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Cuckold Porn

Peter C

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Everything posted by Peter C

  1. Yes sir. The thing is Debbie really did go out for a few drinks in the hope that she'd be picked up by another man, preferably a lot younger than her. Debbie was what we call here in the UK, a bit of a slag, and the more she had to drink the easier and more available she became. This is the photo he sent me in that text, my wife, already naked in his bed, eagerly sucking his cock before I hurry to his hotel like he suggested. I was never allowed to watch her get fucked, Debbie didn't think I could handle it, but he thinks I should see what a slut she is.
  2. Yes, that's my favourite photo of Debbie too.
  3. My wife Debbie must have been like a shed roof then. She ended up two doors along the road, no doubt much to all our other neighbors's amusement! I obviously didn't nail her hard enough, but I thought my ex-workmate Mick was doing that for me.
  4. I liked the recent Flintstones ones, with Fred fucking Betty and Barney getting his own back by fucking Wilma, but the thought of Bam Bam growing up to marry Pebbles but fucking her mum is even better!
  5. I'm trying Jag, I'm really trying, I think she's ready too and I bet those 3 much younger black guys - all in their 30s - think she's ready too. As much as I have been reassuring her that I'd be okay with it happening and that there's no way I'd dump for doing it, she's still reticent and insisting she wouldn't do anything. Her having sex with one of these men used to be "the elephant in the room", something I was wary of suggesting outright and skirted around, but I have become much more explicit now about being sure they all want to fuck her and that I don't blame them for wanting to fuck my pretty white girlfriend. I think it's mainly her loyalty to me holding her back and possibly the fear that if these guy's cocks are as big as we've suggested they might be, it's her poor little tight white pussy that will be "split in two"!
  6. Our mothers probably crave black cock just as much as our wives and girlfriends do. Maybe it wasn't the done thing back in their day, but now they want to see what all the fuss is about and try what their daughters have been telling them about.
  7. Yesterday in a text Becky told me, "There's a new one on the scene now. I didn't think you'd mind babe. He's 36. I'm a greedy bad girl ain't I? lol" Do I mind? Hell no! So make that 5 black "boyfriends" now, plus me, her white "hubby". Remember, she'd only had 2 boyfriends before me, one long-term and her son's dad and another after that who never had sex with her.
  8. My ex-wife Debbie was still insisting she didn't go black whilst we were together when I asked her point blank some time ago. Two of her friends I talk to have however told me that she did go and see the black guy she met on prison visits after he was released from jail "several times". I do remember her coming home from a girls's night out and telling me how a black guy had hit on her in a club, bought her a drink and steered her away from her friends. Within minutes their tongues were in other's mouths and his hand was up her short skirt massaging high up her bare thigh. Sadly, they were interrupted otherwise I'm sure she'd have slipped away outside with him and been fucked in the back of his car or against the wall down a quiet alley. My girlfriend Becky of course has surprised me by being so open with me about her interest in black men. We do play with the scenario of her having currently 4 black online "boyfriends" and her going out clubbing with them whilst I'm at work, but whether she'll ever get brave enough to go and meet any of them remains to be seen. One works in Ibiza, whilst the others are all here in the UK, pretty much just 50-60 miles away from where we live. The one in Ibiza is a bit older than Becky, one of the others is about her age and married, whilst the other two, more recent additions, are a lot younger than Becky. I was pleasantly surprised by how excited she was to be attracting attention from guys only slightly older than her son. it has definitely boosted her ego and self-confidence and I like knowing she's being hit on by black guys half my age. I'm 64, she's 45 and her "boys" as she calls them are 31 and 32.
  9. Yes, that makes sense, a kind of "mid-life crisis" I suppose when they feel they need to do something about it before they're too old. It's a popular idea that black men have bigger dicks than us white guys and although we're told size doesn't matter, for a lot of women it does. Adding to the myth that all black men have huge dicks, there is their generally dominant, assertive attitude and combined I think this gives them the best of both worlds as not only do our white wives and girlfriends crave black dick, but black women do too. Both will go black in preference to white, hence why you see so little inter-racial porn with white guys with black women. Becky has certainly come out of shell this past 3 years, come much further than I ever dared hope and thank you for your comment about Becky's photo. I'm really pleased you like her tits, her nipples clearly visible in that see-through bra, and her big brown eyes. It's a shame she looks a bit tired, but praise from Secondjag is praise indeed. You rarely comment on our wives, so if she not too far behind Wild Thing on your "to do" list, I'm a very happy man. Just for you Jag, here she is without the bra.
