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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by Squeese

  1. Thxxx for contribut your stories :-)
  2. Who else have nice story's and pics?
  3. That is great to do in front of your eyes. Why you didnt grab her roomate? Mr.Squeese
  4. Hi there, She look to have a nice body :-) And do they also use and fuck her when you was there? Mr. Squeese
  5. So what a great story, so telle us more pls. And I like to see her pic :-) Mr. Squeese
  6. @ calicolombia69 Thx for your story. I really liked the way you deal with her sort of living :-) Im really interested how it went after that. Do you also have a pic of her? Mr. Squeese
  7. But isnt it once a slut allways....? How is your relation now a day? Show her to us? greets Squeese
  8. Snhe is nice, show her to me :-)
  9. I hope for you that it will be soon the "jackpot"for you Subhub
  10. Hi there, Show me that you use a botle to fuck yourself and write at you body you do it for Mr. Squeese thx in advanced, Squeese
  11. hi onmyknees, Your a Lucky one that you had a bad time with your first wife. But you see that it give you later on the power to send you wife away for "reall sex" Thxx 4 the pic :-) Mr. Squeese
  12. Thxx Bryan, Its great to known about tht. You forget to tell her to use a condom...... Was tht without any risk of....... And now not in a cuckold relation with a new Bull? greetings, Mr. Squeese
  13. Hi there, Im verry interested in your story how you as couple start a cuckold relation. Im a Bull and want to know how you start in your relation. Show your wife here. Mr. Squeese
  14. Hi, Show me your ass fucked and show all. Mr. Squeese
  15. Yes its a slut and she know that you must be in shape to serve her Bull :-)
  16. something like this? Mr. Squeese
  17. So nobody want to see this slut?
  18. Thxx 4 the responce. If you want to see more, let me know if I have to @@@@@@ this slut here. greetings Mr. Squeese
  19. Hello, I will show a Dutch slut because she deserve it to be shown at a cool website. Se is hot and soon she will be raped and fucked by a horny Bull. Wat do you think is it hot?? Tell me so I can inform cucky Mr. Squeese
  20. Hi, Because there is no chat today, I sugest to show pics of your sluts, wifes,girlfriends here:-) Dutch Bull4service wil ex-pose the pics on the net if there are a few pics of the lady and when there not only dressed pics. So show me your happines.....lol Squeese
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