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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by wetemke

  1. I like your pics, Robert Smith.
  2. Hi, mikem57. Have you discussed with her that you want her to cuck you?
  3. Hi Robert. I'm so glad you explained it like that. I agree. The cuckold is there to be used, to be obedient and serve his hot wife and bull. He is not there for his own pleasure! Pleasure for a cuck should be a once in a while reward and should not be brought on by his hot wife. Maybe a toy or his hand.
  4. Its just such a pity that so few people around the world understand what the symbols mean. Cuckolding is far to underground, don't you think?
  5. You get kinky with a couple of people now and then and come on a cuckold site and pretend to be a cuckold. You're actually damaging the site. Maybe the monitors should have a chat with you! Enjoy your kinks, its fun. We all have kinks but to go on a cuckold site and pretend to be a cuckold is just wrong. I'm a real hot wife, my hubby is a real cuckold and my Bulls are real bulls. We live the life style as our way of life, from waking up until going to sleep every day of every week of every month of every year, just like 100's of 1000's of other cuckold couples around the world. So instead of attacking me why don't you just try to understand that we joined this site to chat with people who are genuinely cuckolds. I'm talking with you right now but this is meant for everyone on here who uses the site for the wrong reason. "Bi cuckold husbands" is the heading. The key word is... Cuckold.
  6. You're just being silly now! There are kinky sites, bi sites, gay sites etc. Why be on a cuckold site and pretend? Believe it or not there are people who take this life style seriously and are offended by people like you who make a mockery of it.
  7. Dear tomf301. You do realise, I trust, that if you take part in the gang bang, as you write you do, then you are not a cuckold. I wish I could find a genuine cuckold site where members take the lifestyle seriously and respect those who do. Calicolombia, is one of the few people on here who I believe is a true cuckold or close.
  8. Staffans1 A true cuckold does not like this or that or dislike this or that. A true cuckold has no say in the matter. A true cuckold does as his told, like or not!
  9. A good idea is to have a cuckold wedding (marriage). A contract is drawn up (can be found on line), in the contract you write what she will and won't do and what he will and won't do. Be precise with you wording. Make sure both parties are on the same page. No misunderstandings later on to break up the "legal" marriage. If you have swinger and cuckold type friends, you could have sexual activities at a reception, with the cuckolds serving the guests. A cuckold doing what he thinks he should do, instead of what the hotwife wants him to do, can become a problem and irritating. A cuckold marriage actually needs mutual understanding and tolerance.
  10. I don't think its clever to have a stranger cum in you. Having a test done is cheap and many clinics do it for free. Going to the clinic with your "new" bull could be part of the fun. Holding hands and waiting for your results while cuckold hubby waits in the car and having your first session in the back seat while hubby drives you home.
  11. My cuckold has a saying. I don't care who's in your pussy, as long as I'm in your heart. He is my hubby, my life partner, our children's dad, our grandchildrens granddad, our bread winner the man in our life. Just not the guy who pleasures me. How/why are you a cuckold Calicolombia?
  12. Thank you subhub!
  13. My hubby is 100% straight, so bj is a punishment for wrong behavior. I don't want him joining in at all. Not hands or mouth or anything, because then it becomes a 3sum and not a cuckold situation. Also I don't allow anal because that is degrading for the bull. Bulls cock goes in my pussy and hubby serves me, loves me, worships and obeys me. Also, I don't like having the same bull over and over, so hubby has to keep bringing potential bulls for interviews. Hubby only gets to cum when I say so. A cuckold with empty balls is useless and lazy.
  14. My hubby also makes food and serves drinks.
  15. Calicolombia, do you ever find and introduce guys or does she find her own men?
  16. Well said Calicolombia69. The more you love and worship us for cuckolding you, the more we will want to cuckold you.
  17. Calicolombia, you're quite right! Nice to meet you.
  18. That is very pretty. No hotwife jewelry has ever worked for me. I think very, very few people know what it is.
  19. 95% of gays wouldn't want to be married to a woman. I think to many people on here are just wankers pretending to be cuckolds or pretending to be hotwives to get themselves off. I joined here to chat with real cuckold couples. Are there any here?
  20. Calicolombia, I agree with you. Its about serving your hotwife/cuckoldwife. Absolutely nothing to do with straight, bi or gay.
  21. Sallymature, did you know your husband was gay when you married him?
  22. You have no idea what a cuckold is.
  23. Of course there are variations. No two hotwife/cuckold couples will have precisely the same day to day life style but it is still a life style, not a "now & then game." There are definite common denominator's that make them a cuckold couple or not. I am not for one minute suggesting that you have not been cuckolded, by definition, if your wife cheats on you and has sex with another man, you have been cuckolded. As for living the cuckold life style, that is a different kettle of fish. Playing "cuckold, cuckold" from time to time is like children playing "doctor, doctor". Its just playing, its not for real and its only done as and when. Very few men can be true, full time cuckolds, its a massive sacrifice done from the heart. Have fun, enjoy. 3sum or voyeur, it doesn't matter, enjoy.
  24. Kinky to have your sister join. Any pics?
  25. Sorry if I got the name wrong.
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