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Posts posted by KennyG

  1. How do you know that she is passed out? She may enjoy pretending to be passed out, knowing you will be taking pictures of her. That way she does not have to object to pictures being taken and admit that she enjoys you taking nude pictures of her. 

  2. Looks like she may already dress sexy for you when the two of you go out, especially when it at a location she would not run into anyone she knows.  If your birthday is coming up, you may suggest that what you would really like for your birthday is to go shopping for some clothes for her with the agreement she will wear them at least once in the next few months when the two of you go out  Next when the two of you are out, point out a nice looking man, and tell her he keeps checking her out, but turns his head when she moves to see him. It can be any man, it does not matter if he is checking her out or not. The goal is to get her feeling attractive to other men.  If you would like more suggestions, email me at [email protected].

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  3. Wording in these request is critical. Consider saying, "It would be a major turn-on, if you told me the details of being fucked by someone else. Nothing you say will shock me.  I will understand if you don't want to tell me."  Then give it a rest, when she goes out and come home late.  Consider saying, "I am happy that you had fun."  You have already told her your desire, no need to harp on it. In time she will open up to you, especially knowing you will still be there for her.

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  4. My first wife enjoyed me not objecting her cheating.  She would often speak of the bad experiences with men that came to soon and did not get her off. She had a hard time getting rid of a lover that would show up at her work wanting to hook-up during lunch or afterwards. Another time. a different lover would show up unannounced at the house. A black lover wanted her to screw his friends or money they would split. One lover thought it would be funny leaving her naked at a camping site. She was stranded at a truck stop by a trucker.

  5. I agree it is going to take time. Whether it is worth your time or not only you know.

    He may find my suggestions useful in achieving his goal of sharing wife. 


    You do need to keep in mind that moving your wife into acceptance of a lifestyle where she shares herself with other men will take time.

    Always remember that she is your wife first and you need to progress at her pace. It will certainly be worth it in the long run and you would rather have a slut that takes years to develop than blowing it the first week you try and then she will not try it again.  .  Remember to never move to quickly or push.

    Most men that desire to share their wife fail, because they use the wrong approach and move to quickly and just jump into the subject and telling their wife they find it sexually simulating at the thought of her having sex with other men and watching.

    Include yourself in your wife's life. If you take a real interest in things that interest her, she will more than likely take an interest in things you like as well. It's that give and take thing! Who knows by even learning some crocheting with your wife you may get a better idea of how to tie a fishing lure on!

    You should go slow with each step.

    You need to be prepared with answers for any questions she may ask you during the process. If she suddenly asks you if you want her to be a slut or act like a slut, don’t say yes, consider staying “ I just want you to have fun,”  and then follow it with a question, “ Don’t you find it fun being adventurous?  

    1. You can start off by telling her how sexy she is and how much you desire her and back it up with flowers, dinners, romantic evenings and of course fuck her all the time. Sometimes you may even want to fuck her kind of hard, talk dirty to her, get her to talk dirty to you.  Now one of biggest problems you will face in the beginning is that your wife may feel that she is only sexy to you.
    2. Next, start by buying her sexy street clothes. No, not street walker clothes but stuff she can wear out in public. If she objects or say they reveal too much, say that they are often worn by women in your office or around your work. Consider starting with silk blouses that can be worn with a jacket, pleated skirts, and halter tops for summer or thin sun dresses.  Actually go with her to pick out some sexy clothes.  You need to really get into picking out the clothes with her and not just walk around complaining like we guys usually do.  This new outfit will be your so called "favorite outfit" to see her in. Every time you are going somewhere that you will not run into someone you know and she asks what should she wear your reply, my favorite outfit!  After a while this outfit will get old to her, so what do you do? You buy her something even sexier to wear, and now this is your favorite outfit. You keep doing this until her closet is full of really hot clothes and secretly you get rid of some of those outfits that she says she likes but you hate.

