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Posts posted by justpete

  1. So I'm thinking, I'd first meet with the guy face to face and if he is trustable we'd sort out a plan. I'd introduce him to her as a friend somewhere outside and make up a reason for her to give her phone no to him. Then, he'd take it from there.



    i think this is a good way to get the ball rollin'. maybe invite him to a couple of outing with you and the wife so she can get comfortable in his presence. they should become acquainted with each other and then become "friendlier" as time goes on. ask her what she thinks of him- as a person. if you get positive reception from her, start inviting this fellow more often. she may soon get more drawn to him. at this point, you begin to step away from time to time... let them have their own conversations. fake a ruse like going out for that bottle of wine that you forgot for tonight's dinner, letting them have some "alone time." that's when it happens- attraction. it grows, then turns to lust. i'm willing to bet, she'd be more than receptive after letting this thing play out in a more natural manner. 


    how's that Deep Purple song go... 'It's not the KILL it's the thrill of the CHASE" indeed, it is.

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