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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by LLcanon

  1. i had been drinking a lot and i get kind of crazy when i am drunk so my apologies to everyone and it was juust my onotial reaction and i have a new attitude on on this lifestyle. i am going to embrace the lifestyle myself now
  2. i am learning about the lifestyle. it was just my initial reaction and i had been drinking so i am beginning to understand a lot better. My apologies to everyone and it will not happen again. I am taking a different attitude now and even considering to take up the lifestyle myself.
  3. she is very sexy and has beautiful smile and those eyes are captivating
  4. beautiful eyes and smile
  5. beautiful wife. Would love to see more of her
  6. Someone please explain to me why today women want to be sluts because back in the day it could get a man in hot water for calling the one you love a slut and why on earth would a good woman want to be a slut because back then women would get really pissed if they were ever called a slut and was not something desired by good women then
  7. let me explain a little better. I am Italian and Sicilian and in my culture and brought the old school way and i am old school and this kind of thing usually got people well in the hospital or worse so bear with me as i try to understand this way of living and it goes against the way the old Italians brought us up to be well different than what i read in this story and now i see what the old timers were talking about, i know this much i am not a beta male nor a cuckold . to be that in my time was was noting to be proud of and really shameful back in the day plus i was married nearly 40 yrs ago and never knew people actually lived this way
  8. i am here because while at a cigar lounge my buddies brought up this subject and were telling me about this sort of thing and they said you got to check it out as i did not believe people actually did this sort of thing so i got curious and they gave me this website address if i did not believe them to see for myself and here i am and just shake my head and for the life of me can't fathom a man putting up with this kind of thing and being such weak men and allowing their marital bed to be defiled in such a way. but don't condemn me as i try to understand this whole concept. We all start somewhere right
  9. i am here because while at a cigar lounge my buddies brought up this subject and were telling me about this sort of thing and they said you got to check it out as i did not believe people actually did this sort of thing so i got curious and they gave me this website address if i did not believe them to see for myself and here i am and just shake my head and for the life of me can't fathom a man putting up with this kind of thing and being such weak men and allowing their marital bed to be defiled in such a way. but don't condemn me as i try to understand this whole concept. We all start somewhere right
  10. it is just my initial reaction to such stories .one must understand at 66 this sounds like women we were taught to stay away from and not to glorify them I don't see how anyone would want a wife who commits adultery and the glorify it . why do people embrace defiling the marital bed
  11. don't feel sorry for me. You haven't lived my life and so how could you even begin to understand. And btw i am not closed minded as you suggest. You have to have walked a mile in my shoes to say that and understand.
  12. Diamond fox and Julia in the story are nothing but Worthless whores and not ones to glorify
  13. why does so many men glorify whores like Jeanne in the story. Doesn't make sense that so many men do this and i read comments from women and think thank God i never knew a woman like Jeanne in this story
  14. i have a feeling judgement day is going to be a very long and painful day for so many. To throw away the eternal for the temporal just don't sound appealing nor does it sound very smart or worthwhile
  15. wives like Jeanne in the story are really worthless whores and i can see why some beat wives like her with a baseball bat
  16. why are so many people into defiling their own marital bed
  17. I truly believe we as a country of people and a society that has thrown God away. Anytime a married woman or husband has sex outside of the Holy Marriage Covenant it is Adultery and that never ever ends well for the Marriage.After all who wants to live life in Sin and unrepented sin at that because that would be throwing away eternity and living separated from God for eternity.
  18. I truly believe we as a country of people and a society that has thrown God away. Anytime a married woman or husband has sex outside of the Holy Marriage Covenant it is Adultery and that never ever ends well for the Marriage.After all who wants to live life in Sin and unrepented sin at that because that would be throwing away eternity and living separated from God for eternity.
  19. if my wife ever did this to me i would wait for her to sleep at night and get the gasoline throw it on her and set her on fire. And i am serious. i do not play this shit
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