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Cuckold Porn

My Big Clit

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Everything posted by My Big Clit

  1. For those who think I just made this up, wrong. It's all true. Now the reason I didn't get back was because, the next day my wife was in a car accident while I was at work. She was going grocery shopping when some and some drugged out kid ran a red light and blind sided her in the intersection. He never even hit the break. The fucking piece of shit ran dead into the drivers side of her car and drove her through the intersection into another car. They had to cut the door off to get her out. She was in the hospital for 4 weeks with a busted shoulder, cracked pelvis bone, broken hand, a concussion that was the least of her troubles. She is home now, but for those who have a problem with what I posted, or that I haven't given a follow up. Screw you, bu I had more pressing things ti think about. And quite frankly I have not even thought about what I posted over 2 Months ago.
  2. After spending 8 agonizing hours at work going through the plus and negatives of moving forward with my wife's proposal, I decided to tell her I am all in. Yes, my emotional, fantasy desire to know my wife is getting fucked by men who have bigger dicks than me has won over my logical side. Logic says a man should never ever put your wife in a situation where her emotions can lead her to even consider making out with another man, let alone put her in a situation where another man would be playing in his garden of love. Well, logic be damned, I will soon be part of an exclusive club where the wives get all the sex they want, and the husband gets only what she offers. I couldn't wait to get home to tell her. I actually decided to go forward about three hours before I got off. So for the last three hours I was thinking of how I would let her know. When I finally got home from work I decided to just enter the house and yell out I agree. So I opened the door, went in, and and the moment the door was closed I yelled out to my wife; “I love you Mary, and I agree that you can have complete control over your pussy” A moment later my wife and her best friend walked out of the kitchen with drinks in their hands. Her friend Renee was laughing while my wife just stood there with her mouth open. I stammered as I tried to apologize, but it was no use, I couldn't think of what to say. My wife played it off by joking that I must want to get laid. She added, “He gets horny over all the numbers he plugs into computers all day.” Renee looked at me with a smile and said, “I knew you were strange back in high school when you get excited over algebra. Little did I know how excited you got.” And she laughed some more and followed my wife into the kitchen. My wife and Renee are still in the kitchen. I guess I'll talk to her later, but I wanted to give an update on what I decided and how it came out.
  3. What part of her letter worried you the most?
  4. You don't think her wanting me to pretend to be her brother so she can tell men she is divorced and living with her brother to be a stretch?
  5. I'm at work and decided to share this with you. When my alarm went off this morning, my wife wasn't in bed, I figured she probably got up and is making me breakfast. So I got up, slipped on my robe, and went to the kitchen. She wasn't home. Then I saw an envelope next to the coffee maker that was just finishing. She must have put it on automatic so it would be ready for me when i got up. I poured me a cup and picked up the envelope. It was a letter from her. In big bold letters it said, "Dear Rich". I sat at the table with my coffee, ans started to read the letter. It was a long letter written out by hand. My wife has always had a beautiful handwriting, and it was neat, very well spaced, and folded perfectly. I'm a CPA by trade. I worked for a small company in town, so attention to detail is something that comes natural to me.Thus the reason I mention the way the letter looked. The letter began by her telling me she loved me, and that she will never ever want to hurt me, and she was sorry for her attitude the other night. then the meat of the letter, where she got right to the point. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "Dear Rich" When you get this I will be out shopping. For what I am not sure. it's just that I didn't want to be home when you read it. Well, let me get right to it. You have been bugging me for over a year about your tiny dick, and how I deserved more. I finally let you purchase me a dildo, and what do you do? You get me a battery operated one that is over 8 inches long and easily 6 inches around. I used it, and learned to love it, while realizing you are right, your little dick is pathetically useless. However, I still refused to let you talk me into letting anyone else fuck me as you desired. Yet you continued to plead and beg me to let you watch another man fuck me. I finally broke down and went out by myself to see what would happen. You were right, I enjoyed myself more than I thought I would. Tom was not the only guy who hit up on me the other night. There must have been about 10 different men who asked