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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by cuckme40204020

  1. I would like your help.
  2. please share these possiblilities. message me here??
  3. small northern Illinois town by Rockford cuck wannabe here too. we should find a way to chat and see if we can help each other.
  4. I have wanted for years to be cuckolded. I have read the emails about be patient, start with porn, etc., etc., and bought cuckold coach. It isn't that I think it is bad advice but it isn't right for my wife. I know my wife best and there is no one size fits all for getting a wife to cuck her husband. My wife was very slutty before we married and had at least one near affair since we married. I am absolutely confident in my heart and head that she is open to being seduced, but won't start it if I am the one pushing it. I have been trying for years to find one handsome younger guy to "happen" to start up a conversation with us in a bar and then join us for drinks. I know that if he had drinks with us and then followed up with her by calling or texting, he could eventually succeed in barebacking her. she is a 53 yr old beautiful, sexy, thick mom that is an outstanding fuck. why can't there just be one guy in northern Illinois that will seduce her for me??
  5. Rockford IL cuck wanabe. would you be interested in seducing wife????
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