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Posts posted by Kaktuscpl

  1. 1 hour ago, cumlayus said:

    I'm just curious, is this posted from another country outside of North America? I've never heard of the words or terms "spin" and "spun" when referring to cum or sperm. Or were they typo's? Just curious if it's another sexual term I'm not aware of yet :) 

    from my limited knowledge "Spin or Spun" refer to someone using meth,,,never heard it used as sexual terms


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  2. 18 hours ago, RobJohnson said:

    I was never a cuckold. I didn’t even know what one was, and if I was ever told about it, I would have never wanted to have walked that path.

    I was created. It took time, I was nurtured, given challenges I didn’t even know I was given. I was tested and put in situations where my wife would create exactly what she wanted.

    She is greedy, she always was, but rather than hit me with her needs early on, she cleverly lead me into situations that would eventually lead us where we are today.

    I remember one of my very early tests. A situation she created to see how I would act. She wanted to see if I would conform, how I would handle it all and if I was worth keeping. I am sure if I had reacted differently I would have been history, but that wouldn’t have mattered, she would have found someone else who she would have nurtured. 

    Extremely good looking, busty, slim, blonde, blue eyes, with a warm and welcoming personality, men were and still are drawn to her. In the early days men would just be like a magnet to her, and while some women have a way of turning the attention away, my wife’s body language, personality and looks had the opposite affect and men just clamoured after her.

    Out with the girls, or at work, I knew I always had men who wanted her, and inside it was killing me. I just wanted her all to myself, but her outlook towards men filled me with a deep uncomfortable feeling inside and she did nothing to relieve that awkward feeling, in fact she made it worse and worse.

    A new guy at work arrived, a real looker, confident and one I knew she would flirt with as soon as I saw him. We met out in a bar one night quite soon after he joined and you could just tell she was giving him the signals. He was married, and that was my only hope. Would he have the morals to leave her alone, but seeing them that night I just doubted it very much. Her large breasts on show, jutting them out for him, her open stance, her touching him, I knew she was drawing him in.

    Of course I questioned her thoughts about him, and of course she just passed them off, but I just knew her and knew she couldn’t resist a good looking guy and that she would be making moves towards having him. 

    The Christmas party soon arrived and luckily I was invited as it was for partners too. What a relief I thought, nothing could happen here, I would be there, and so would his wife so I could at least relax.

    It was at a really nice hotel, my wife dressed to impress in a stunning short dress, boobs on show and I was so proud to be with her.

    It was a dinner then disco, the dinner being on  a large long table. No seating plan, and as everyone went to sit down I ended up sitting next to my wife, with Mr Good Looking sitting opposite her. That made me feel a little uncomfortable, but worse was to come when I found out his wife didn’t make it to the event. No major issues, just her not being there and him sitting opposite my wife were two little things that made me just a slight bit uncomfortable.

    Dinner was served and dynamics changed in a direction I didn’t want them to take. My wife just carried on talking to Mr Good Looking, laughing, joking, ignoring me, and a couple near me sort of tried to take my attention towards them as if they were trying to take me away from the conversations my wife were having. 

    It basically felt like my wife and her work colleague were the couple and I was the outsider. Laughing and joking became more exaggerated and I became even more the outsider. It was as if I wasn’t even there.

    It might have been just in my head, but I would look around and I just felt the whole of the table we’re monitoring what was going on, as if they knew they would be after each other and wanted to see how it would unfold.

    Dinner was concluding and I just was desperate for it to be over when the disco started. I was just about to nip in and take my wife away from him when she told me she was just off to dance, and left me alone as the pair got up.

    It was humiliating on two fronts. My wife was clearly engaging with him and leaving me alone, but all the eyes of her work colleagues were on them, but also on me to see my reaction.

    As they danced I didn’t know where to look. Should I monitor what they do, or look away. It was so awkward but then two couples came up to talk to me. It was small talk and I knew they felt sorry for me. They positioned themselves so I wasn’t looking at the dance floor, so I couldn’t see what my wife was up to, and you could tell these people were just being kind to me as they knew how awkward it was. They were being so kind and I appreciated how they were treating me, but every so often I would look over my shoulder to see my wife and her work colleague having a great time, dancing, holding hands etc. Everytime I had a sneaky look, the couples sort of made sure I looked back quickly by asking me a question and taking my attention away from the loving couple.

    After an hour or so I looked again and my wife and the guy had gone. My heart started to race and I just couldn’t concentrate on the conversations any longer. I had hit a barrier and needed to find her, I think I had had enough and was worried they could take it further so I needed to find her and make sure nothing was going on.

    There was another bar so I went there. They weren’t there, I went outside, I went to a bar on the top floor, I went everywhere, twice, three times, I was wandering around for an hour trying to find them, and trying to pretend I wasn’t bothered, but clearly I was. Her friends were giving me a wide berth at this point as they clearly knew something and so I was being avoided.

    About an hour later she turned up, she came over and her personality had changed.She was quiet, she was making forced conversations about how nice the food was, then ten minutes later he walked in and headed to talk to different friends.

    I cautiously asked her where she had been and she said to the toilet and then she was talking to other people in the other bar. That clearly wasn’t the case as I must have checked that bar over ten times.

    They were now apart, I had her back, but where had she been. She had had no thoughts for me, just for him and what she wanted to do with him and it looked to me they must have gone somewhere and spent sometime together.

    At the time you justify it to yourself. Maybe you missed seeing her in the bar. Maybe they just went their separate ways and I missed them both. He is married, so he wouldn’t do anything. The one that did it for me was me thinking that nobody would ever fuck someone else at a Christmas party whilst her partner was at the same function. It was this that I clung to.