if they could buy me a drink. I took advantage of them and so the only drink I paid for was my first. I talked to a few men, but the one that I'm liked the best was Tom. Maybe because he was the biggest guy in the bar, and once I found out how nice he was, I figured he would protect me from the others who mostly were weird old hippy types. Plus, I kept hearing your voice telling me to find a guy with a big cock. Well Tom was like 6"5" or so. If he is big, he probably has a big cock to. Well the rest you already know. Now I thought this over and came to a decision, but I want you to hear it without hearing my voice. So I figured it's best for you to read what I came up with, since you always have understood things you read better than things I say to you. So here goes. If you want me to fuck other men, then I want complete control as to who, when, where, and how often. I will allow you to suggest things, but don't expect me to take your advice. I will listen to what you say, and yes I will seriously consider your concerns if you think a certain situation seems troublesome, but ultimately all decisions are finalized by me, and me alone. If I am to allow another man inside me, then it is my choice, not yours. Until I know you can handle what you want me to do, the men I get with will either take me to their place or a motel. I will not bring any of them home for you to meet, or for you to watch fuck me until I feel the time is right. If some time I decide I want you to watch, then I will decide. I promise to share every lurid, sleazy, hot, detail with you in a way that makes you feel you were there so you can get your rocks off. But until I feel you can handle this, and if I feel comfortable with you watching you will not be present. I also promise I will text you whenever I can to keep you up on what is happening, but if you don't hear from me for a few hours, don't freak out. I also promise to let you know where the guys house is, or which motel we go to for safety's sake. If at some time I decode to spend the whole night, then understand that after I tell you where I am, that you may not hear from me until the next morning before I head home. Remember, this is my pussy, my body, and my choice. I have thought a lot about this since I got home the other night. I also checked out some web sites to get an understanding of why men like their wives to be with other men. I guess you would be considered a cuckold. From what I read, there are various levels of what a man will become, just as there are different things that the wife expects. You may want to be a cuckold, and I have no problem with that. As for me, I prefer the term I read about on this site I found where the wife is considered a hot wife. I guess the difference being, one wife gets with men for the specific purpose of getting fucked so her husband can either watch or wait for her to come home used and abused like a slut for him to feel good about. Sorry, I will not be called a slut. The other basically dates men, but not with the main purpose of getting fucked. She may or may not bring a man home. I like that, because I will be going on dates that may not always end up with me getting fucked. Sometimes I may just go out with a guy who wants to treat me to a good night out. As I said Rich, I love you very much and would never want to do anything to hurt you, but I need you to understand that once we go down this path, things will never ever be as they were. If you agree, then I plan on taking full advantage of what you agree to. As I read on this site, you will be my husband, but my body will forever belong to other men. Since your penis is so small that I need to rub my clit against your pelvis just to get off, I will be looking for men who can bring me to an orgasm just by sliding their dicks in me. If any boyfriend ever learns that we are married, but asks me to stop fucking you for a time, I will do as he asks. I add this, because your desire to be cuckolded would mean you expect this to happen from time to time. You need to know Rich that you will never be able to do the things to or for me that the men I will be dating can. You and I both know that I am beautiful, and I have a nice body. I do nit plan on dating regular men, I plan on dating high class wealthy men who will be able to treat me the way I have always dreamed of being treated. If I am going to be what you want me to be, I will not do it with losers. After all, I already have a loser in you. Your words, not mine. You have whined time and time again that you failed to give me what you wanted to. I accepted that, but now you are offering me the opportunity to better myself, even if that is done though dating better men. So you need to know that you will never ever be able to match up with the men I plan of dating. I will be dating men who will treat me better than you ever have treated me. Men who will probably take me to restaurants you only wish you could afford to take me to. Men who will take me places you can't stand going to. Men who may even take me on trips to places you cannot afford to take me, and places you will never go. You will also have to understand that many of these men will try all they can to steal me