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Cuckold Porn

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Mogoče preveč ponosno, ampak pisal bom kar v svojem materinem jeziku, v slovenščini.

Pred nekaj leti sva bila s prijateljico v Nemčiji in sva en večer izkoristila za obisk swinger kluba. Prijetno sva se počutila, pila sva pivo in klepetala. Pogledi so uhajali na prazno masažno mizo in na maserja, ki je stal ob šanku in bil v obleki, ki se spodobi za profesionalnega maserja. Pogovor je stekel o tem, da bi ona lahko preizkusila masažo. Stopi sem do maserja in vprašal kako je s tem. Odgovoril je, da je masaža free in, da je lahko moja prijateljica takoj na vrsti. Oblečena v črno spodnje perilo se je ulegla na masažno mizo, jaz pa sem se usedel na ginekološki stol, iz katerega sem imel lep pogled na masažo. Začetek je bil s klasično masažo. Masiral je kot v običajnem  masažnem salonu. Z nekaj znanja nemščine sem mu namignil, da lahko poskusi tudi kaj več, ampak previdno, ker nisem vedel kakšna bo reakcija. Po nekaj minutah ji je odpel in snel nedrček in mi ga ponudil, da pridržim. Seveda je temu sledila masaža jošk. Opazil sem nabreklost njenih bradavičk, meni pa je kri začela hitreje teči po žilah. Njegove roke so masirale čedalje nižje in kmalu sem imel v rokah tudi njene hlačke. Previdno jo je začel masirati med stegni in čedalje bližje njeni muci. Opazil sem, da je sama rahlo razmaknila noge. Temperatura je začela vztrajno naraščati. Tudi maserju se je vidno dvignil tič. Iz bližnje omarice je vzel vibrator. Preden ga je prislonil na prijateljico, sem ga prosil, da na vibrator natakne kondom. Najprej se je z njim poigraval okrog njene mokre muce, potem pa ji ga je počasi, a globoko zaril. Prijateljica je zastokala in popustile so še njene zadnje zavore. Prepustila se je popolnemu užitku. Svojo roko je stegnila proti maserju in ga skozi hlače prijela za tiča. Poskusila mu je tudi odmakniti hlače, da bi lahko njegove tiča prijela direktno, a ji je dal maser na znanje, da ostaja profesionalen in bo opravljal svojo funkcijo v popolni opremi. 

Opazil sem, da so kar naenkrat masažno mizo obstopili še trije moški. Vsi so bili goli in so drkali svoje trde tiče. Prijateljica se nanje ni preveč odzivala, le pustila jim je da jo nežno božajo tudi oni. Moj pogled na dogajanje je bil vrhunski in totalno vzburljiv. Še vedno sem sedel na ginekološkem stolu in si nežno in perverzno božal in drkal svojega tiča. Pogled me je nenadoma premamil in sem stopil k njeni glavi. Ponudil sem ji svojega tiča in vzela ga je v usta. S tičem v ustih in množico rok na svojem telesu je doživela strasten orgazem. 

Vsi smo se rahlo ustavili in ji dopustili, da pride k sebi. Odšla sva nazaj za mizo in nazdravila na dogodek. Po povratku v sobo, sva se še divje pofukala.


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Cuckold Tests

1 hour ago, 19saturn63 said:


Direct from google translate:


Probably too proud, but I will write in my mother tongue, in Slovene.

A couple of years ago, we were with a friend in Germany and we took advantage of one night to visit a swinger club. We felt comfortable, we drank beer and chatted. The views were leaking to an empty massage table and to a masseur who stood at the bar and was wearing a suit suitable for a professional masseur. The conversation arose about the fact that she could test the massage. I stepped right up to the masseuse and asked what it was about it. He replied that the massage was free and that my friend could be right up the line. She was wearing a black underwear lying down at the massage table, and I sat on a gynecological chair, from which I had a nice look at the massage. It started with a classic massage. It was massaged like in a regular massage salon. With some knowledge of German I hinted that he could try something more, but carefully, because I did not know what the reaction would be. After a few minutes, she took her and dropped her bra and offered me to hold it. Of course this was followed by a tits massage. I noticed the swelling of her nipples, but the blood began to run faster through my veins. His hands massaged lower and soon I had panties in my hands. He carefully began to massage her between her thighs, and increasingly closer to her pussy. I noticed that she spun by her legs a little. The temperature began to rise steadily. Even a masculine visitor raised his cock. He took a vibrator from the nearby cabinet. Before he leaned on his friend, I asked him to put a condom on the vibrator. First, he was playing around her wet pussy with him, but then he slowly, but deeply scrambled. The friend moaned and relieved her rear brakes. She felt full pleasure. She clasped her hand against the masseur and took her through her pants for the dick. She also tried to remove the trousers so that she could catch his cock directly, but gave her the masseur knowledge that she remained professional and would perform her function in perfect equipment.

I noticed that at one time the massage table suddenly fell on three men. They were all naked and they stiffened their hard lines. The friend did not respond too much to them, but only left them gently caressed by them. My view of the events was top-notch and totally exciting. I was still sitting on a gynecological chair and gently and perversely stroking and kicking my cock. My eye suddenly bumped and I stepped to her head. I offered her her cock and took it in her mouth. With a mouth in her mouth and a plethora of hands on her body she experienced a passionate orgasm.

We all stopped and allowed her to come to her. We went back to the table and toast to the event. After returning to the room, we were still wildly fucked.


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