    Now is the time you need to be doing more things to help her.You should start helping her more around the house doing simple things, like helping with laundry, putting dirty dishes in the dish washer and putting them away after washing them. Making sure her car is serviced and clean.This not only is a hidden reward for her accepting the clothes you choose, but gives you more time with her.Eventually she will have all of these sexy clothes and she will have some outfits that are so hot she will only be willing to wear them to certain places. Also have her wear some of these clothes when you are just sitting around the house. Just every now and then ask her to get dolled up for you and be sure to fuck the hell out of her every time she wears these outfits. Don't forget that if you ask her to get dolled up, you should get cleaned up too and put on some clothes that she likes for you to wear.

    1. Now here is the secret to proving to her that she is sexy and desirable in the eyes of other men.

    Get her to wear one of her less slutty outfits, but a bit revealing just the same and take her to a restaurant. Here you will point out that a nice looking guy there keeps checking her out and turns away every time she looks his way. He does not actual have to be looking at her, but she will get use to the idea she is desirable to other men.

    1.   After a few months of this routine, it is time to get her to wear one of her more slutty outfits and take her to a guy place. Not a family restaurant or anything like that but some place like a pool hall, sports bar, racetrack, casino, golf tournament, poker game or any place where the guys far outnumber the girls.  Make sure this is a place way across town if you live in a major city or another city if you live in a small town. You should have already visited these places beforehand and developed some friends with the people there. These places will become your special places.  You do not want her running into someone she knows and ruin your plans or set them back.    You know your wife better than I do but I would also suggest not abandoning her either.   Don’t just sit there and watch the game, or go play pool and leave her standing alone. Include her in all the guy stuff you do while you are at these places. She may even start to ask you questions like, "Why do you guys do (or whatever it is)?"  Simply reply, "It’s a guy thing." It’s similar to when we try to talk to women and they get emotional and we have no clue why, except in reverse.
    2. Next introduce her to some of your out of town friends and drinking buddies, in particular the guys that you can trust while you go to the bathroom and you don’t have to worry about them pissing off your wife while you are gone.

    When she needs to go to the rest room don’t just send her off by herself especially in some of the more seedy places. After all your wife looks hot and you don’t want other guys to fuck up what you have been working on by making some stupid comment as she walks by. Most guys don’t have the balls to say anything about a woman very loudly if the husband/boyfriend is walking right there with her.

    There is also a flip side to taking your wife to places like this. You need to do things with her that she wants to do. This transformation cannot be all about you and there is a "give and take" here. For example; she may want you to accompany her to a flea market, go to garage sales on the same day of the big game or go see a chick flick movie or worse, take her to some fern bar for a Sunday brunch but that is the tradeoff you make for having a sexy wife.If she likes the beach and vacations, you may even consider special vacation locations, where the normal dress attire is wearing revealing swim suits.At these special vacation locations you may consider packing a sheer when wet suit (iloveswimwear.com or ujena.com or uilanoo.com). You may want to start off with a few week-ends at a hotel pool or hot tube to get her use to the ideal.

    You are going to have to do things with her that makes her feel like a lady too. You may even want to occasionally buy her a very pretty dress that makes her look innocent and sweet for these events!Very few (if any) women want to dress a bit on the slutty side 24 hours 7 days a week and you must respect that.


    6.It is now time to role-play that she is a different girl and that you are a different guy while you are having sex.Make it fun; call yourself Cowboy Bill, Jock Jack, Construction Joe, Super Horny Salesman, and etc.Remember to have nights of sex where you are you, and if she wants to role play, let her make the move.

    After she starts making the move first in the role play quite often, it is time for the next step in the role-play.

    During one of the role plays consider saying Cowboy Bill or whoever you are playing to be-- had to go home and now you are one of the guys she is friendly with dancing or at the special places.Use his name and get her to call you by his name, while having sex.You want to get to the point in these role play sexual sessions, that she uses his name and tell him by name how much she loves him fucking her.And you should start telling her how hot it is to fuck a hot married woman.Remember not to call her a slut or whore, because it will probably end the role play and set you back for months.

    Don’t move to the next step until she welcomes the role playing or starts the role playing. Remember to mix it up, have nights of just being you, especially if it a stormy night or night when it is snowing.