away from you. Since some will consider you my brother, they will just be trying to win my heart for marriage. Yes, I will tell the men O live with my brother and that I am divorced. Unless I decide that I will tell the truth you are my husband, you are my brother. Got it? Plus, understand this, if you ever treat me bad or make me feel bad for doing what you begged me to do, and agreed to let me do, I may leave you for one of them. So if this is what you want Rich, and agree with all my rules, then let let me know. If you don't agree, then it is over. Not us, but and I will never ever again even listen to you talking about the things that turn you on. Go ahead and think about this and let me know when you get home tonight. Don't call me, don't text me. I want you to think about this so that you can bounce things around that meticulously logical brain of yours, before making a decision. P.S. One more thing I just thought of. You know that I am on birth control, but you also know that it is not 100%. Should I ever get pregnant from another man, you know I am pro-life and will not even consider an abortion. So if I end up pregnant, you will be raising another man's child. What if I date a black guy and he is the father? Just something else to consider. I love you with all my heart Rich, Mary XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX After reading her letter, my stomach was again in knots. I couldn't even eat anything, and the coffee just made me more nervous than I usually am. Do you people have any idea of how difficult is is to do my job today, not knowing if I agree to continue to decide to end it. I deal with numbers all day, and today things just aren't adding up. I was born on September 17th, and when I was younger I read up on astrological signs and how they effect people. Well I am a Virgo, with a Virgo rising, and I read once that Virgos are famous for being logical, neat, meticulous, logical, and voyeuristic. If true, it sure pegged me right. I have about 3 or four hours to decide what I'll do. I want my wife to be used by other men, but I want to watch. I don't like the idea of pretending I'm her brother, but if it advances my desires, maybe it will work. I like the idea of her wanting to only date wealthy men, but why would men like that ever want to fuck a married woman while her husband is watching? Would they be more apt to become a bull type of man that likes fucking a woman in front of their husband? Raising another man's child, hmm. That is a tough one to answer, and I'm not racist, but I'm very self continuous and dislike situations that may make me feel uncomfortable. So what do you all think?
  6. OK, my wife is in bed. As I said time and time again, if she knew I was sharing this my wife would kill me. She is a very private person who hates others knowing her business. I am going to try and explain this as it happened. Forgive me if this comes off a bit convoluted. To begin with, my wife is very upset with me. You must understand that my wife is the dominant one in our marriage, she always has been. So when she gets upset, I just slow down, get quiet and allow her to blow some steam off. Usually by morning she cams down and all is better, but today her anger at me has lasted all day. So I am walking on egg shells, and hoping she will eventually come back to her senses. As I said, she is sleeping now, and I decided now is a good time to write all this down before I forget. I must admit that I am a bit taken aback though. Her reaction when she came home is the last thing I was prepared for. I really don't know what to do next, or what she will do. I plan on playing things out as the situation presents themselves. I really hope I didn't fuck things up permanently. So after the guy opened the door for my wife to get out of his truck, he walked her to the door. I was as nervous as I could ever remember. I felt like a little brother spying on his older sister and her boyfriend, not like the husband of her. It was like a turn on, yet my stomach was still queazy. What if she invited him in? After all, her text to me said she told him she lived alone. So if she let him in, am I supposed to run and hide? What about the pictures on the wall of us together? I mean, our whole house screams about a married couple happily living together. I wanted to run and hide, but I could not peel myself away from the window as I peered through the little slit opened between the drapes as they stood at the front door. I could her him, his voice was loud but low. My wife's voice was always quiet and even when we were in the same room it was hard to hear her speak. So all I could really understand was his words. Her's, I understood intermittently. He asked if she would invite him in, but I barely heard her say no as she shook her head from side to side. I couldn't understand the reason she gave. Then he bent down and started kissing her. She seemed to melt in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tight. I could see he had one arm wrapped around her upper torso, but his other arm was lower as his hand was rubbing her ass.They must have kissed a good 15 minutes or more, or maybe it just felt that way to me. Eventually he let her