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About luvz2worship

  • Birthday 03/17/1977

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    Northern California

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  1. My wife and I were married a little over ten years ago. Over the last 9 years, she has experienced a number of new and different cocks. But when we met, I had been just her second. This journey of ours, started a little over a year after we were married, in Las Vegas of all places. On our first night there, I had the pleasure of watching her enjoy her first new cock after mine, when my best friend from college, lost his room card key. We are still best of friends, and my wife still enjoys Neil's cock, 4 or 5 times a year. Over the years she has added 19 guys and 1, long kinda thin, but very functional, TS to the list. For a total of 21cocks after mine, for grand total of 23 real cocks in all. We don't have a BBC fetish, but she enjoys all shapes and sizes of cocks. Oh, and colors too! That said, the largest cock she's enjoyed belonged to a young, 1/2 black 1/2 Brazilian, fireman/EMT. Ben was well over 10", depending how you measure, and thicker than a Red Bull can (we checked). We have seen him a number of times, on a irregular bases, over the last 4½ years. And, if your interested, the smallest was a new neighbor of ours. Who we had just met 6 weeks earlier, when he and his wife moved in next door. One night, he ended up at our door, drunk and crying. His wife had just left him, earlier that night. We took him in, and in our effort to console, comfort and care for our new friend, he snorted some coke. Soon after, he confided to my wife, 'that although, he loved his wife, he was always insecure and jealous of other men, because he felt he had really married up, especially in the looks department. And really, he was lucky to have any woman at all'. To wit, my wife responded, 'that's not true, she thought he was cute, very fun and super smart, a real catch.' His response was something like, 'if you only knew!' After couple drinks and another line, along with some gentle prodding, he took her aside and whispered, 'i never realized, it was really that small, until she told me that night.' Eventually, my wife convinced him to show her, and she would show him her tits. Well, that led to our first DP, and the smallest cock, both soft and hard, she has every played with. Matt was just shy of a 1½ soft and a touch under 3" hard. (On a side note he's a bit chubby and caucasian, but also cute, funny and smart!) It's been interesting , and we have really enjoyed every experiences, from Neil to Ben to matt and everyone in between. We have been lucky that every new cock she had, has been fun, some more than others. We'll see what the future brings. P.S. Here are some additional fun facts on the who, what, where, why's and how many: •Before me there was her high school BF (#1) •Then me (#2) •Then my 2 closest friends in colleges, separately. First separately (#3) 8x's then (#4). 2 yrs later together 3x's. Still BFs with (#3) and Ave 4x's a yr. And friends with (#4). •3x's i helped her with 4 men: 1x(#3,#4,#6childhoodBF of #3,#11grade8 exBF) 2x(#6 Ben fire/emt #14#15#16 all firemen new) 3x( at a private sex club #6,#17ts,#18,#19) I'll add more stats if anyone is interested
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