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Everything posted by cuckoldbydave

  1. One of the hottest things that have happened to me is when my girlfriend at the time and I were going thru some problems. I was a typical douchebag 26 year old and I totally took her for granted. The last straw was when I went on a cruise without her. When I came back she said she felt like this was going nowhere and she was wasting her time. As the super macho guy I told her "Go out on dates with other guys and see what's out there, I don't mind". Sure enough, a week later I called and asked her out and she said she was going on a first date with a guy her dad knew thru work. She said she would call when she got home ( this was like 3 in the afternoon and they were going to a movie ). I never heard back from her so I called and got no answer. The next day I met her at work for lunch and I said "How was your date?" She said it was ok, but the guy lived with his mom and it was kind of weird. Then I asked "Why didn't you call me?" and she grinned. I asked again and she said "We had sex" and then answered every question I had about how what and when. She showed me rug burns on her knees and hickeys on her neck. This guy had fucked my girlfriend on the first date after I probably spent 2 months getting in her pants when we first met. From then on out, she was really in charge and would basically just fuck me occasionally when he wasn't available. I even told her "This guy has some kind of power over you and you run to him whenever he wants to fuck you" she admitted it was true and she didn't want to be boyfriend/girlfriend any longer. One day she was supposed to come over and she didn't. Hours later she came to my place and admitted she was with him. We started making out and she tells me she hadn't even showered and he had fucked her for several hours. I went down on her anyway and I remember her saying "Oh my god, you are so nasty" as I licked her. He lips were still red and I told her I'd kiss them and make them better. Then I tongued her ass and she said "He got me there too if you want to kiss it and make it better". I was in total shock because she had never let me do anal with her. I licked her, she came and then wouldn't let me fuck her. Eventually we grew apart and she met some other guy and got married. That was one of the things that started me down the road of trying to be in a relationship with a hotwife.
  2. I think the hottest thing in the world would be to get an unexpected text from her while I'm at work saying she's getting ready to fuck somebody and then not even hearing from her for an hour. A close second would be her asking me if I mind staying home with the kids so she can go over to some guys place.
  3. Ok, this is going to happen. Last night went to the bar and she loosened up the top two buttons on her blouse and sat like that through dinner, asking me if she would get attention like this. At home later when we were going to bed, she come out of the bathroom naked and tells me to lick her pussy while she sits in my face. She proceeds to ask me if I would lick her pussy and kiss it to "make it better" after some guy had fucked her and made it sore. Then she asked me if I would like her to suck my dick while I was watching a guy fuck her from behind and then lick her wet pussy afterwards. We are going to the beach tomorrow and I asked her if she would like to find a guy and bring him back to the room to fuck. She said "as long as the situation is right I'll do it". Right afterwards she came as hard as I've ever seen her. I said " I think that was my answer" and she said "yeah I think it was". Can't wait for tomorrow night!!
  4. So are you in the USA? Where exactly do you live?
  5. Good looking gal, I love the ass shots....I see she gets waxed So.....she apparently likes white guys. You ever watch her getting some strange cock?
  6. I'm sorry then. In the interest of political correctness I am ready to proclaim that there are no black men in Baltimore and there is no problem with violence there either. Can we now move forward with our incorrect but non racist perspective?
  7. We're going for a little one day get away to the beach Sunday, getting a hotel room. I would love something to happen but not counting on it. I may take her to a bar though and come up with an excuse to leave for a few in the hopes that she gets approached at least.
  8. Yes.....would love that! Maybe she could call me and put the phone next to the bed.
  9. I almost would rather not see it the first time. Not because I don't want to, I just want her to describe it to me after to sort of cement her role as a Hotwife.
  10. I want to take my wife on a cruise or vacation and dare her to hook up with somebody after a few drinks.
  11. What? Baltimore has a very large black population and a very high murder rate. What I said might not be politically correct but it's still true.if she wants to have access to a lot of black men in Maryland, Baltimore has them. But be careful there.
  12. I wouldn't be ashamed at all. If my wife said she wanted some dude, I'd go straight to him and tell him we are freaks and my wife wants to fuck him.
  13. Maryland? Head down to Baltimore, it is chock full of black men. If you can find a couple that aren't busy shooting one another maybe you can get some action.
  14. I had a Hotwife tell me "She will be nervous and hesitant right up until that first cock goes in, then she will be hooked"
  15. She wants it, you just have to get her to admit it and accept it...we're at that stage right now. We just have to find the guy and have her take that last step. From talking to women in this lifestyle, all of them say the same thing....after that first one they are usually hooked on it.
  16. Not yet. We have kids though so it would probably be a Disney cruise. What do you think the odds of her being able to find a guy to fuck in that scenario
  17. Let me amend that. Tonight she admitted via text that it turns her on and she said she has never come as many times as she did last night ( 7 )when I was telling her about it during our sex session. She also said she was wet right then texting me about it and googled some stuff before sending me a message that says "You totally want me to be a hotwife!!" She's realizing the benefits it could have and I think at this point she's strongly leaning yes. Now to find a guy.....
  18. Not to him unfortunately. We had a two hour romp last night where she said that it would probably be best if we did something like this on a cruise or vacation
  19. I think the fact that after a year with no action ( and you gone for months at a time ) she hasn't been with another guy indicates that your strategy is not as sound as you think. Women instinctively want to pleasure their man. So for you to offer her the company of another man and say it's for no other reason than her pleasure seems counterintuitive....her pleasure is brought thru your pleasure. She thinks you want her to do it so SHE will be happy, so if she does it, she has to first admit that she is not happy as things currently stand. That won't work. Tell her the truth. You are a kinky freak and it would get you off if she fucked around. Tell her in no uncertain terms that you want her to fuck another man and let you know every step she takes in doing it.
  20. Oh yeah. We will definitely be playing that game in public. If there's a guy out alone at some bar we are at, I could ask her.....you think that's the type of guy owns an Audi? Then depending on her answer, dare her to wink at him next time he looks over....
  21. I think she really got worked up over that part. I think she may have run the scenario by one of her girlfriends and was told she should take advantage of the offer. That's the only reason I can think of for the sudden change. It feels like this is going to happen.
  22. Well....sent her an email explaining the whole thing and she said she is going to have to think about adding Dave but I think she is leaning towards no.....BUT, the following day I sent her an erotic story called The Seduction Of My Wife. In it, the husband and wife use a code word to indicate via text that she is going to screw this guy she met out. So she sends me a message saying the code word part was hot. I asked her what our code word would be and she said "Audi" which was one of her lines in the email to Dave years ago. (" I had fun in the Audi" ). Then she asked what bar she would go to to get picked up. When I suggested the Blue Martini, she texted "Blue Martini. Yes." We talked some more where I told her guys would be all over her. She typed "So weird going alone". She is actually thinking about how she could do this, I really think it's going to happen much sooner than I expected!!!!
  23. Sent her the email and laid my cards on the table. We will see how she reacts. Also included a short erotica story I wrote describing their affair.
  24. I don't know if that method will work. I think if I can get her to add this guy as a FB friend, the rest is going to happen. I typed a long email explaining how hot it made me to find out she was fucking this guy years ago and that friending him on FB would be a sexy way for us to do some kinky risque stuff from the safety of a computer. Just waiting for the right moment to send it. I think deep down she knows that as soon as she adds him, the countdown to him fucking her starts. I had old emails she sent to her friends saying she just couldn't resist him. I would love for it to progress to the point where she tells me they are going to meet up.
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