go, and she turned around and unlocked the door with her key. After she opened the door a bit, he started walking away. I heard him tell her that he would not drive away until he knew she was safe in the house and waved him off through the window. Wow, talk about a man interested in her safety. This guy was on a mission to win her over, not just to have a one night stand. If only he knew she was already married, I wonder if he would be so ready to back off and take it slow. I sat down on the couch and watched as she slithered into the door. She closed the door behind her and just leaned against it for a moment. It was, as if she was sucking in all that happened. I have never seen her react like that since I first dated her. I could tell that she was pretty drunk. She could barely walk without keeping her balance, and my stomach was in knots. I think my wife fell in love with this guy. No seriously, only a woman who has been swept off her feet and looking for more would act like she did. Or at least she was in lust for sure. Then she saw me, as I began getting up, However, before I could say anything she put her finger to her mouth and waved me to stay on the couch. Then she moved to the window and opened it for him to see her. She kissed her hand and waved it at him and gave the OK sign with her hand. The I could hear him drive away as she waved at him. She closed the curtain and turned around and looked at me with these intent eyes that said it all. She was not a happy camper. Nope, she was not real friendly with. Then she pointed at me, and said; "You started this, and you better be prepared for where it goes. That guy treated me like I was a queen, and I felt so good when i was with him. He told me he thinks he loves me. That he never ever met a woman who was so gorgeous, and proper. Do you understand that you fool? He is in love with me, and now I am so fucking confused it hurts." She said all this as her voice began raising an octave or two. I began to say something and she just pointed at me and told me to shut the fuck up. So I just sat on the couch as I looked at her. She then continued speaking to me like I was a child who really fucked up. "I felt so good I wanted him to fuck me. Yes, I wanted what you wanted, but he is too good for that. He is not some guy who picks up a slut to fuck one time and then say good bye. Yet I was willing to be his slut." I tried all I could to get him to want me, but he rejected me. Oh not because he didn't want me. NOOO, he rejected me because he said he has not been with a women since his wife died a year ago." I looked at her and all I could muster was "WTF?" She started crying, so I got up to comfort her, and the moment I touched her she pushed me away, and said something that hurt me deep inside. She looked intently at ma, pointing her finger and said, "Leave me alone. You disgust me, and I don't know if I will ever forgive you." I just stood off the side and started apologizing for everything I ever did to hurt her. Then she looked at me and her attitude began to change. Like I said she was pretty drunk, and I have learned over the few years we have been married that her moods change wildly when she gets too much to drink. Her look softened and she said, "I'm sorry babe, I love you. I shouldn't have said that. I guess I just had way too much to drink." She turned away and headed for the hallway, and I heard her tell me, "I'm going to bed, I am so tired, and so confused. I love you babe,." Then all I heard was her rambling on about only God knows what. She slept until after I headed off to work this morning so I didn't see her again until like around 2:00 or so when I got home from work. Thank God it was a short day. I don't know if I could have lasted much longer than I had to. I was in a hurry to get home to talk to her, but when I got home she would not discuss anything. I decided to leave well enough alone. She made a stir fry for dinner and we ate in mostly silence, until she turned the TV on to watch the Judge Judy. Eventually the conversation picked up, but it was all about the case on the show. I figured she was talking normally to me, so that seemed like a good sign. The night went without any problems, and eventually she went to bed. Now I am sitting in my office, typing the account from what I can remember. I may have left some things out, but this is pretty much the gist of what transpired after she got home last night. I am now wondering if she will eventually indulge me as to what went on at the bar. I am not giving up. What transpired just resolved my desire to continue. Will he call and ask her for a date, will she want to go if he does? Or have I screwed this up royally? I really don't think I did, because if he touched her heart, she is going to find it impossible to stay away from him. But how does she go forward if she told him she lives alone. How can this go forward, and if it does with him, what should I expect? Maybe she will begin an affair with him and I will only have to hear what happens. Man, I would be telling a lie if I said I wasn't nervous and unsure of how to go forward. Any suggestions? because I am truly confused, this has not turned out the way I expected it to so far.
