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Everything posted by Gunner3.5

  1. Ok Jag next hitter up! LMAO
  2. Yep they're loving those black cocks. It's like Lay's potato chips"betcha can't eat just one", that's how it works here. The wife says they're addicting. Sometimes she's just got to have it.
  3. Spectacular Jag you nailed it!
  4. Dam Jag another first class post. Smoking hot!
  5. It's a big turn seeing the wife's ring hard trying to reach around their black cocks. Pale small hand full of black cock ,her rings shinning against it1. Then seeing them covered in his cum is a whole different level of turn on.
  6. Damn Jag out fucking standing!!! This is why you're the Master!!!
  7. Yep I jump at the chance now when it gets mentioned. I've found out there's just as many slutty ebony chicks for white guys as there slutty white wives. Truly amazing!!!
  8. Some bonus stuff. Sometimes her friend will bring me something to keep me occupied for the weekend. It's alitte long I got carried away in the moment.
  9. I can imagine alot of deep conversions that made them see the light not to mention a bunch of baptisms with your holy fluids. LOL! Oh and a great set of post too I might add.
  10. Lol, my wife got baptized once a week, sometimes a couple or more times a night depending on how many was attending. She attended this service for quite a while. They just didn't sprinkle holy fluids on her they sprayed large amounts of their holy fluids on her and in her lol! She was born again as they say.
  11. Jag if Becky is anything like my wife's first time, she'll be all in then! But that first spit roast she agrees it was simply amazing!
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