I'm not entirely sure if this is right fit for this forum. In recent times, I've been browsing through some platforms and other avenues to improve my understanding of some feelings, fetishes and realities. So, apologies in advance for my amateurish writing, but do feel like i need to share some things.We've been married for over 5 years and known each other intimately for almost twice as much. There have been a lot of changes throughout our relationship, but over the past two years or so, a few more things have changed or evolved that you could just sense. A few months after our wedding, we moved to Germany to pursue our goals. We both come from a small country (located near India), so our upbringing never encouraged the slightest bit of healthy sexual expression. Moreover, being muslim didn't help either in that regard. But as our relationship progressed, we both felt the draw of some raw desires that went beyond what we we're taught in our local or religious culture.So, moving to Germany kinda unshackled us, which was more of a relief that anything. I have always been the no. 1 fan of her charm and enjoyed supporting her in every step. So, when i saw her here in Germany for the first time in such outfits that i could only imagine her in before, it sparked our sex life even more. Back then, she choosing to wear something above knee or showing a little cleavage was like pushing it given our background. Even something like that which would be considered an everyday thing over here turned me on. And she definitely started enjoying dressing up as she liked, which only occasionally went a bit beyond knee or cleavage-showing type.When covid started and the lockdown homestay began, initially it was quite great. Neither of us was into much Netflix or something, so we ended up having sex like teenagers at times. After a while, the frequency decreased. At times we both felt like there just wasn't the intensity as before. So, with googling and everything, we tried to figure out how to expand the horizon. Given our conservative background, i guess needless to say that we weren't that expert at most of the common fetishes let alone exploring. After some search, we ended up trying some of them. Dirty talks, roleplay and some other ones became like a staple food for us. And slowly the boundaries became looser and looser. Sometimes just out of nowhere things would ignite and neither of us was to complain of course!The exploring or learning more about what we might enjoy, be it as a fetish or something else, didn't stop. Then, in the middle of the last year, she was to travel to the US for a conference. So, we planned like taking a mini vacation afterward. We prepared in a way that it was to end up like a sexy summer vacation for us. Unfortunately, i didn't get the visa, which absolutely sucked. I didn't have the time to express my disappointment as she was even more upset than me. I however told her to keep the plan of the vacation going despite the disappointment. She was hesitant but I of course insisted her to just let loose for those couple of weeks.In short, since then her sexuality practically like exploded you can say. She kept on updating me on how things were going. We planned in such a way, we got some of the sexiest attires for her. However, i wasn't sure whether she'd manage to pull them off, especially given me not being there. But amazingly, she rocked most of them! And when she returned, that became like a neverending fuel for our love life. The attires, the stories, the experiences, the turn ons- everything.Especially over the past one and a half years or so, you could sense the change in her. Some have been obvious at times like with occasional outfits, some on the other hand more subtle. Neither of us is that great at expressing ourselves, but we can sense each other's intentions most of the time. We both feel like we wanna keep exploring our boundaries and fetishes. And, given her evolution in recent times, i don't think she wants the exploring to end anytime soon and neither do i. At this point, we don't know how to proceed without being really risque. I have no reservations against that, but it's an uncharted territory for us. So, here we are.
(Guess it might help elaborating the situation. Here's her: one in the US, one at a night out, a regular one and one of my favorites (on our anniversary a couple of years ago))