I'd like to make one thing clear. He cheated before we were in the cuckold lifestyle. We recently reunited after I left and are still trying to work out our problems. I don't really know why he strayed in the first place. He stated that he has been a cuck before in another relationship and realized that he needed that again. He was afraid to share that with me before. I would also like to add that he has changed in his demeanor significantly from what he was before. That was one of the conditions of me and him getting back together. And he has done so mostly. So I do want to give him credit. However, like everyone, he has setbacks. As long as he is submissive and controls his temper and sarcasm we don't have a problem. This works great for me. But I can see that he is struggling. In my research, and I could be wrong, it stated that one of the rules for a cuckold was to be submissive at all times. Also he is not to argue with his Queen. Now, I may be confused but I was under the understanding that this means in every way not just sexually. It was stated in the post above that they can become violent if it is forced upon them. My problem is, isn't that the precipice of being a cuckold? And how can the Queen gain control if she is not given the opportunity. How can she feel confident with his submission? I basically feel like he is picking and choosing different aspects out that he benefits from and it is not concerned about what benefits me also. This makes me feel like he is not serious about complying.