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  1. I didn't know what to do and kept the information to myself for a week before finding this forum and posting here to learn from others. After a week I'm still in shock but reading about this lifestyle and trying to gain an understanding of it all. From what I can see the majority of times it is the man that encourages his g/f or wife to take on this lifestyle. In my case the reverse seems to be true. Time will tell what will happen to my marriage. I honestly have no idea at this point.
  2. Hello, I'm newer than new to all of this and posting here to see if others may have experienced something similar or just to hear others thoughts. Last weekend I discovered my wife has been having an affair. She didn't know I was nearby and I heard her on the phone with her lover. I felt like I had been punch in the stomach and still not sure what I'm going to do. I have not yet confronted her about this as wanted to verify what I was seeing but there is no question it is happening. After overheaing the call when she thought I was not home I put a spy program on her computer so I could access her email. I learned the affair has been going on for at least six months and probably longer. She changed email accounts about six months ago and I don't have access to anything prior to that. At first I wan angry and hurt and still hurt but find I'm less angry and more excited by this as time passes. Sometimes I still feel angry but it is less each day. I feel so betrayed and foolish. During the summer she said she went to stay with her family for a week to visit and we texted and talked each day but I now know she was with him the entire week. She even had a girlfriend covering for her so this tells me her friend knows of her affair. We often have her friend and her friends husband over to our house and they are good friends of ours. The embarrasment I feel can't be explained and it is hard for me to look at our friends when they come over. It's obviouse my wifes friend knows so I assume her husband, my friend, knows as well. My wife is about 15 years younger than I am. She is in excellent shape and guess I shouldn't be surprised she would have another but sure caught me by surprise. We nearly divorced 9 months or so back but then things started getting better. In fact we have been very happy most of 2014. Our sex life has been better this last year than anytime in our ten plus year marriage so I certainly didn't suspect she was cheating. I don't want to lose my wife but in a way I guess I already have and never knew it. I just started reading about cuckold relationships to gain an understanding of them. That is how I found this group. I have tried to find a way to get her to open up on this topic by asking if she is satisfied with our sex life but she only says she loves me and greatly enjoys our sex life. I asked if she ever wanted another and she only smiled and said husbands should not ask questions they do not really want to know. She hints at having an affair but does not come close to admitting it.Last night in bed I told her a story about a man whose wife was having an affair and she said, "and whats bad it." There were times we used to joke about her having a boyfriend but now I'm wondering if those were jokes at all. She seems at peace with the idea of having a regular lover but I'm far from finding this easy to accept. It has made me want her more than ever and this I don't understand but at this point she had no idea I know about her long term affair. I'm still in shock over all this and hope the anger and hurt will pass but I just don't know. I'm certainly not the type of guy anyone would expect would tolerate such behavior from his wife but I guess that is exactly what I have done for the past week. Any thoughts are most welcome.
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