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Peter C

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Everything posted by Peter C

  1. Yes Jag, great minds think alike. I have had this in mind for awhile. Becky's a bit reluctant to use or let me use toys on her and she has a 5 inch pink dildo (for beginners lol) and a 7 inch chocolate brown one that never see the light of day. I chose 7 inches so as not to be bigger than me, but I must admit getting her a bigger one is starting to appeal, especially if we name it after her young black "boyfriend" Zee. I've started referring to my penis as a "little white dick" to encourage her to think of this young black guy having a bigger cock than me.
  2. Thanks Jag. Yes, I expect Becky does have other secrets. Apart from her mate and in particular her mate's mum who persuaded her that a night out would do her good, I think I'm the only person Becky's told about having a one-night-stand whilst on a break from that possessive, controlling boyfriend she had at the time. He wasn't a complete stranger - I rather wish he had been - as she knew this guy from her estate, but I doubt he could believe his luck when a slightly drunk Becky agreed to the suggestion that this Barry could come back to her mate's mum's house with them and stay the night. The episode embarrasses Becky now and she didn't like talking about it, but told me they had sex back at the house, then fell asleep with Barry waking Becky up in the morning so he could fuck her again before he left. Things didn't end well though, as Becky got up as he was about to leave and caught him stealing money from her purse!
  3. I doubt Becky was the only student flattered to be offered a photo-shoot by this guy as a way into modelling and I expect some girls were more compliant to his requests for them to strip. Becky says he told her to take a few different outfits, but when he suggested she pose in those boots and her bra and panties she was embarrassed and very reticent. He managed to coax her into doing it by saying it's no different to wearing a bikini. "There's a good girl!", he said as she took off her clothes in front of him. She never told her boyfriend at the time nor her parents that she'd gone to this guy's house and realises now how dangerous that could have been.
  4. Yes Sean. Do you approve?
  5. Thank you Jag. It's just a shame that appears to be the only survivor from young Becky's photo-shoot. I'd love to have seen the others, clothed or otherwise.
  6. I would think that any red-blooded man would have had that in mind, especially with her naively going to his house alone and being persuaded to strip to her bra and panties for him to take photos, but as far as I know he didn't put any pressure on her to pose topless or nude, nor to have sex with him. Perhaps he was wary of losing his job if he tried to take things too far with a student, as he worked at the college. Maybe he was gay!
  7. After leaving school Becky went to college to train to be a hairdresser, though getting pregnant at 18 rather scuppered her career plans. However, whilst she was there, being quite a pretty girl, she was approached about doing some modelling. Surprisingly for such a shy little thing, she was persuaded to do a photo-shoot. Years later I was shocked, though very aroused, when she confessed to this and this is apparently the only surviving photo she has of that session, the guy saying she wasn't quite what he was looking for, perhaps a bit too skinny back then or because she wouldn't pose topless or nude. I was amazed that this guy she barely knew not only got her to put on those boots (she can't walk in heels!), but persuaded Becky to go to his house alone and strip down to her bra and panties. I have this blown up as a poster and framed in my bedroom.
  8. Women of that age know exactly what they want, husband or no husband. My wife Debbie was getting more cock in her mid-40s than she'd ever had, guys her age and young lads too.
  9. I hope Becky's high on your list of favourites too, even though she hasn't succumbed to her curiosity or the temptation of black cock yet.
  10. You always find such beautiful black cocks. Thank you! Just what my Becky needs.
  11. Thank you. I'm sure she'd have enjoyed some prime Italian cock inside her English pussy too. Both the ex-workmates of mine who fucked Debbie told me she wasn't as good in bed as they expected or hoped. Perhaps a more experienced bull such as yourself would have been better for my wife.
  12. Yes, so it should be. My wife Debbie had a thing about much younger guys, ideally early-mid 20s and went with three that I know of. Now Becky is casting her eye in the direction of much younger black men. First she told me about guys in their early 30s she's been chatting to online, soon delighting me with a big smile on her face about a black lad of 25 she had started "seeing". That's a year younger than her son, but she seems really taken by him. I've not seen her so happy for a long time, so he's really boosted her ego.
  13. No, she told me she was going away with the 25 year old paratrooper she'd met a few weeks before, when both Debbie and her widowed friend Teresa had got laid after a night in a pub full of soldiers.. It was only after we'd divorced and I'd plucked up the courage to start talking to Mick via Faceb00k he revealed that it was him she was away on holiday with. Just to rub it in, on their return they went straight to another former colleague's funeral, arriving together, going to the wake together and leaving together. I couldn't go but no-one ever said anything to me about it, but I expect there were a few raised eyebrows and knowing looks, people being well aware of Mick's reputation as a ladies man and no doubt assuming he had now moved on to fucking Peter's wife. They weren't wrong. They'd done it 2 or 3 times a day whilst they were away and just before they'd left to come home.
  14. Mature wives need extra cock as much as the younger ones, possibly even more so if their husbands aren't up to the job. There are plenty of young guys only too happy to oblige a wife in need, as my ex Debbie will testify!
