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Peter C

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Everything posted by Peter C

  1. Christmas Eve and more from saved on my computer.
  2. And a happy Christmas to all you black men servicing our white wives and girlfriends for us. We are very grateful, as are our women of course.
  3. Me too. I'm 66 soon, whilst Becky is a young looking 46. On top of her shock confession to having a thing about black guys, I was surprised by her being so flattered by the attention she started to receive from black lads in their late teens and early 20s, considering she'd once announced how much she appreciates being with an older man and "could never go back." Her favourite online boyfriend currently is 18 year old Tristan.
  4. And you my friend. Happy Christmas from Pete and Becky! Ah, Mott the Hoople if I'm not mistaken. Happy Christmas from Pete and Becky.
  5. More from the saved photos and gifs on my computer.
  6. I sent this picture to Becky. I hope she gets it!
  7. I know! It really does look like Becky though, folded in half by a dominant black guy, legs as wide as they'll go getting the fucking of her life. Shame it's not you doing the fucking. I know darn well you'd be only too happy to oblige the poor deprived woman!
  8. Apologies Dober. I do try and keep up and "like" your posts. I rarely get "likes" on my Peter C Collection posts either so you're not alone, but I don't care. I enjoy posting them and it's a way of slowly clearing my computer!
  9. I hope all goes well my friend and may I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Maybe 2024 will be the year my little Becky finally succumbs to temptation and plucks up the courage to go black, though these photos that pop up here from time to time look like she's already been well and truly converted.
  10. Still wading through photos and gifs on my home computer. My shy little Becky's sheepish confession to having a thing about black guys has fuelled a lot of these. She was relieved and pleasantly surprised by my reaction to her admission and pleased that I'd actually approve of her having a black boyfriend as well as me, her "white hubby" as she calls me.
  11. I agree. for a pretty woman like Becky to have reached 46 years of age and only been with 3 guys, all of us white, seems such a shame. Her 4th needs to be black and I got very excited when she said he will be! "Definitely".
  12. My wife Debbie was a bit surprised how eagerly I went down on her when she came home from her first session with my ex-workmate Mick that February Sunday afternoon. A real ladies man, he'd been after Debbie for years and had finally succeeded in getting my wife into bed. I'd never seen her pussy so red and used and we played a little game whereby I pretended I didn't know she'd been out, let alone where, who with or what they'd done, even though I'd picked her afterwards from the end of his street. Debbie gave me little clues to make me guess, including, "It was someone you don't like very much. Sorry babe. You don't mind though do you?" She tasted the best she'd ever tasted, her familiar juices mixed now with a new ingredient, Mick's cum. She felt looser when we had sex too. He'd fucked her hard, pleased no doubt to have finally got his cock into Pete's wife or perhaps punishing her for making him wait so long.
  13. Thanks Gunner. Definitely some there that I enjoyed. Black cock looks so good in a white pussy. Becky doesn't know what she's missing!
  14. When my wife was the assistant manageress of a 24 hour convenience store in a nearby town she was very flattered to be chatted up by one of their regular customers. He was only 23 but not bothered that Debbie was nearly 35, nor that she was married with 4 kids. When he first asked her out for a drink, she declined his offer wanting to check with me first if it would be okay. With my approval, the next time he asked, Debbie agreed to meet him after work for a drink, telling him she'd tell her husband they were stock-taking so didn't know what time she'd be home. He liked the sound of that! A few drinks after work led to him suggesting they go back to his place where she was soon naked in his bed, her work uniform, bra and knickers on his bedroom floor. I doubt he could believe his luck at how easily he'd got Debbie into bed and he fucked her 3 times before he let her come home. It was the day after her 35th birthday and his young cock was the best present she could have wished for!
  15. This one reminded of the evening my wife Debbie, hearing a commotion outside, jumped out of bed stark naked to see what was going on. She'd been dozing and forgot my son from my previous marriage was sitting on our bedroom floor watching TV. For those few seconds whilst she struggled to grab her dressing gown and put it on 14 year old Kevin was treated to the sight of his step-mum naked right in front of him. Debbie was quite embarrassed later when she realised, knowing he'd seen everything, her bare tits and even her pussy about 6 feet away and at eye level. Shame he didn't have a mobile phone to capture the sight, but I bet he jerked off over that for weeks after!
  16. Thank you for understanding my position and Becky's. I've just managed to catch up on the posts from the end of last week. Good to see so many white husbands supporting their wives by sucking the black guy's cock too. As much as I love a pretty black girl and been lucky enough to have sex with 3 black women in the past, I don't seem to find photos of white guys fucking black girls half as arousing now as I do seeing a white wife or girlfriend mounted by a muscular black guy or on her knees sucking his cock. The paler she is and the skinnier she is the better as in the photo below. I blame Becky for getting me more into this than I used to be! Becky is quite confident when she's out with me now. The other day, leaving her place in the car, I let a black guy cross in front of me. He put his hand up to thank me, so I asked Becky as a joke, "It that a friend of yours?" "No babe", she replied. "Too dark. I like them a bit lighter than that." Then in town, stuck in traffic, another black guy walked by. "That looks a bit like Tristan." Pointing out black guys now that look like her teenage "boyfriend"!
  17. The majority of the saved photos and gifs on my computer seem to be white women with black men, especially since my shy, inexperienced little Becky sheepishly confessed to having a thing about black guys. I was quite shocked by this, but in turn she was pleasantly surprised that I didn't mind one little bit and would actually approve if she wanted a black "bit on the side". Whether she will ever pluck up the courage to do it is another matter, but I've told her she's allowed.
