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Peter C

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Everything posted by Peter C

  1. Another Sunday morning, another batch of photos and gifs from my PC. More white wives and girlfriends discovering the delights of black cock.
  2. Sadly, Mick's cum wasn't still oozing out of my wife Debbie's pussy by the time we went to bed once the kids were asleep, but even some hours later her pussy was still red, puffy and gaping open from the pounding my ex-workmate had given her that afternoon. He soon gained the reputation of being a ladies man at work and I knew that he'd fucked another colleague's wife, at least two of the women we worked with and the pretty blonde barmaid in our works' social club. It was in that bar that Mick had first clapped eyes on Debbie when we were in there having a drink and, she told me years later, he'd started chatting her up as soon as I wasn't around. She admitted that she had definitely been tempted by his advances, but she was still a good girl then and had turned down his suggestion of a date and more. Years later however, long after he'd left the company and with us now into the cuckold lifestyle, Mick requested Debbie as a friend on Faceb00k. Not me you notice? Soon, they were messaging and texting one another all day, every day and I kinda knew where this was heading, despite our rule that she wouldn't go with anyone I knew so I couldn't put a face to the name. (Little did I know at the time that she'd already fucked another ex-workmate of mine.) Although I'd never got on particularly with this Mick, finding him a bit smarmy, arrogant almost, I found myself agreeing to Debbie going out for a drink or a coffee with him, but several times arrangements were cancelled and I thought nothing would come of it. Then one February Sunday afternoon off she went in a taxi, to Mick's house whilst his wife was out, wearing a skimpy white top and pale blue denim miniskirt, no bra, no knickers, as instructed by Mick. I picked her up from the end of his street later, yet for some reason I was still shocked when she got in the car, freezing cold, and said, "well, that wasn't all that!" "What? You fucked him?", I asked naively. "Yep!", she replied with a grin. "You'd better get me home quick", she added. "I've got no knickers on and I can feel it oozing out of me. I don't want to get any on the seat." Waiting for the kids to go to bed was unbearable, but once in our bedroom with Debbie naked it was obvious she'd been fucked hard and fucked well. For all her "it wasn't all that", they fucked on and off for the next 2-3 years, until Mick moved away with another guy's wife he'd been servicing too. Mick used to put me down at work, criticise the way I did the job, but I suppose the biggest put-down from his point of view was getting my wife into bed after many years on his "to do" list. Whether that was why he fucked her hard, knowing he'd finally got what he wanted from Debbie after all these years or perhaps it was his way of punishing her for making him wait so long for that pussy. These photos from my collection really look like Debbie's used cunt.
  3. Yes, so you can imagine how I feel! Becky's interest in black men came as a complete surprise, as was her confessing to it. I remember her saying to me once, out of the blue, how much she now appreciated being with an older man (I'm 19 years older than her and her previous guys were her age) and the first couple of black guys she got chatting to online were about her age too, one slightly older perhaps. Then a couple of guys in their 30s started showing an interest in her and she was very flattered by that. When I asked her outright what was the youngest she'd go out with, I was a bit shocked when she pondered for a few seconds and replied, "About 30". I jokingly told her off and she laughed, only for us to soon find out that these 2 new guys were indeed 30 and 31. She called herself a cradle-snatcher! From then on they've got progressively younger. With my approval she was soon chatting with a black lad of 25, which I reminded her was a year younger than her son. "I know. Bad aren't I?", Becky replied with a big grin on her face. It was like a countdown after that. 22, 21, 20, 19 18, 17. The one she really likes at the moment, Tristan, was one of the 17 year olds, but he's now 18. He has a white girlfriend Chloe who we think is 20 and Becky has become friends with her too. Becky must have confessed to fancying Tristan, as she's told me Chloe has said they can share! Becky has also told me he calls her "my girl", and asked if I minded that. Massaging the front of my trousers, she could tell from my erection that I didn't mind one little bit her now being "his girl" and that must mean I'll be up for sharing her too. Becky being blacked by a teenager would be incredible.
  4. Thanks Gunner. My wife never gave taking her wedding ring off a second thought when dating other men and it certainly never put any guy off, Her preferred early-mid 20 year old wasn't bothered about it, nor her age nor that her husband was at home with their 4 kids. They just wanted those legs open and, after a couple of drinks, they did quite easily. Whether she ever actually went black I can't confirm. Two of her friends I speak to both reckon she did, she's told me she didn't. She did come home from a girls' night out excited that she been hit on by a black guy in a club and they had kissed passionately, tongues in each other's mouths, whilst he eased her knees apart to get his hand (and his wedding ring!) up her short skirt to massage high up her bare thigh. Sadly, they'd been interrupted otherwise I think he'd have taken her outside to a nearby alleyway or to the back seat of his car and introduced her to her first black cock. My Becky of course is also waiting for her first black cock. We call each other "wifey" and "hubby" ("white hubby" actually) even though we're not married or engaged, but she does wear a ring I bought her and I wear one she bought me. She put it on my wedding finger saying that I'm "marked" as hers now. Clearly, with her growing interest in much younger black guys and of course now one in particular, that doesn't work both ways and nor would I want it to.