  7. Well, my wife left about 8:45 last night, and at 9:30 she sent me the first text. She said it was pretty busy, and that there were like 3 men for every woman there. She next sent me a text about an hour later around 10:30, and said that a guy introduced himself as Tom, and he bought her a few drinks. She says they chatted while watching people sing, and waited his turn to sing. About an hour later she texted me that he was singing the song "Tonight's The Night" by Rod Stewart. When I read that text my gut was like flush with spasms as if I was going to get sick, yet I felt extra horny at the same time. I sent her a text and asked if she thinks the guy wants her, she replied with two words all in capitals.: "Oh YEA!" Then I asked if she likes him and what does he look like. She replied she did, but she would tell me later what he looked like because his song was over and he was coming back. Then there wasn't any messages for about an hour and a half. I was getting real nervous as my mind raced about what was happening. Were they making out? Was she at his place getting fucked? What the hell was happening. I wanted to text her, but I promised I would not text her unless she texted me. I actually made myself so horny thinking of what may be happening that I jacked off three or for times. My little dick was getting real sore. Then I got a text just before 1:00 am. She said they were at the service station getting gas for his car. She told me he is driving her home, because she was too drunk to drive her car. She also told me to turn out the lights, because she told him she lived alone. I asked if anything happened. She replied, yes they went out for breakfast. I asked if that is all that happened? Didn't you even make out I asked. She said they did, but other than kissing and cuddling, he was a complete gentleman. I asked if he at least felt her up or anything, and she said no. Wow I thought. I then asked if she tried to feel him up to get him excited, and she said no. The last text I got from her said, "Gotta go hes back". I must admit my great feeling was busted like a balloon. I went around the house and turned all the lights off, and sat on a chair next to the window waiting for her to get home. About 15 minutes later a Big truck pull into our driveway. His headlights flashed through the front window. We have one of those half circle driveways where you can drive off and then back onto the road. His truck was sitting out front with the lights off now, and I peeked out the window to see if I could see them. It was dark, and so I could see, but not real well. I Could make out the heads, and I could see they were making out. They were out there a long time and it seemed like they talked for awhile, then kissed and made out, then talked some more. Then his door opened and he walked around to open her door. Wow, a real gentleman. He looked like a big boy. Not sure how big at first, but when he opened her door and she stepped out and down, I could tell that he had to be every bit 6' 5' or so, and probably 250 pounds or more. He wasn't fat, but he wasn't real athletic looking either. As he stood next to my wife he made her look like a small woman, and my wife is like 5' 8" an she weighs about 140. I'll write more later. My wife called me, and she doesn't know I am sharing this.
  8. three hours, not one comment. I guess misunderstood what this place was about. I'll enjoy the first time my wife goes out to a bar by herself on my own.
  9. I'm sitting on the end of the bed watching my wife put on her makeup. She has always been a beautiful woman. To me, at 23, she looks like the same 16 year old girl I was dating in high school. My wife asked me what I was thinking. I looked back at her and told her, "I'm thinking about another man sliding his cock deep inside your pussy, and you moaning and groaning about how good it feels." She just laughed and said I'm dreaming, because she swears she is not going to fuck anyone tonight. I just smirked and winked my eye at her.
  10. No one has responded. OH well, I'll continue as if someone has anyway. My wife hit the snooze button a couple times, then got up about fifteen minutes after five. She told me she was reconsidering and thinking that she won' go. I jumped right in and pretty much begged and pleaded for her to go through with it. I told her that it's not as if she has to do anything. I also told her that she could just sit back and enjoy a few drinks and the music. She responded by laughing at me and saying how I am so weird and pathetic for begging her to go be with another man. I just looked at her with a smile and said, I know you want to know if other men would like you, so don't give me too much crap darling. She smiled back and said I was right. She then told me to get her a drink so that when she gets out of the shower she can relax her nerves. I walked over and gave her a kiss. I tried to slip my in with the kiss, but she shut her mouth and told me that if I want her to go through with this I cannot act like a husband right now. I need to act like a friend instead. I agreed, and left the bedroom to go downstairs and get her that drink. She likes Lemonade Vodka on the ricks, and when she starts drinking it, she usually doesn't stop until it's time for bed. Maybe this will be a night come true for me and my desires. She is in the shower right now. I'll write another update in a while before she leaves. I am so excited and crazily nervous at the same time. I think I'll jack off again while she is in the shower.
