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Posts posted by Enigma6320

  1. I thought that the way the old chat worked made it one of, if not the, best "forum" chat out there.

    But these things cost money to run, and we don't pay to use this site, so I assume that the admins decided to halve costs by sharing the chats.

    Just a shame Cuckold Place couldn't share the Cuckold Fart style of chat instead of the other way around.

    • Like 1
  2. On 23/02/2017 at 10:04 PM, captainblack said:

    Yahoo chat is not a good option.  Now it only works via their web thing, and they save all the chat conversation data on their servers which it can be mined by them, or by someone with a warrant.


    A much better chat  that is encrypted is:



    I just discovered it this week.  I have tried to get some folks to chat with me via it, but largely no one wants to try something new even if it is safer in that their chats can not be read by others.

    Sorry to take this slightly OT, but IMHO yahoo totally screwed YIM when they "upgraded" so I tend to use Skype.

    However as Captainblack has said some people are reluctant to use "new" things even Skype I think they only know it for phone calls and don't realise it's an IM as well with the added advantage that you can (mostly) see if people are online.

  3. Whenever I talk to cucks, real or wannabe's, I always ask them why they want another man to have sex with their wives and have had a total range of responses ranging from the really submissive "doormat" type who claims not to be worthy of sex with his wife who should only be pleasured by "real" men through to the type who regards his wife as a hot wife who is free to enjoy her sexuality.

    However I would say that most want to watch their wife having sex, to treat her as their personal porn star and are willing to accept (or perhaps believe that they have to) behaving submissively as the price to pay to get this - "Yes, tie me in a chair in the corner, but make sure that it's somewhere that I can watch". With some it also gives them an excuse to try out some of their fantasies e.g. cleaning their wife afterwards 

    My belief is that the event should give some form of pleasure to all involved, which for the cuck may be a simple as knowing that his wife has had great sex (hopefully) or for the truly submissive cuck that he has been given my some form of "pain" (mental anguish, humiliation) which is what he craves

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  4. I guess it depends whether you are are looking for someone "anonymous" that neither of you know yet, or whether she would prefer someone that she already knows.

    If you want anonymous then there are lots of dedicated websites that will (usually for a fee) help you to get in touch with a suitably endowed male, I suggest plenty of chats (both text and video) first before you meet to get a feel for them.

    Some women are comfortable with the idea of having a fling with the work colleague / gym friend who they already have a comfortable "flirty" relationship - they feel "safe" with them because they already have an idea of what the guy is like as a person. There is, of course, the issue of what happens after they have had sex, as their previous "relationship" will have changed.

    Good luck to both of you

  5. At one time there were some forum benefits from obtaining VIP status - briefly it was required to use the chat - but I'm not sure what they are at the moment, possibly extra space for Private Messages.

    One advantage to other users is that it gives a better indication that you are talking to who you think you are.

    If cucks see a picture in the verification section of a large cock then they know the bull is real and not a pretend with a tiny dicklet, like wise a picture of a woman holding a sign with their user-id means that the user is probably that woman, not some sissy pretending.

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