    7.The next step is when the two of you are out dancing or at one of those testosterone filled establishments is after a few drinks to ask her to remove her bra. The best time is when she is enjoying herself dancing with you and other guys. You may consider staying; “It would be real hot if you go to the ladies room and throw your bra in the trash before dancing with anyone again”.Don’t push it; just let the thought set in her mind for a while. Even if she does not do it that night, she will in time.If she asks if you want everyone to see her tits, consider saying, “It is something many women now do and I thought it would be a lots of fun for you to be so hot.When she disposes of her bra, it may be best to keep the dancing rather limited until men at the special place gets use to her not wearing a bra. So the first few times take her home early and fuck her as soon as possible. Tell her she was so hot you could not wait any longer. You may even consider adding it into the role playing having the special guy enjoying seeing her tits. Consider staying the special friends name likes it when she is bra less and is ready to fuck her.Ask her if she enjoyed the special friend looking at her titties. If you get a positive response; ask her if she wants to show her titties to more horny men.

    Wait at least 6 weeks before moving to next step. you want her to go without a bra own her own accord, and you want your special out of town friends to get use to her not wearing a bra. Then follow a similar process to get her to stop wearing panties.

    8.The next time at the special place dancing, find a dark corner booth and let her dance awhile before the next step.

    After she is rather exhausted from dancing and she is taking a break… start playing with her tits or fingering her while kissing her or telling her how sexy she is.Be somewhat discreet the first few times out, when become bolder allowing others to see you.She may say that someone is watching, because someone is staring at you. Stop and say, “You are making their day; they wish their wife was so sexy.”

    If she gets mad and wants to leave, say “I thought we were having fun, but you are right it is getting late.”

    If she is madder than hell during the drive home, leave her alone, don’t try and reason with her and answer her questions.And do not try and hug her or give in.

    Leave her alone and don’t discuss the event again, if she brings it up as often women will, consider saying, “It is in the past; it is time to move pass it’. Do not apologize. But over the next few days or weeks continue to tell her how much you love her and how sexy she is.

    Do not role play during sex unless she wants to.Leave the ball in her park; let her make the next step, let her ask to go out to the special place with you.Continue doing things for her and being the loving husband. Continue to take her out at the regular restaurants.

    If she has not asked to go out to one of the special places after a few weeks, announce one week-end you are going to one of the special places and will be home afterwards. Don’t ask her to go.If she does not ask to go, go alone. After a few hours if she has not shown up, go home.Women cannot stand to be ignored or left out of having a good time.When she asks if you had a good time say it was not as much fun at first without her being there, but the name of someone she knows had a new girlfriend with him and she made the evening more pleasant. But, you hope she decides to go with you the next time.

    At this point she will happily go with you the next time and allow you openly play with her tits and finger fuck her to a climax or in a rare case this may be her stopping point. Just don’t force her to openly allow you to play with her tits and finger fuck her.

    9.If your wife is one of the women that relish flirting and texting, you may consider sharing her email and cell phone number with other males on the internet that desire to chat with mature females.Just be careful on how you release her information, you may consider releasing it as a female friend of your wife that states she knows your wife would desire a secret admirer to chat and flirt with, but your wife is to bashful to seek out a male on her own.

    If she starts texting more often and spend more time on computer, consider saying, “Hey, sweetheart, you seem to be really having fun texting and being on the computer, have you found yourself an internet flirt buddy, because if you have I found it really hot.”Don’t say anything else; just wait for her to offer information.

    10.If she has opened up to you about her secret admirer and flirt friend. Tell her, if he desires a nude or topless pic of her and she wants to you will take one for her to send to him, because almost all women do it now. And it will make his day.Let her do the posing, if she asks you to take the pictures.Like most men, he will ask for something more revealing. At this time you can role play with her while taking pictures of her with a trimmed or shaved bald pussy.

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  6. I am going to really PO a lot of people on this site in what I am about to post.


    On this site it appears to me that most post are all about the husband, his desires and pleasure.  


    I have not find a post that the husband should respect the wife’s decision to how far things progress and find it OK if she desires to stop being in a sharing relationship.


    I also, cannot locate any posts that discuss protecting the husband/wife relationship and the wife when she is with someone else.

