Thank you all for your compliments.
To answer some queries in one paragraph...
yes, I am hugely excited at the imagined thought that she may fuck other men, either as a one off or with one or more regular partners. I'm not interested in humiliation, but would love to watch her openly and energetically and vocally fucking another man.I also like the thought of helping her dress and prepare for a date, then having to endure hours of silence not knowing what's happening until perhaps a text arrives informing me she's returning home, shattered and I'm to prepare a bath for her...then seeing her disheveled clothing, perhaps stained in places, drying juices on her skin, and being made to hold her clothing, reeking of sex, as she bathes and washes of all signs of her activity.
i have received several &&&&& photos like the one below, with attached descriptions and fantasy action, and would love to see lots more, please feel free.
its a strange compultion im sure you'll all agree, to crave such things about ones own wife, but one which is incredibly powerful and thrilling