  10. Luckily you black guys seem to crave our white wives and girlfriends as much as the women crave black cock. Of course, not all of us white guys actually know that they're sharing their partner's pussy with a black guy, but clearly many of us do and totally approve. I agree with you about Becky. I'm sure it will happen eventually and I hope she's comfortable telling me all about it. I'll be encouraging her to do it on a regular basis. That's if she likes it of course. but I'm sure she will. She could have gone black over 20 years ago when she used to go clubbing with her sister. The sister's had black, Becky hasn't but she's obviously still curious and wondering what she's missing.
  11. You better not be! I continue to be amazed at just how many of our white wives and girlfriends are going black. Even my shy, inexperienced little Becky is inching ever closer. We're so lucky that you black guys are there to give our women what they obviously crave. Imagine how sexually frustrated our poor wives would be if black men weren't interested in white pussy. Very impressed that Dirty has trawled your archives to like all your posts. I'm a massive fan of your efforts Jag, but he beats me. I'm also proud, honoured even, that you like my Becky so much.
  12. Nice to see so many of the older white wives experiencing black cock, not just the young ones. My Becky's 45 and told me yesterday that it's one of her online black "boyfriends" birthday this weekend. He'll be 31. I teased her saying, "I bet I know what he wants off of you for his birthday!" She knew exactly what I meant, replying, "Yes, but he's not getting it!" She did admit however that both he and his 32 year old friend flirt with her all the time and even confessed that she flirts back with them. Tells them she's going to tell her "hubby", but I'm pleased to say they don't mind that she's quite a bit older than them, nor that she has a much older white partner.
  13. Thank you Dober, firstly for trying to re-dress the balance slightly with those photos of black women sucking and being fucked by white guys and secondly, for another great selection of big black cocks, all very much perfect for penetrating my Becky's tight little under-used white pussy.
  14. I used to work with a guy who fancied my wife and I once plucked up the courage to show him a picture or two of her on my phone. He was very impressed and asked me to print off the photos for him on my computer. I didn't feel threatened by him in any way, seeing him as just a slightly lonely, divorced older guy who liked pussy but wasn't getting any, so I agreed to his request. The next night at work, my hands were shaking as I handed him an envelope containing 12 A4 size photos of my wife Debbie. With no-one else around he couldn't wait to open the envelope and in front of me started perusing the pictures. I had deliberately placed them in a particular order, starting with her posing fully clothed but showing of her legs, then in various nude poses that started with her bare ass, then with her tits out until he got to the ones with her legs open to show him her hairy ginger pussy. All the photos were greeted with approval, with him commenting on how good her body was, how much he liked her tits and how he'd love to fuck her. He knew Debbie well and always chatted to her if she met me from work, but now he said he would see her in a whole new light when she came down and would be picturing her stark naked in future now he knew what was under her clothes. He took the photos home to keep with me suggesting he could perhaps make them into a Debbie calendar for his wall, though no doubt he wanked himself silly thinking about how good it would be to actually fuck Pete's wife.
  15. One observation that's come to mind since I posted this the other day is that with white women it has to be a black man. Just foreign won't do, nor will Asian or Oriental. He has to be black. The more photos I see here the more I wonder how long it will be before every straight white woman in the world will have had a black penis in her mouth. Becky next? I like this caption that uses my name. Shame that's not Becky at the door, welcoming one of her black boyfriends just after I've left for work. I'm sure someone here could change the photo though!
  16. Oh, you post some magnificent black cocks on here Dober. I so want my little Becky impaled on something as impressive as these..
  17. Just like your dick no doubt Jag! Maybe our white wives ad girlfriends aren't given the choice, but only too happy to let a dominant, assertive black guy have her any way he wants. This photo looks like my Becky has gone to London to meet up with that 30 year old she's been chatting to online and whilst they were in bed together, his 32 year old mate she chats to as well has sneaked in to join the party.