    As the night drew to a close we all got our taxis. I decided to be brave and as Mr Good Looking was saying good bye to everyone I asked him what time his taxi was booked for. His response was to tell me he didn’t have one booked as he was staying at the hotel. As he only lived a few miles away I just wasn’t expecting him to have a room, and as he told me, my heart sank, I got that ache inside and I realised that he had planned it all, left his wife at home, booked a room and in all probability fucked my wife while i was wandering around like a fool looking for her.

    There I was looking around the hotel for me, when he would have had his cock buried deep into her.

    We left and as we got in the taxi my emotions were all over the place. She is stunning, so lovely and if I had said anything I just knew she would have got the taxi driver to take her back and he would have ended up fucking her all night. I just didn’t know what to think. I felt lucky to have her, I felt betrayed, I felt if I said something I would lose her, I felt everyone knew what she and him were doing apart from me. 

    I didn’t realise it at the time but this was a part of the challenge. Just a game to see how I would react and what she could get away with. I said nothing and she then took that as a positive step towards her being able to fuck this guy whenever she then wanted. She knew I didn’t have the balls to challenge her, so she knew from then how she could progress with him and other guys. I just didn’t realise at the time it was her way of making me cuckold. She wanted a husband, but he must be pliable and able to accept her need for new cock as and when she wanted it. That night was one of the first in my journey. She succeeded on two fronts, she was conditioning me, and she was getting the cock she craved. All I got was a nice Christmas meal and a very uncomfortable feeling inside 

    Did she have a creampie for you to clean when y'all got home?

    • Like 7
  3. 7 hours ago, retifistic said:

    Hi Longrun

    I'd love it if my best friend was interested in fucking my wife!  I understand your concerns but you have to accept that there is a risk involved with anyone having your girl.  And what if she enjoys it? Great! What if he wants to do it again? Great! Put yourself in her position, if she wanted you do do her friend would you instantly want to run off with her friend?  Would you ruin your relationship over it? Probably not.

    You can't tell what's going to happen.  Everyone and every situation is different.  But you have an oppertunity to experience a very hot and sexy situation with two of your closest people.  If it were me, I'd really enjoy it.

    Good luck.

    That was our thoughts/feelings about sharing wifes pussy.......with someone we both knew and trusted

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  4. On 4/10/2016 at 1:55 PM, calicolombia69 said:

    I posted earlier that I was working out of town for a year and only made it home every 4 weeks for a week-end.  Meanwhile she had her lovers of course.  But due to family she could only see them at lunchtimes or early evening.  The guys yearned for her to spend a full night with them or a week-end. 


    So when I announced that i would be coming home the following week-end, she asked me for a huge favor.... Honey  I know you need me and want to see me, but would it be possible for you to take care of the kids so I can spend the whole week-end with "MIke"  I will Reaaally make it up to you!"    It was actually a hard decision:  see my wife or let her fuck her brains out all week-end.   I asked her if that is what she really wanted?   She replied: "Yes honey,  I really want to sleep with him so we are not rushed" 


    So she picked me up from the airport Friday pm, went straight home and I helped her to quickly get ready.   No sex b/c kids are at home and circling around me excitied to see me.   I am harder than a rock b/c she met me with a mini and tight top and then gave me more details of her up-coming week-end in the car.  then at home,  Ironed her hair while she was naked and applying make up.  then apply cream to her legs and ass.   She stops me and says not on my pussy or ass.  last time he complained that he likes the taste of my sweat and juice; not the cream.    By the way, she hadnt showered  in two days b/c this one gets turned on by the smell of her sweat, especially armpits and between ass cheeks.  (So do I)


    Kids asked where she was going and we said to a party with her friend Amy.  I drove her over as she gave me instructions for saturday kids activities etc.   She is talking to me so business like as I am driving her over to sleep with another man!


    On Saturday just before I was leaving the house she swings by to pick up a micro-bikini that she only wears when we are on Vacation.  It is one of those pieces that barely cover the lips, only cover nipples and if she bends over, just covers the butt whole while you can still see the dark ring around the butt.  Mike is having a BBQ and wants his buddies to see her in all her glory.  I protest, you dress sexy for my friends but you never wear that!  She replied:  He is doing it to me like you wouldnt believe, so I want to keep him happy... 


    She finally appeared Sunday evening late.  She began to relate the w-end events at 10pm and as I spread her legs  she was already fast asleep!  I noticed her legs, ass and tits covered in names written with markers...  Finally Monday morning I got my turn properly...  as well as all the story


    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, joker1961 said:

    The whole problem with friend fucking her you don't only lose girlfriend you lose friend. Plus if she likes or dislikes fucking him makes things very very awkward. Did she pick which friend? That could even worse if she likes his fucking too much. I have 2 different friends who went that exact route and they ended very badly.

    we chose which friend together.......we knew who we wanted..we knew WE wanted no condom and that HAD TO CREAMPIE HER...before we ever talked to Adam......he was blown away when I said the only stipulation to him fucking her was ,that HE HAD TO CUM INSIDE HER  or it wouldn't happen ....


    WE ARE ALL STILL VERY GOOD FRIENDS ....haven't been able to get everyone on the same page for a repeat performance......specially since he got married and had kid

  6. I like to fantasize about sucking/cleaning her lover.....especially her asking/telling me to do it...... Haven't done it yet........I love eating her cum filled pussy......so far only gotten to share her one time ,asked them about sucking him.....but he wasn't into it,

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  7. On 4/3/2018 at 4:17 PM, secondjag said:

    Sure, just a few weeks ago you could have looked on Craig's however there is always the glory holes at adult book/toy stores.  Maybe a bull here could help you out if you told us where you are.  Lastly, might be able to make some other suggestions if you contact me privately.

    I've kind of been out touch lately......what happened to craigslist?

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