  11. I shared this with others about a Month ago, I thought I was actually going to going to get things rolling in a direction of getting my wife fucked by a friend, and it seemed like everything was working out, but then my friend ended up in the hospital after a bad car accident. So I backed off, and thought of other chances I may have. Through it all I never stopped talking about her and other men, and how she needs a real man to make her feel like she deserves. I also started jacking off a lot in the bathroom just before before we made love. I wasn't getting off, but it did help me get off even faster than usual. So like for the last Month I have lasted maybe 2 minutes before getting off. It has become so automatic that she will actually have the dildo present when we start making love, because she knows I won't last long at all. Now the dildo I got her uses batteries, so what I dd was hide all the batteries, and so last time her didlo died and she actually got a bit agitated because it did not last long enough, and we had no new batteries for it. So I started talking to her that if we had another man here she would not need batteries. I guess the nudging is helping, because she started asking me where would we find a guy for her. I suggested we go to bars to meet them. She let me know that there was no way she could meet another guy if I was with her. So I told her that I was OK with her going alone. She thinks I am weird that I would let her go to the bar with the express purpose of finding a lover. Well, I finally convinced her to go to the bar. She said she isn't going to do anything, but she agreed to go to see if any men hit up on her. She chose tonight, because this bar across town we heard of has karaoke on Sunday nights. So there should be a good sized crowd.She will have her phone with her and keep me up on what's happening by text. She is taking a nap right now, so I thought I would post this to get a conversation going. She doesn't know that I joined this site for the specific purpose of sharing my thoughts of wanting to be cuckolded by her. When she heads out later this evening, I can keep everyone updated.. She is going to leave for the bar about 9pm tonight. So you may want to keep an eye out for any updates I share that she sent me. I have never ever shared my wife with anyone, but I surf porn and the more I did, the more I have an urge to see her get fucked. Then I stumbled upon a few cuckolding videos and eventually felt as if I would be a good cuck. My wife is the dominant one in our relationship. She seldom if ever gets off with me. mainly because I really have a small dick, and I get off pretty fast. She said she never felt dissatisfied, but the more I urge her while making out, and after I get off, and talk to her about getting with a guy with a bigger cock to see if she would like it, the more she considered it, but then changes her mind. Well, a week ago she agreed, but only to show me that I would not like it if she went out without me. Well she is taking a nap, and when she gets up she will get ready. I have the perfect outfit I want her to wear, and I look forward to watching her get all dolled up for some guy she has yet to even meet. She says she wont do anything, but I am hoping that after she has a few drinks that she will melt in some guys presence and be wooed into giving in and going home with a guy. My wife has always been flirty and much more susceptible to suggestions when she has a few drinks, When she has had more than a few she gets real horny, at least with me she does. Not sure how much she will drink, or if she will allow herself to get carried away, but I'm hopeful. Well, it's now about 3:50 and she planned on getting up and take a shower to get ready about 5 pm. So that's like a bit over an hour. I'll check in as I can without her getting any wind of me sharing what's going on as I can. I'll keep anyone who cares updated as thing go, and then when she gets to the bar, I'll share our texts with you. My stomach is queazy, and I'm as nervous as a cat at the pound. My head is racing with thoughts of what I want her to wear, what I hope happens, and the thought that she may come home with a pussy full of another man's sperm. Even if she only makes out with a guy, I would be happy, but I want her to get fucked like she has never been fucked before. She laid down for a nap about 1:00 pm, and since then i have jacked off about three times I'm so horny. I better post this before she gets up. I took the picture of her about a year ago. shared it on a site for men sharing pics of their wives, with some other racy ones of her I took of her over the last few years, but for now this is all I will share here. It's a site I joined a few years ago. I shared them with a few buddies, and they have been cool by not letting others know. She would literally kill me if she knew I have shown any of these to anyone.
