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Everything posted by Gunner3.5

  1. Well Jag first off excellent post!! Second if the lesson is to post hotter content I'd say you got that down pat! Other than that I guess fuck them.
  2. This is why you're the master here. Excellent post Jag!
  3. Spectacular post Jag!!!!
  4. Dober you're crazy! Lol
  5. Sure do. Hmmm captions right? Been along day here
  6. Damn Jag this why you're the Master of this page. The is one of the best yet, lots of weddings rings and QOS tats. Can't get enough of them. Thanks great job! These are just a few of favorites.
  7. Thank you Sir appreciate it!
  8. There are some back here that will argue the fact. Thanks!
  9. Am I being crazy or they one in the same. Like he started a different blog under a new name
  10. Hell Jag we're just your second string. Probably shouldn't speak for Dober, he's been here longer I'm guessing
  11. Excellent post Jag!!!! Love the QOS tats in here and your last post my friend.
  12. Goddamn Jag welcome back. That's the best post bar none I've seen period!!!
  13. You bey Dober what a tasty treat she'd be!
  14. Dam Jag nothing like hitting it out the park! Homerun my friend!
  15. Lol I don't know about all that. But thanks! It's hard to fill in the big gaps you leave. Lol
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