    I believe most husbands really love their wives and want to continue a life-long relationship with her.


    I am different than most of the individuals posting on this site. I am a dominating husband that finds eating cum filled pussy, cleaning wife’s lover, or sucking her lover to an erection repulsive.  I do not condemn you if this you are into. I really hate comments that all men that share their wife end goal is this behavior. 


    It is not a turn on for me to be insulted about the size of my dick.  And one will be on the fighting side of me if they did.


    My first wife was a major cheat that enjoyed the company of other men.  It was something I did not talk her into. I did not discourage or encourage her sexual actives’ but enjoyed and benefited from her adventures.  I would verbally tell her she looked smoking hot when she worn slutty clothes.  When on vacation or out of town week-end, she often openly flirted with men she found attractive. In a teasing tone of voice, I often would tell her, “Looks like you will really make his day, if you took him back to our room and showed him a good time.”


    The first time I told her, she looked like a deer in headlights; she now knew I was aware of her cheating. 


    Shortly afterwards, I believed she wanted to test my reaction.  She asked, “Would you really be OK with it if I did and not want a divorce?” 


    “Sure I am OK with it, I love you.  I want you to be happy and have fun. It is not like you have not cheated on me before. I believe you still love me. And you keep coming back to me. I am still here.”

    I then kissed her, sliding the room key into her hand.


    Through her lovers, she became more talented in giving me blow jobs, deep throating, and swallowing. She became more verbal during sex, and even learned to enjoy talking like a slut. 

    She dressed sexier when we went out of the area. She would go bra-less and panty less. She would even wear skirts that stopped just below her pussy when standing.


    One day she asked me; “I know this is asking a lot from you, but Greg (her lover at the time), wants to fuck my virgin ass. He has given me some different size butt plugs. He said once I got to use to one size, move up to the next size.  Once I am comfortable with the biggest plug, it will not hurt when he takes my ass cherry.  Don’t hate me; I know you have wanted to fuck my ass for years. If you will help me inserting them and getting use the biggest one, I will do anything you desire for a week-end. “


    Sorry I regressed from my desire to show others there are men that desire to share their wife, but still want a strong marriage relationship with traditional sex practices. I contend there are many men like myself that desire a life in which the sharing does not consume their life.

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  7. The question here should be, would you have sex with someone that had HIV or genital warts? Because there still are no lab test for individuals infected with genital warts, condoms are used. After someone is @@@@@@@ to genital warts it may take three months for the warts to appear.  Someone @@@@@@@ to HIV can have a negative test results for years. Going bareback is playing Russian Roulette.

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  8. Step 2

     You have to be able to communicate very effectively with your wife/girlfriend in Transformation, because you do not want to lose her love and you desire mot of all a loving relationship with her that will last forever.  You need to be prepared with answers for any questions she may ask you during the process.


    If she suddenly asks you if you want her to be a slut or act like a slut, DON'T SAY YES. Consider saying "I just want you to have fun," and the follow it with a question, "Don't you find it fun being adventurous and a little naughty?"


       She also needs to be a sexual creature who deep inside wants to do these things.  Most women deep inside do want to be the object of sexual desire by men and most men secretly want their own slut and shore, however society has put so many labels on women that many of them have a hard time opening up sexually.


      START by letting her know how sexy you really think she is.


      You can start off by telling her how sexy she is and much you desire he and back it up with flowers, dinners, romantic evenings and of course fuck her often.  Sometimes you may even want to fuck her kind of hard, talk dirty to her, get her to talk dirty to you (you can and will use this information when she is talking dirty at a later date), and experiment sexual with her.


      Now one of the biggest problems you will face in the beginning is that your wife may feel that she is only sexy to you. This is actually an easy barrier to break "Did you notice how the guy at the shoe store was eyeing your legs?  Did you catch how the bartender was stealing long stares at your cleavage?  Bob told me, ready for this, that he painfully envies me, as he cannot believe that such an average guy could have such an alluring wife. Come  on now, you mean to tell me you weren't flirting with that guy, he was certainly flirting with you."   Then that night , you might mention that the man, who had been paying so much attention to her earlier that day is probably in bed, with his cock firmly in hand, remembering how attractive she was with the wind blowing her hair and skirt.


