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Everything posted by Gunner3.5

  1. Yes Jag sometimes I get to join in and sometimes just watch. More often than not it's just the two of them. Alot of times they're out of town for their jobs. Also she'll phone me and let her phone by the night stand and I can only hear them. One other thing he's in his 50's, fucks like he's 20. Great post before I forget Jag!
  2. Thanks Jag! All the rocking was done by those two and the spashing and every other move he could think of. Had a suite with a private pool. Glad it had a pool filter. Large walk in shower with benches , they used them. A great time was had by all, I do believe they enjoyed theirs alittle more. Peter get it going brother you're really missing out. Nothing quite like it.🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  3. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ five out of five stars ggentleman, he performed admirably! Just like the caption. Thought she had drained me Friday night, not even close. I worked out alot more watching them. Our friend Peter is missing out BIG time!
  4. Jag I see your having fun with the captions, meanwhile I'm making this one work out tomorrow night. Just like it says "Anniversary" night.
  5. Dober you slay me man! 😅😆. Shes going to be busy, and shes not a quitter or a spitter as far as that goes lol. So she'll say two a day, no problem. Then I'll hear, "honey order some more libe would you please". Bring your knee pads brother you're up next! The team thanks you!! LMAO
  6. Awhile ago I thought I read he was staying at his 's place because he was ill. I'd have to back and read it again though. All yeah she dug it, wouldn't tell me which ones though. Probably knowing her it's the biggest ones. Lol
  7. I'd say you about covered it all their my friend. Love the wedding ring shots! Showed the wife the last part, asked if she found anything interesting. She saw a couple that really peaked her interest. Great job as usual
  8. Well Jag first off excellent post!! Second if the lesson is to post hotter content I'd say you got that down pat! Other than that I guess fuck them.
  9. This is why you're the master here. Excellent post Jag!
  10. Spectacular post Jag!!!!
  11. Dober you're crazy! Lol
  12. Sure do. Hmmm captions right? Been along day here
  13. Damn Jag this why you're the Master of this page. The is one of the best yet, lots of weddings rings and QOS tats. Can't get enough of them. Thanks great job! These are just a few of favorites.
  14. Thank you Sir appreciate it!
  15. There are some back here that will argue the fact. Thanks!
  16. Am I being crazy or they one in the same. Like he started a different blog under a new name
  17. Hell Jag we're just your second string. Probably shouldn't speak for Dober, he's been here longer I'm guessing
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