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  1. hta49, this has been one incredibly hot story so far. I must admit that her lover, being your rival in the past, put a little extra hotness in the story. I certainly hope they were able to continue their relationship as all three of you seemed to be enjoying it in different ways. I do love that after he fucked her, she only jerked you off, making a statement that her pussy was really only for his cock that night. Thanks for sharing all this!
  2. HappyCuck4


    I have been watching my wife with her current lover for the past three years, maybe on average once a week. They enjoy being alone together, at his place, with about the same frequency. When I do get to watch, they both tell me that my watching increases the intensity of their orgasms. Additionally, I have my strongest orgasms while masturbating as I watch them. But I also greatly respect their "alone" time and recognize it as so important to nurturing their relationship. They have had an emotional connection for many years as he was a lover of hers before she met me. I will say though, that I agree with Captainblack that it is important in the early stages of the cuckold relationship for the bull and the wife to spend a lot of time alone together without the husband. That way they can best get to know one another's bodies, likes, dislikes, turn-ons and maybe turn-offs. Then it is much less awkward when the husband/cuckold finally is permitted to watch them make love.
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