    Next start buying her sexy street clothes.  No, not street walker clothes, but stuff she can wear out in public. If she objecs or say they revel too much or she is too old to wear clothes like those, say that they are often worn by much older women in your office or around your work.


       Consider starting with silk blouses that can be worn with a jacket, pleated skirts, and halter tops for summer or a thin sun dress. You may find she is more receptive to sun dresses , something she can wear at home.  Actually go with her to pick out some of the sexy clothes (and you may shiver at the thought of doing this),  But you need to really get into picking out the clothes with her and not just walk around complaining like we guys usually do when we have to go clothes shopping. Remember this is helping you to achieve your goal after all.   The sexiest new outfit will be the one you call "favorite outfit" to see her in.  She may oppose wearing the outfit out side of the home. So go slow, wait until you and her are somewhere that you will not run into someone you know.  Consider having take out and being in the shower when he delivers.  Forcing her open the door in the outfit.  In time she will get use to others seeing her dressed in the special outfit.


       You should start helping her more around the house doing simple things, like helping with laundry, putting dirty dishes in the dish washer and putting then away after washing them. Making sure her car is serviced and clean. This not only is a hidden reward for her accepting the clothes you choose, but gives you more time with her.

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  9. You must become an intense advocate who can convince her that she is loveable, in a deep and profound way..not just because she has a nice ass or tits. In much the same way, before you can successfully get her to fuck other men, you must make her understand that she sexually desirable to other men, not just you, You will be more successful if you realize the process of getting your wife/girlfriend to accept this lifestyle will take time.

      Don't simply say, "Baby I got to be honest and open, I want you to start fucking other men." And expect her to go along with it because you are honest and open.  Remember to never, NEVER move to quickly or push, or you will lose and never get another chance.  Most men that desire to share their wife fail, because they use the wrong approach and move to quickly and just jump into the subject and telling her you find it sexually simulating at the thought of her having sex with other men and watching. The door just slammed shut and she considers you a pervert and she ill present you with divorce papers.

      I will list the steps I believe will provide you success in follow up posts over the next few days.

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  10. I am not the sissy cuck, I am a dominate cuck, she is my wife and slut, not someone else, I approve when and who she fucks, if anyone tries to put me down or force me into something, they can expect harm. If I make the choice to clean cum from her, it is my choice not hers.

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  11. Here is what I have learned. I need to disclose that I have yet got my wife to have sex with other men.

    Most men that desire to share their wife fail, because they use the wrong approach and move to quickly.

    It takes time, going to fast could end any progress. Always remember that she is your wife first and you need to progress at her pace.

    Just telling her all at once your fantasy, will in most cases send you into the freak category and possible divorce court.

    Include your wife in your life. Don't go to bars by yourself. Take your wife.

    Include yourself in your wife's life. Take a real interest in things that interest her.

    Communicate with each other effectively.  No screaming or name calling during an argument.

    Have a rule that in an agreement that is OK to disagree. You need to listen to her and she needs to listen to you. And try to make concessions that both of you agree to. If no agreement can be reached, just say, "I respect your opinion, but I disagree. Remember the man that stands his ground unshakable, quite often stands alone.

    Agree that no matter what happens in your marriage sexually, it will not be shared with family, friends, co-workers, or God Forbid lawyers in the event of divorce.

    Be open and honest.  When she asks the question, "What do you want me to screw other men?" or do you want me to act like a slut?  Be prepared with a tactful answer.  I just want you to have fun, Don't you find it fun being adventurous and a little naughty?

    Start letting her know how sexy you really think she is. Back it up with flowers, dinners, romantic evenings, and doing things for her.

    One of the biggest hurdles you will face is getting you wife to that she is sexy to others, and not just you. You can break this barrier by "Did you notice the guy at the she store eyeing your legs? Did you catch how the bartender was stealing long stares at your cleavage? Or mention that the man who had been paying so much attention to her during dinner is probably in bed, with his cock firmly in hand, remembering how attractive and sexy she was..

