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  1. Hey there,

    Wanted to touch base to let you know I wasn't ignoring you when you replied to my comment , I think a couple of days ago. 

    I was going to ask you a couple of things but since I don't have enough "cred" to do that backchannel it'll wait. I might have stumbled across some of those links incidental to a search, probably be able to find them again and if not I've got about 20000 years of reading to catch up on anyway.

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    2. secondjag


      Christopher, like myself, was an atheist. Unlike myself, he was a radical thinker who never let that get in his way.  Frequently attacked the far left and was certainly a brilliant guy.  There are loads of debates of his on youtube.

      Secondjag; I used to race Jaguars, sorry.  lol, have a real weakness (pronounced "sickness") for them.


    3. PartyReadyCpl


      You know I'm going to screw with you about Jaguars, right?

      Actually I'm an atheist too, once in a while I backslide into "agnostic" but usually it's just to look up and cuss. It can be a little tough to overcome your upbringing even when you've been claiming atheism since the '80s, serious doubts before that. Think I'm in a bit of trouble if I'm wrong about some stuff but the way I read it looks like I've got a pretty good argument (several actually) the first being "manufacturing defect".

      But if I go to Hell anyway, I'm tilling everything up and planting popcorn...

    4. secondjag


      Hmm, screw with me about my life long love affair with the greatest marque in automotive history?  And I say this as a man who has owned, and loved, a Ferrari

      I strongly encourage you to view much of Hitchens and perhaps Dawkins stuff on Youtube.  You'll find yourself more "comfortable" in your own skin.  On a scale of 1 to 10, no one should ever identify themselves as a 10 atheist.  A reasonable man concedes that which he can not know.  As you are well aware, it is hardly a popular declaration, in fact, many I know would rather I be a Satanist because, I guess, at a minimum, I believe in something.  Like yourself, I wrestled a long time before coming to where I am along with a considerable amount of backsliding. I'm fond, when I'm asked for advice regarding whether or not to take a chance on some life thing, responding with, "when you are dead a million years, you are just beginning to be dead." You get one chance, enjoy it.

      Besides, hell won't take me; too evil

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