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Cuckold Porn


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About Marine

  • Birthday 07/12/1995

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  1. Topic says it all, swap info and see where things go
  2. Just letting you all know I'm taking all of thE advice I receive and I'll post an update on how it's going here in a few days, as I'm in the Military I haven't had a lot of time to post on here but I thank you all for helping out.. I'm also going to post some pics of her tomorrow
  3. Ive also thought about telling her ex about the situation
  4. Im gonna have to try something like that I may post up a picture
  5. Well my wife is bisexual and the whole thing started when I one day mentioned I wouldn't mind her having sex with another woman since she's only done it with me, so it would fair for her to try the other side to. (Got as far as her kissing her friend ). Then like a year later I started wanting the whole cuckold thing so I brought it up to her one day a day and since then I've tried to explain to her that it's about her feeling good and getting what she wants and that it would get me off to. She almost went through with it with her ex and another guy (separate times ) but she backed out last minute. She even had one of them send her a picture of his junk to her. again she won't listen when I reassure her that she's not betraying me..
  6. She's shown some interest she just can't get over the fact that she feels like she'd be betraying me, also I was her first and only..
  7. Were a young couple in our 20s. I'm trying to convince her to cuckold me but I'm not making any ground. For the last 6 months I've been away with the Military, I come back home in July.. anyway she gets mad when I talk about it now:/
  8. Were a young couple in our 20s. I'm trying to convince her to cuckold me but I'm not making any ground. For the last 6 months I've been away with the Military, I come back home in July.. anyway she gets mad when I talk about it now:/
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