as she sees his bare, ripped torso, or the huge bulge in his jeans, or when she feels his strong black hand possessively squeezing her soft pale ass. Then she can't wait to be on her knees, like a good white bitch!
How much more intense, then, is this blissful sense of surrender, when two beautiful white women consent to serve and to please their strong black master together? The sensation of sweet presentation, of the security of being the property of their black alpha male, can only deepen for both girls, as they work together to please him- to be his favourite white bitches. They share their excitement as they get ready to be taken out by their black master. They will bathe together, gently washing each other's soft white skin, preparing for their black stud's firm touch. They will paint each other's nails and lips, brush each other's hair and wax each other's legs; all to make themselves perfect for him. They will parade in front of each other in scandalous lingerie and tiny dresses, debating over what will most entice and please their beloved black master. They will both feel like beautiful white princesses as they enter a club, with all eyes on their pert breasts and long bare legs, each with a muscular black arm wrapped around their slender waist, and each with a black hand hungrily thrust under their skimpy dress, squeezing her soft white ass.
Imagine, too, the ecstasy of expectation they feel as they wait together, naked in bed, for their black stud while he finishes working out. They will softly kiss each other's lips, stroke glossy hair, and explore each other's silky white bodies, as they whisper sweetly in each other's pretty ears, anticipating the arrival of their huge black lover, and what he is about to do to them. Each white woman will know that a whole night of pleasure awaits: hard black muscles and soft white breasts, gentle white fingers and strong black hands, tender tongues and a thrusting black cock. Their knees will weaken as their black stud kisses them both and feels every inch of their soft skin. Their fingers will tremble as they undress him, taking off his thick gold watch and chains, fumbling with the zip over his massive bulge...
Of course, once they are pregnant, their love and contentment can only grow. It is a brave thing for a beautiful young white woman to have a black baby. They will support each other, and make a delicious sight with their black owner, drawing the eyes of shocked and envious white men as they walk with his hands all over their nubile bodies, and swollen bellies.
I think this subject deserves a thread.