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Cuckold Porn

hotwife & cuckold

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Everything posted by hotwife & cuckold

  1. It was about 6 years ago when my wife and I first ventured into the Hotwife/Cuckold lifestyle. This was after many years of me suggesting and her refusing. Our stint in the lifestyle lasted about 12 months, during which time she fucked 12 different men, a few of them numerous times. We eventually agreed to call time on our fun to prepare for trying for have another child. All was well, we were happy with our decision to return to normal life, little did I know she had a thing going with a guy at work. This wasn't physical, but there was a lot of flirting going on and it was crystal clear he fancied her. It wasn't unusual for my wife to go out for a bite to eat with work friends, maybe once a month or so, but all of a sudden there were leaving do's, meals out etc. I thought nothing of it, little did I know what was going on, some of them were genuine, but others were covers for dates. I finally realised something was going on when she returned from a colleagues leaving do horny as hell. We'd not had a great week and had a couple of spats between us, but she came home and pounced on me. I immediately went down to lick her pussy and she was wet through, clearly she had been up to something!!! I didn't think too much of it, just that she'd been flirting etc and soon forgot about it in the short-term. After that occurrence there were a couple more midweek meals out with work friends that flew under the radar, but then i started to get suspicious when her phone habits changed. Suddenly she wouldn't leave her phone laid around, it was always with her. She made excuses that our kept messing with it, but I wasn't buying it, she was up to something. One night she slipped up and left it laid around so I looked. OMG, it was full of messages to a colleague, they went back months and it was clear there was an attraction, however it wasn't clear that they had been on dates and been up to stuff, but i strongly suspected it wasn't possible to talk to each other in this way without something happening. I wasn't happy, we'd called time on the lifestyle BUT I was also aroused and humiliated by her cheating. I confronted her and she denied anything had happened, it was just flirting and she cut contact with him. Soon our relationship hit a bit of a rocky patch, mainly due to the pregnancy hormones but also due to what she'd been up to. A few years later I brought up returning to the Hotwife/Cuckold lifestyle and she was dead against it after what had happened during the rocky patch (she said she regretted being a Hotwife). We talked and eventually she broke down in tears and out it all came. She'd been on dates with the guy, kissed him on several occasions and done a lot of heavy petting. She confessed about the night she came home horny, they had kissed and he'd fingered her in his car. I did what any good cuckold would do, I said it was fine and that in my eyes she was a Hotwife and always would be. I hated the deception, but loved the cheating so what else could I do. Somehow out of the blue he got back in touch last year. I gave her my blessing to meet up with him for what she said would only be a platonic catch up. I said it was fine and that if she wanted she could take it further. They met up for a first date which ended in some kissing. That led to a second date a couple of months later, again that ended up in some kissing and petting. That led to a third date where he booked a hotel and they finally fucked. A happy ending don't you think.
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