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Posts posted by Kaktuscpl

  1. On 5/1/2017 at 4:19 PM, secondjag said:

    Nobody? Really? Disappointed but I guess that's typical.  You know, I get requests daily for stuff from me privately as well as post up a rather large amount of stuff. Thinking members just want to take and not give and that fuck'n blows. This is how great sites like this disappear and then everybody says, "wonder what happened?"

    My computer was down.....had to re-build it.......still trying to get some stuff off of the old hard drive,not really sure how to do that.....I can put stuff together and follow instructions...but the techy side isn't something I know very well

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  2. On 4/28/2017 at 7:58 PM, cuckinct said:

    Yes. Im in CT. must be a state thing? Small guys in CT?


    On 4/29/2017 at 7:08 AM, James fredrick said:

    Must be a new England thing. Mass.

    This just popped into my head......but I was curious about how much (quantity) do y'alls "Lil dicks" cum each time......I know that has more to do with your balls...(are they small too?)

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  3. Hello my fellow freaks and kinks lovers.Sorry I've been MIA,computer decided to take a shit on me,so after almost a complete rebuild I'm back...still trying to get my wifes pics off the old hard drive....(so if any of y'all are tech guru's) I can put things together and follow instructions...but the tech/recovering stuff is beyond me.....

    Hopefully I can get her take some more pics soon anyway


    Just wanted to say I/we missed y'all

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