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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by L’s_Husband

  1. Truth isn’t relative. If it’s truth it’s an absolute. Try again. Sir
  2. Well I’ll hurry then! Sir
  3. You’re so cute when your angry lol Sir
  4. I have creative license. Sir
  5. I believe you called me, Sir. Ha Steve
  6. Jealous? Lol Steve
  7. Was she? That sounds fun too. Count me in. Ha Steve
  8. Wow. Glad we’re finally in agreement about the other women thing. I guess I’ll be home late. Don’t wait up for me. Lol Steve
  9. L is a total princess. There are areas where she “plays the Queen” and still others where she’d like to be, but total domme?????? No. I’ll let her respond. Ha Steve
  10. He’s interesting, for sure. And interestingly enough...both he and John Calvin (a Christian) were run out of Geneva for their opposing thoughts (centuries apart though) Opposition to each other and yet opposing the powers that be. Steve
  11. Great minds and all?
  12. Cuckold advisor? As Christopher Hitchens said, “What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.” Steve
  13. Absolutely! As opposed to “Your nephew, Steve”...”Your neighbor, Steve”... “Your son Steve’s friend, Steve”... “Your grocery bagger, Steve”... Come to think of it...my mother knows a lot of Steve’s. Ha Your fellow online adult site friend, Steve
  14. If it was to my mother, I would sign it... You’re son, Steve
  15. Exactly. ha Steve
  16. Classy Steve
  17. I should have proof red. Your write. Forgive me, next time I’ll no better. Ha Steve
  18. Thank you for the constructive criticism. While we’re not quite up to the standards of “Days Of Our Lives”...we’re trying! And with support like yours, I’m sure we’ll get there! Thanks. That was obviously tongue in cheek. The above response from Athlete951 is appropriate and gracious...I will try and follow suit. Point by point: Days Of Our Lives: Hardly. We have yet to share a story where L marries my twin brother after I ceremoniously drive my car over a cliff only to find out later that I was still alive and kept prisoner by an evil local businessman....and that I never had a twin brother! Maybe try Days Of Our Cuckolding Lives. Site going backwards because of L’s posts: If it is, and it’s because we are to blame, then we will gladly stop. I’m not sure how we measure that, though. Suggestions? Maybe you’re in charge of that department? If so, please submit an official complaint or banish us. If not, then make your complaint with someone who has that authority. If not again, direct your complaint towards us in a more thoughtful way than indirect, snippy remarks. I will gladly listen. Is there only one couple on here: I’m not sure. Is being a couple a site violation? I no (know) it is how different couples get off: If so, glad we could help. I think that is precisely what this site is for. Do we need to no (know) everything they do or say: I don’t think that was our attention, but I had a grapefruit for breakfast and a cup of coffee. Earlier I said to my wife, “you left the north chicken coop unlocked. Try not to do that or a predator will get in again.” As Athlete951 stated, if L’s brand of “exhibitionism” isn’t to your liking, feel free to not read it. There are subject contents on this side that aren’t my cup of tea, but it doesn’t bother me. Want to know the secret to my peaceful coexistence? I don’t make snide, undirected comments AFTER reading what is not my flavor...I just don’t read it. Novel idea, I know. Try it. I no (know) I’m going to cop it but all is good: I’m confused. If all is good, what was the point of your passive aggression? Pick a lane. All in all, this sort of thing isn’t my favorite either, but L loves it and so I play along. But one of the things we were searching for was a safe community for us (primarily L) so that we could be around and get to know people with like minds. Sharing and learning from more seasoned lifestylers is a big part of that and one great purpose for this site. L treats this site as her very own social media and I’m glad she has it. For a people with a less than permitted, sexual preference by society...this is a great place to find some normalcy whereas anywhere else we would most definitely be castigated and censored. Thanks for fitting in with society and thanks for reading! Steve
  19. Hell... devour
  20. It’s absolutely fine DB. I didn’t get the gamesmanship of your post at first. L clued me in pretty quickly. No offense taken since no offense was intended. Steve
  21. Nicely put. Much nicer than what I was going to write. But it was the same sentiment. Steve
  22. I vote C. Its tied 1 to 1 Steve
  23. Or C. I get my work done, Princess. You know, the job that lets you stay home and have days like today. Steve
  24. Well, we both know you like it. In fact, everyone here knows you like the “public notice” Steve
  25. No comment “babe” Steve
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