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secondjag last won the day on January 15

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  1. Hey man, it's probably a good thing you didn't get that car.... you probably didn't notice that somebody put the steering wheel on the wrong side in your excitement.\.

    Talk about a close call, LOL That would've took a lot of weekends to fix it!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. PartyReadyCpl


      Thanks, you have a good holiday too....

    3. PartyReadyCpl


      Don't make me pull that LT1 outta the Roadmaster and shoehorn it into that S-10 I have out by the barn, LOL Not sure I'd wanna drive that one WFO, I have to set some bricks on it when the wind blows so I now where it's at later.

      You'd be surprised at how many times I had that engine so hot it boiled the coolant out of it while I was looking for a four core radiator last summer too. I finally gave up... found something but didn't want to pay the price but I don't think it needs it. Went ahead with the standard replacement, but it's aluminum so a little cooler than the OEM brass. If it don't work out I still have it for the tanks but the stupid thing is I got a four core (equivalent) for my pickup for about 120 bucks. I'd get another one of those but it's way too big. They want over 500 at I think it was Summit.


      I won't know for sure until next July/August maybe.

    4. secondjag


      aluminum is the way to go, much cooler.  and they say Jags are high maintenance!  Damn

      be seeing you in my rear view on the highway.

      be well man

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