  18. You two seem to be singing from the same hymn book on this. Well, all I can go by is how it was with my now ex-wife Debbie and the way Becky is, bearing in mind her somewhat troubled past. Yes, I would very much like it to happen but whether Becky would ever pluck up the courage to even meet one of these guys for a coffee or a drink, with me or on her own, is very doubtful. Not impossible by any means, but highly unlikely. Maybe that's what makes me feel safe, safe in the knowledge that she wouldn't do it, but horny at the idea that she could. It would be out of character, but it could happen. We are both still enjoying playing this "game" though, her calling her online club sessions "going out" whilst i'm at work and teasing me about getting dressed up, doing her hair and nails before being picked up by her young black boyfriend and she likes how excited and aroused I get thinking about her dating and eventually maybe even fucking Tristan. It's worth remembering though that Tristan is only 18, has a white girlfriend already and lives 50+ miles away. Whilst Becky does seem very keen on him, that might be because she feels safe that he doesn't live in our town. I think if he did, she'd run a mile! At the end of the day, she's 46 - a young looking 46 - and only ever been with 3 guys, all of us white. Her son's dad abused her terribly, emotionally and physically over a period of time and she's still not completely healed mentally from that experience. That said, she's fiercely loyal and I really can't imagine her cheating on me, even with my permission despite what she says in passionate moments, such as "I might - if my hubby agreed to it". In reality, that's just not her. Thanks for your advice and input though guys.
  19. I doubt she'd be comfortable with or willing to allow me to be present when Becky takes her first ever black cock, but i'm fine with that as long as she tells me all about it afterwards if and when it does happen. I may well be in a minority here but watching was never something I even considered when my now ex-wife started seeing other men and the only time it was mentioned Debbie said that she didn't think I'd be able to handle it and back then she may well have been right. It never bothered me, happy to hear what she'd been up to in bed later. We did role-play in the bedroom with a realistic looking dildo as her lover, with me telling her how good it was watching "another man's" cock going in and out of her and how naughty she was doing it with "him" right there in front of her husband. "You love it!", she remarked and I did, prompting her to say that if I did happen to walk in on her having sex with someone else, "You wouldn't even try and stop me would you?" "No", I admitted. "I wouldn't."
  20. Been struggling to find the time to post more here, but here's another batch from my PC.
  21. Yes. I wonder what faces my Becky will make when she first finds her slim pale body firmly impaled on big, young, erect black penis? I'd love her say this afterwards...
  22. Every day, more and more white girls, wives and girlfriends are giving in to curiosity and temptation and going black, with even the odd approving husband or two joining in! Will my shy little Becky be next, that's the question?
  23. Yes, by the time I'd plucked up the courage to actually request Mick as a friend on Faceb00k Debbie had removed herself and was now with her new partner Tony. Mick was surprised that I knew they had fucked, even more so so that I had given her my blessing, but this relaxed him sufficiently to be frank and honest about my wife. Consequently Mick and I have discussed her at length many many times. I thought they'd only done it the two times she'd told me about, but he was proud to tell me that they'd fucked on and off for 2-3 years, even going away on holiday together once, before he moved away with another man's wife he's also been fucking. Tony's wife believe it or not! Sensing that I was fine with that revelation, Mick proceeded to tell me more about his pursuit of my wife, telling me that she wasn't as good in bed as he'd hoped and expected. I apologised to him for my wife not being as good a fuck as he'd wanted, but thanked him for giving Debbie the extra she wanted and probably needed. "You're welcome", he replied. "I'm pleased I was able to be of service to you both." I told him how I'd been impressed by how red, puffy and gaping open Debbie's cunt had been when she came back from that first session with him. He said it was just a normal fuck to him, though perhaps a bit more frantic being their first time and the possibility of his wife coming home and catching them, but Debbie loved every minute of it, being nice and loud as he fucked her and she came noisily. I explained that at home, our love-making was fairly gentle, with us having to keep the noise down in case the kids heard us, so being able to let herself go at his house probably did her the world of good. He agreed, saying that she always liked how he fucked her and was very vocal. I asked if he'd fucked her hard that first time as punishment for making him wait years to get her into bed or was it because he knew she was my wife, reminding him that he used to criticise the way I did the job at work, so was fucking my missus the ulimate put-down? "No", he insisted. "I never looked at it like that. I actually felt a little bit guilty fucking your wife, even though I'd wanted to for years and had thought with a few drinks inside her it would have be a lot easier to get her to open her legs than it was, but I'm glad I got there in the end. Basically, work was work and shagging Debbie was shagging Debbie. And I always fucked her the same way. She liked a good hard pounding and that's what she got with me. She loved it. That's why she kept coming back for more." I remembered Debbie going away for a week, but I'd thought she was going with someone else she'd been seeing, not Mick. She'd come back and told me how good the sex had been, reckoning they'd done it 15 times that week, at least twice a day, and confessing when I'd asked, that yes, sorry but he was much better in bed than me. I just didn't know at the time that she was talking about my ex-workmate Mick. Another surprise was that they'd come back and attended the funeral of another work colleague of mine. I couldn't go, but I suspect eyes were raised when Mick and Debbie arrived together, went to the wake together and left together, with no sign of her husband. With people knowing of Mick's reputation with women, no doubt there was whispered speculation that Debbie was Mick's latest conquest and of course, they were right. They'd just spent a week away as husband and wife, with Debbie no doubt glowing and contented from all the sex she'd been having whilst she was away. Naturally, no one at work ever mentioned any of this to me.
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