  12. It's been almost two Months since I posed this question. I'm glad that I got the responses. After reading your response, it makes me want to see my wife become another man's woman even more than before. I have been talking to her about it when we make love. She is actually considering it. She should, because I have always been like a two pump chump. She is always telling me to slow down, but I can't help it. It's like the moment my little dick touched her pussy I start humping her real fast. She say's I fuck like a rabbit, because I go so fast and it's over before she even warms up. Knowing she wants me to slow down, makes me fuck even faster. It's like I enjoy getting off so much that I cannot control myself. A few years ago I bought her a big dildo. It's like 8 inches and real thick. Which is like almost 3 times as long as mine, ans much thicker.. At first she refused to use it, because she thought it was too big, but eventually I convinced her to try it. She really liked it, and now she uses it after I get off every time. She said she only uses it after I fuck her, but I know that's a lie, because after I got home from work early one day, and she forgot to put it away. It was on the bed partially tucked under her pillow. It was very slimy wet from her pussy juices. She has never had an orgasm with me, but she does when she uses the dildo. When she is using it after I fuck her is when I start talking about her needing a real man with a real cock. As she gets off she will agree, and sometimes pretend one of our friends is fucking her. Then after she is finished she says she won't and that she only talks like that for my pleasure. One day I left my laptop on the dresser with the sound recorder going without her knowing it. While she was using the dildo I asked if she wishes my friend Jim was fucking her instead of the dildo. She began talking like she does and even used his name as if he was fucking her. About a week later he was over watching a basketball game with me while my wife was out shopping. I veered the conversation to sex and told him that while my wife was using a dildo that she pretended she was fucking him. He thought it was hot and asked if it bothered me. I told him it didn't and even said I would let him fuck her if I could talk her into it. Just talking to him about fucking my wife made me so horny, but kind of upset in the stomach at the same time.It was a weird feeling, but it was all I could think about for the next week. Even he couldn't get it out of his head. He was like texting me all week, wondering if I talked to her about it. I told him I did, but she wouldn't agree. He asked if I could video her using a dildo, and I told I would, but she won't let me. It's one thing to record an audio of her without her knowing, but I don't know how i could video her without her knowing. I keep scheming, and I may find a way or convince her eventually I hope. At least I have her thinking of fucking other men. I won't give up. I am bound and determined to turn my wife into a big slut one day.
  13. I am still working on getting my wife to let another man fuck her, but should I ever convince her to take the leap, my next step would be to have her cuckold me with men who's cocks are much bigger than mine. Which is not difficult since I have a very small clit. So I am curious, what do you think is the best part of being cuckolded by your wife. As a want-a-be-cuck I am cutious.
  14. So your trying to convince me that I'm blessed to have a clit for a dick?
  15. Not sure how I got it posted 3 times. My first time posting and I am a newbie. Sorry.
  16. I found this while surfing the web, and I had to share it. I have been kind of lurking around this site for sometime, and never joined. Then I found this and though you people need to see it. I mean I wish I had 1/2 of one of his cocks, yet this guy got two of them and they are both over 10 inches. check out this youtube video about it. Wow, talk about being jealous. I am pissed that I got screwed out of length and girth, yet this guy not only got them both, but he gets two of them. Here is his tumblr page http://diphallicdude.tumblr.com/ his twitter page https://twitter.com/DiphallicDude Amazone page where his book, Double Stuffed, was #1 for awhile. https://www.amazon.com/Double-Stuffed-Steamy-Tales-Penises-ebook/dp/B01A3LKQMW/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1451770455&sr=1-1
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