  18. I always enjoy your posts Dober, but this photo struck a chord with me especially. It reminds me of my now ex-wife Debbie's first visit to Mick's house, Mick being an ex-workmate of mine. Mick had the reputation for being something of a ladies man and had fucked another colleague's wife, at least two female members of staff and the pretty blonde barmaid from our works' social club. He'd fancied Debbie from the first time he'd seen her in the bar with me not long after he'd joined the firm and - unbeknowst to me at the time - had asked her out at the earliest opportunity when I wasn't about. Debbie was still a good girl then - faithful - and had rejected his advances, but years later admitted that she had been rather tempted to accept his offer of a date. Fast forward about 22 years, with Debbie now 44 and with the freedom to see other men and Mick long gone from my place of work, she was clearly still high on his "to do" list, receiving a surprise friends request on Faceb00k. Soon they were messaging and texting one another all day every day and I knew exactly where this was heading. Although we'd originally agreed that she wouldn't go with anyone I knew so I wouldn't be able to put a face to the name, I found myself agreeing to my wife going to see him. So one cold February afternoon, Debbie had disappeared whilst i was out taking the kids somewhere but I was summoned to pick her up from the end of his road, presumably as his wife was due home. She was stood on the street corner like a cheap hooker, shivering in a thin white shirt and a blue denim mini-skirt. Sadly, white flat shoes rather than high heels which would have made her looking even more a prostitute touting for business. That night, with the kids all tucked up in bed, we were able to get some privacy and with Debbie naked on our bed with her legs spread, even hours later, there was no hiding the fact that my wife's had been fucked well and fucked hard, her cunt still red, puffy and gaping open. Our only other rule, that she's use condoms with other guys, had clearly gone out the window too, with Mick's cum still oozing out of her. We played a little game whereby I pretended I didn't even know she'd been out, let alone where or who with or what they'd been doing and I had to tease the answers out of an apparently coy, but unrepentant, smiling Debbie. I had to guess who she'd been to see, deliberately guessing several wrong names before suggesting Mick after she'd given me a clue that it was someone I didn't like very much. Mick and I had never been particularly good mates at work and he'd criticise the way I did the job in front of the others. I suppose him getting my wife into bed at last was the ultimate put-down. Or was that the fact that she enjoyed it so much that she went to see him for the next 2-3 years whenever she needed a good hard fucking? I can still see that smarmy, arrogant smirk on his face he must have had when he finally eased his cock into my wife. He'd waited 22 years for this.
  19. Due to my ageing computer, videos here rarely play all the way through for me, if at all, but that first one did. I certainly wouldn't be trowing my ring away or saying "I'm done" if that was my Becky with a black guy.
  20. This is true of course Dober and it isn't unheard of for Becky to go out with no panties on. I liked to whisper in her ear, to ask what colour she had on. She'd whisper back, "white ones" or "pink", but sometimes it was "none" or "I'm not wearing any today". Sadly she's never been one for getting her legs out in a skirt nor high heels and probably even less so now she's in her mid-40s, but I have recently bought her a short skirt with splits up both sides which she likes to tease me about by saying she's wearing it out clubbing with her black boyfriend. As my regulars like you and Jag know, all Becky's clubbing is done online, but we both enjoy playing out the scenario that she's out with one of her 4 black "boyfriends" whilst I'm at work in the evenings and I can tell when she's enjoying their attention from texts I receive, such as asking if it's okay if she dresses all in white when she goes out (my favourite colour), or okay to wear high heels (she doesn't own any), or if I mind her staying out all night or going away for the weekend. Of course, I say yes to her doing any of these things which I'm sure turns her on just as much as it does me. she's so good at it sometimes that I'm almost tempted to go over to her place to check that she's actually at home. She's come so far in the last 3 years. How much further will she go?
  21. Becky needs to replace her plain underwear with these panties! Who agrees?
  22. Oh, I'm sure it will. She considers my 7 inches to be big, but we have both mentioned to each other that black men are supposed to have big dicks, so I'm sure Becky knows what to expect if she finds herself impaled on a young, erect black penis. Surely it's not just size that women are curious about or is there something else about black men that attracts white women? Their attitude or assertiveness perhaps or is there still a little bit of a taboo in their minds that makes the idea of having sex with a black guy so naughty, exciting and appealing? Similarly what is it about white women that black men like so much? The contrast in skin colour? Are they easier, sluttier than black girls? I know one or two still like the reparations angle in the US, but that seems old hat now. Black men with white women has become much more common and here in the UK, no-one would bat an eye-lid at Becky walking down the street arm-in-arm or holding hands with a young black boyfriend. Whatever it is, it's also good that so many of us white men are now so accepting of the situation and, like me with Becky, get particularly turned on by the prospect of our white wives and girlfriends being fucked by black men. Seems like a win-win situation to me. Curiously though, I seem to be in a minority among white guys when it comes to fancying black women. I've been lucky enough to have fucked 3 black girls, but few other guys I know seem to find them attractive. Similarly, very few black girls seem to fancy white men. The balance you see in inter-racial porn between black men with white women compared with white men with black women is staggering.
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