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secondjag last won the day on January 15

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  1. Hi Sir!!  You just don't know how much i appreciate Your shared pix and comments!!!  You also don't know how much i'd Love to clean Your Cum out of a pussy...or asshole...or Hell, off the floor, Sir!!!   Whatever location, i would NEVER allow it to be wasted!!!  i would consume any and ALL of it i was able to!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. teenieweenieinAL


      No doubt what i'll be dreaming about tonight!!!   YOU!!!   i already imagined having Your name tattooed on my ass!!! 

    3. secondjag


      are u currently sharing your wife/gf?

    4. teenieweenieinAL


      Well Sir, my new Wife (who has never had penetrative sex from me), knows that i am not a man, and that my permanently soft and tiny penis will never, ever satisfy anyone...at my insistence, has only gone out with one guy so far (& as far as i know), and He is 1/2 our age.  She refused to let me eat Her pussy after Her dates with Him, but i'm sure She knows i sucked Her sticky panties!!!   So far, i haven't convinced Her to date anyone else, or to even bring Him home to our bed... ( She has known Him since He was a kid!!!  She knows i wear panties and i sleep in Her pink nighties, and often wear them to go fill my bird-feeder, get things out of my car, and even a few times, at night, i have worn them to go to the mailbox!!!  The UPS Man, and FedEx Guy, and even the Amazon drivers have all seen me in nighties and panties!!!

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