35 in southern usa, with a clueless wife. myprudewife the usual places
My wife is ultra conservative and would NEVER approve of this but I think it is so erotic when another guy gets off looking at her everyday pics and learning about her real life. I have even swapped her panties once before. Typical suburban soccer mom.
. I know this may not be for everyone, but it is a major thrill. The thrill of taking your clueless, naive, shy, prude and uptight woman and spilling her every detail, minute information about her real life to another man, without the risk of her ever knowing.
its going to be challenging to get pics of her since shes so uptight but I am open nminded. If this sounds like something you are interested in, please email me or yahoo message me.
You must be willing to do the same to yours...we can focus on yours, which I'd prefer.