  15. Mums not afraid to go with their son's black friend. I'm not going to lie - I have imagined Becky finding out that the young black guy she's started "seeing" actually knows her son.
  16. My now ex-wife never actually stayed out all night in another man's bed, though I would have been fine with that. There were a couple of occasions however when she went away on holiday with someone else. She had a week in Dorset with Mick, my ex-workmate. He has told me that they fucked as soon as they got there and then were at it 2 or 3 times a day all week. Debbie also had a week away in Windsor where her 25 year old paratrooper was stationed. He put her up in a hotel and visited her as much as possible for sex. I should have paid for the hotel really shouldn't I?, seeing as how he was giving my wife what she really wanted - young cock. I quite enjoyed waking up in the morning with no Debbie beside me, safe in the knowledge that she was tucked up in another man's bed being well looked after.
  17. On her return from a week away with the 25 year old British paratrooper my 44 year old wife had met, I asked her in bed as we kissed and cuddled prior to making love if he was better in bed than me. Stupid question really as I was a weedy 51 year old by now and Debbie had been with a muscular lad half my age all week. "Yes", she murmured. "Tell me that again", I asked. Without hesitation Debbie admitted, "yes, Clark's much better in bed than you." I came involuntarily on the spot, across her belly and pussy. Frustrated by my hair trigger, Debbie ordered me to "get down there and clean that mess up", which I did. We never had sex again after that and we split up a year later.
  18. I never got to watch my now ex-wife Debbie with another man and it was never an issue. She didn't think I'd be able to handle it and she may have been eight. though she did say once that if I was to walk in and catch her in bed with someone else, "You wouldn't even try to stop us would you?" She smiled when i admitted, "no I wouldn't. I'd back out of the bedroom and let the two of you finish what you were doing". Of course, whether the guy would be able to, having been disturbed by the husband walking in on them is another matter! As far as I know all her extra-marital encounters took place away from home, never in our bed.
  19. When my now ex-wife and I first embarked on this lifestyle our only two ground rules were that she wouldn't go with anyone I knew so I couldn't put a face to the name and that she's always use condoms despite her having been sterilised. My only other request was that I still got my share of her pussy. We made love, whilst other guys just fucked her, some just the once, others several times or often. We didn't call it "being unfaithful" or "cheating" as it had started off as my idea. Debbie was just "naughty". Things changed though - her pussy, her rules. Debbie had sex with two of my ex-work colleagues, both mounting her bareback. The first was just a one-off, but the other one fucked her on and off for 2-3 years until he moved away with another man's wife he'd also been servicing. Also, we didn't have sex at all that last year we were together, Debbie content to get it elsewhere.
  20. I love seeing the mum and photos, especially when it's hard to tell which is which. Shame I can't persuade Becky and her mum Jenny to strip off and pose for you Jag. Jenny's 67 now, but the day I took her to an acupuncture session and the guy asked her if she'd mind taking her top off, she was embarrassed cos I was there but did as she was told. Being a gentleman I averted my gaze slightly but the brief glimpse I got of her in her bra was enough to make my cock stir. Much bigger tits than Becky.
  21. Nothing to report I'm afraid Jag, though Becky did text me in the early hours to tell me she was clubbing with her young black boyfriend. It's online of course, but she's got quite good now at pretending she's actually out in a club, sneaking out for a cigarette or to the bathroom to fix her make-up or lipstick to quickly text her white hubby at home or at work without her boyfriend knowing. When one of them has got her worked up, I tend to get a hornier text from her, such as Becky telling me the other night that I'm going to be the last white man she goes with. I shot my load reading that! I enjoyed all those up skirt shots you posted of women getting out of their cars showing off their panties or shaved pussies. I also liked the photos of those women dressed, but then with a nice fat cock in their mouth or pussy, preferably black and certainly not their husband's. Here's a couple I saw on another site.
  22. That was my wife Debbie before and after she'd accepted an invitation to go to my ex-workmate's house whilst his wife was out. Mick and I had never particularly got on, but he'd been after Debbie's pussy for years and finally succeeded in getting her into bed. When she came home it was clear that he'd fucked her hard, maybe amused that he was finally getting one over on me by fucking my wife or perhaps punishing her for making him wait so long. She liked it so much they fucked on and off for the next 2-3 years until he moved away with another wife he'd been servicing.
  23. Becky wasn't that forthcoming really, which is often the case if I'm horny and pushing her to go a bit further, especially if we're out and about doing everyday stuff, but she did admit that her 25 year old black "boyfriend" is "cheekier" than the others and that he does flirt with her. When I asked if she flirts with him, she replied that she likes to "wind them up", so I think that's a yes! She said she'd be "seeing" him that evening whilst I was at work and as she's just had her hair cut and had more blonde put in, she was hoping he'd like it as much as her "white hubby" does. Becky did tease me however by eating a banana provocatively in front of me whilst i was driving. She blushed when I said it was the wrong colour.
  24. The doctor will see your wife now...
  25. Wow! Your wife has a lovely body. If she's in her 50s she's looked after herself - looks more like 30 something. I can see her getting lots of attention!
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