    Start buying her sexy street clothes.  Not street walker clothes , but stuff she can wear out in public. If she objects or say they reveal to much or she is to old to wear clothes like those, say that they are often worn by much older women in your office, the bank and around your work.  Consider silk blouses that can be worn with a jacket, pleated skirts, and halter tops for summer or a thin sun dresses. She maybe more receptive to sun dresses, because she can wear them at home. We need to really get into picking out the clothes with her and not complain about clothes shopping. Call one of the new outfits Your "favorite outfit". At first every time you are going somewhere that you will not run into someone you know and she asks what should she wear your reply, my favorite outfit.

    Start helping her more around the house doing simple things, like helping with laundry, putting dirty dishes in dish washer and putting them away after washing them. Making sure her car is serviced and clean. This not only  is a hidden reward for her accepting the clothes you choose, but gives you more time with her.

    After awhile this outfit will get old to her, so you buy her something even sexier to wear and it now becomes  your "favorite outfit." Keep doing this until her closet is full of hot clothes. Secretly you start getting rid of some of the outfits that she says she likes, but you hate. 

    Start having her wear some of the sexier clothes when you are just sitting around the house.  And fuck her each time she wears therm. She will learn that in one of those outfits, you get turned on and she gets fucked by you. She will surprise you sometimes when you come home from work to find her already wearing one of the sexy outfits.

    Now it is tie to reinforce how sexy and desirable she is in the eyes of other men, and even more when she is wearing revealing clothes. Get her to wear one of the less revealing outfits and take her out to a her favorite restaurant. Here you point out a nice looking guy and tell her he keeps checking her out and turns away every time she looks his way. He does not have to be actually looking at her, but she will get use to the ideal she is desirable to other men. If you have a male waiter, step aside with him and offer him a real big tip if he keeps coming back to the table often. Tell her he cannot get enough of seeing down her blouse or legs. After a few months of this routine, it is time to get her to wear one of her more slutty outfits and take her to a guy place. Not a family restaurant or anything like that, but some place like a pool hall, sports bar, racetrack, golf tournament, or poker game. Any place where the guys far outnumber the women. Make sure this is a place way across town if you live in a major city or another city if you live in a small town. You need to visit these places beforehand and develop some friends with the people there. These places will become your "special places" Include her in all the guy stuff you do while you are at these places. Make sure she has a good time, play pool, cheer for a team on the screen, make side bets on teams, bet on horses, and such. She may feel uncomfortable at first, but after she sees that there really isn't much to these places she will get used to them. 

    Will finish post later.

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  12. Have you consider having her dress very sexy and take her to a sports bar or pool hall? Point out guys that are checking her out. Tell her they are thinking how hot she is and wish that their wife was brave enough to dress so sexy. Women love to one up other women. Just remember to stay with her the first few times out, you don't want some jerk scaring her to returning to her conservative ways. After a few times, she will get to know some of the regulars and they know her. Just remember to take things slow. Go when it is crowded and limited seating. Pick out a table where a guy is seated alone. Ask him if it would be OK  for the two of you to sat at his table. Buy everyone a round of drinks, start small talk, make sure your wife takes part in the conversation. If she is not talking, ask her what she thinks about the topic. Keep her talking by asking her questions about her opinion. Do this about a half a dozen times, so she comfortable talking to strangers. if she is getting into these special outings, have her go to them bra-less. This will get her use to other men paying attention to her. Don't forget to keep telling her how beautiful and hot she looks. Also, after each outing remember to fuck her. At some point, one of the men will take a shine to her and be there talking to both of you at almost every outing. During your love making ask her if she finds David or what ever his name is attractive. If she does, start role playing that you are now David fucking her. Get her to in the heat of the moment to tell David how much she loves fucking him.

  13. Reading all your post and comments I found very interesting. I was wondering if the couple that was involved with the picture taking was still around.  If so, have you considered seeing if they would be interested in mutual masturbation. Starting with everyone masturbating, and each male coming on his friend wife.

      Another thought, women love to have oral sex, so maybe see if they would be up to experiencing the tongue of the friend?

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