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Posts posted by Madmajor

  1. CB

    Don't forget we are just marking our women so others will try to chat them up. Not manufacturing them (so we need something that is already available). As our circle of interest in wife sharing does not reach every one then there will be no issue. I can not imagine the trademark owners of playboy taking a couple to court over the wife wearing a playboy bunny anklet..... What would they sue for.... That someone actually bought their product and then had the audacity to wear it in public.

    But I am liking the idea of an A on the anklet for adulteress!


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  2. That would turn me on but i havent got permission to share her pics on the net. I have to respect her wishes. Maybe once a bull has her he can post her pics and mine too..

    Maybe suggest to her that she chooses a few riskee pics that does not reveal her identity. Then you can both watch and enjoy the comments.

  3. my girlfriend is always fully waxed down there, she says it makes her horny and she feels sexy and confident when hairless..

    But how good does it look...... Maybe you could post on this thread and we can all decide

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  4. Ok guys

    There are plenty of ways an experienced wife can display that she is up for approach. The "HW" anklet, the Ace of Spades etc

    But what about the guy who actively seeks and hopes his wife is seduced. How can he subtly mark her so that potential Bulls will know she is fair game. By seeing this... They will immediately know there is no problem with the husband...he wants her seduced. She may not be aware, but he has managed to persuade her to wear this item.

    So I am looking for ideas for:

    Please try and seduce my Wife (anklet)

    Maybe it could be a green anklet.... Giving potential Bulls the green light to chat her up.

    It is subtle..... Some wives might be in the know, others might be blissfully uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu....

    But the potential cuckold and the potential bull will know what each other wants. The cuckold wants help in turning his wife into a hotwife. The bull wants her pussy (and now knows he will have no problemo from hubby)

    Of course Bulls seeing this will have to be polite friendly and subtle (as well as charming, pleasant etc)

    But they can subtly check with the hubby if he knows what the anklet (or other item) means. It is a way of finding a helpful source of information with a common goal.... To have the wife penetrated! I would guess 80% of wannabes wives are uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu of the lengths their hubbies will go to to get them laid by another man!

    Come on Bulls and cucks a like....post your ideas. Then we will vote, once we agree we will make this go viral and start our wives unwittingly using it. Let's get them advertising their husbands desires!

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  5. Maybe we can find a Hotwife willing to give a presentation to other potential (but as yet ...to be) hotwives!

    I envisage that we all bring our own drinks and a plate to share and make it a great social event. Who knows, if a wife is keen to be shared it might start a chain reaction.... Got to love peer pressure!

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