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Posts posted by grahamm4000

  1. SARAH - PART 2

    Thank you to all for your comments.

    I will progressively move along a timeline detailing some things about Sarah and hopefully giving you an understanding of what she was like leading up until her late 30's when she was shared for the first time.

    All of the pictures shown in this topic have been taken by me except for those in this reply. The three pictures of Sarah shown here were taken prior to us becoming a couple and were taken by her first boyfriend. The reasons for showing these are two fold. Firstly, they give you an insight as to what she looked like around the time she lost her virginity and secondly, provides (maybe) one of the reasons she agreed to be shared in later life.

    In this first photo, Sarah is 17 and still a virgin. She had only just started going out with Jason, her first 'real' boyfriend. Aware that their relationship was going to become sexual, Sarah went on the contraceptive pill and surrendered her virginity to Jason.

    From the time we got together when Sarah was aged 20, she was open and happy to discuss her sexual past. She told me; amongst some of the more mundane facts like where and when; that Jason had an uncircumcised penis and that it was quick thick. I still to this day remember asking her very early on in our sexual relationship how I compared to Jason in penis size. Her reply was that his cock was thicker than mine.

    The second photo is of Sarah when she was 18. Her relationship with Jason was on and off until she turned 20. She told me it was more of a relationship of convenience and for sex more than anything and that she never 'loved' him. Jason had a flat and she would often stay with him having sex until well into the morning when she would get up and go home. She told me that they would occasionally watch porn and that Jason loved her giving him head. Again I specifically remember her telling me that 'he used to make me give him head for ages'.

    This third photo is of Sarah taken just before she turned 20 and about the time she broke off with Jason for the last time. I had been admiring her for sometime, loved her body, and desperately wanted to fuck her! To cut a long story short we finally got together one night in my apartment. Already 'cock trained' by Jason she was every bit as good as I thought she would be. She had a great body and new how to use it. By the time she left the next morning I had fucked her five times during the course of the night and early morning. Because she was on the pill, and because back then . was not the big issue that it was to become, the sex was bareback. I have never replicated the '5 times in one night' feat again but believe me having that body in my bed for the first time I was going to make sure that I enjoyed it in case it was to be a on off!

    So there is some brief early history. I mentioned earlier in this post that maybe her first boyfriend provides one of the reasons she was happy to be shared sexually later in life. The fact that she had told me that Jason's cock was thicker than mine, did that arouse a long held curiosity for another mans cock? More soon in Part 3.

    In the meantime feel free to post comments.

    If you have any questions or would like any elaboration on any points feel free to ask.

    02-01-2011 02;25;48PM.jpg



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