  5. I know! I was really shocked to hear those words come out of her mouth : "I might... if my white hubby agreed to it..." That's the closest Becky has ever come to saying she wants to go black and the fact that she saw how aroused I was can only have allayed any fears she might have that I wouldn't want her to do it.
  6. Ah-ha! A long awaited update. Yes, please do keep us in the loop. You are among friends here, likeminded people who have either been there and done it like myself or guys that want this and wish they were in your shoes. One thing intriguing me is, has your wife had the baby yet? Being a new mum may well put things on hold for awhile, but patience is a virtue. My wife, quite promiscuous from a young age, took a good two years to finally be persuaded to take the plunge and have sex with someone else, a much younger customer from the shop she worked in, whilst my current partner, a lot shyer and much more inexperienced than my wife was, has taken over 3 years to get where she is now, openly chatting to much, much younger black guys online, guys we both refer to as her “boyfriends”. Just doing that, with my encouragement, has boosted her ego and self confidence no end, to the point that she enjoys knowing how much it turns me on and my suggestions that I’d be more than happy to let her date and ultimately have sex with one of these young black guys are now being met with “not yet” rather than “no chance”.
  7. I'd better get posting more here. My dau8hter is suggesting we get rid of the computer as I "don't use it anymore". Little does she know I'm on here every morning whilst she's still in bed... She'd be shocked if she saw the photos I have saved. Mainly black men with white women and general cuckolding. This batch appears to contain a lot of muscular black men - real men - with bodies and erect penises that put me and my weedy physique to shame, but any one of them would be ideal for my Becky. She'd be a changed woman without a doubt!
  8. The first time I knowingly ate another man's cum out of my wife's pussy was after she came home from her first session with my ex-work colleague Mick. He'd been after bedding her for years and finally got what he wanted. I queried the fact that they hadn't used a condom, but she was neither bothered or apologetic. Debbie was however pleasantly surprised at how readily I still went down on her and I must be honest, her familiar juices mixed with this new added ingredient tasted amazing. I've never been keen on the taste of my own cum or it glue-like smell, but Mick's tasted fine as I lapped eagerly at my wife's red, gaping cunt. He'd clearly fucked her hard and fucked her well. I may of course have tasted another ex-workmate's cum some years earlier, as Mark confessed to me via Faceb00k Messenger that he'd fucked Debbie too. This turned out to be a couple of months before what I thought was her first extra-marital encounter with a young customer from the shop she worked in. I'd supplied the condoms for that date, but Mark told me that he'd fucked her bareback. He added that as he'd known me for 30 years he felt a bit guilty fucking my wife, but she'd encouraged him saying we'd split up (we hadn't) and her offering it on a plate was too good an opportunity to miss.
  9. Hopefully my Becky will prove to be a keeper too. I try to push her imagination and boundaries a little bit from time to time. Last Sunday for example, with my hand on her leg in the car, I asked if she'd be okay with her 18 year old black "boyfriend" Tristan driving with his hand on her knee. "Yes", she replied. "That would be alright". "How about higher up, like this?", I inquired. "No. Not yet". I like to push her on the "not yets" too. The other night she rang me at work, telling me she was going out clubbing with Tristan - it's all done online, live club sessions, but we pretend she's actually going out, what she's wearing, etc - and that he was picking her up, adding that his girlfriend Chloe wouldn't be there this time. With my mouth going dry and my dick swelling in my pants, I suggested that he'd probably be all over her tonight then and that I'm sure he has it in mind to fuck my "wifey" at some point behind Chloe's back. She giggled as I asked, "Would you let him?" "I might", she replied. "Not yet though". "Not yet?", I queried. "Not yet means maybe sometime in the future then". "yeah, but only if my white hubby agreed to it.", she replied "Oh, I'd agree to it.", I said. "You know damn well I'd agree to it. As long as you told me. No secrets. And you definitely wouldn't be getting dumped, I promise you that." With Becky being so honest my cock was harder than it's been for a long time and I had to go and jerk off.
  10. Thanks Jag. Yes, I think perhaps something did stir inside Becky when she saw all these young black guys on her prison visits eyeing her up as desirable white pussy. I used to wait in the car whilst Becky went in with her mum, who was walking with 2 sticks. Maybe the black guys thought Becky's mum was the boy's mum and Becky his sister. UK prisons also have quite a strict dress code prohibiting the showing of too much flesh, so Becky knew she wouldn't have been allowed in with her belly or cleavage on show. But it was only the other day when I mentioned it that she confessed that she "wanted those black boys to look at me." Quite a change from when we've been out and white guys have shown an interest, presumably thinking I'm her dad not her partner. When I've pointed out to her a couple of times that a young shop assistant was checking her out or flirting with her, she's blushed and got embarrassed. Clearly, not so on her prison visits!
  11. Haven't had time to post for a few days, but here's some more photos and gifs from my home computer. Confident, assertive black men all reaping the benefits of our wives and girlfriends needing and wanting bigger and better cock - black cock. I've told my Becky that i don't want her having any more white boyfriends. She agrees...
  12. We'll have to agree to disagree about that Jag, but without doubt Becky has certainly come on leaps and bounds. That may seem an odd thing to say when this all started during lock-down here in the UK way back in 2020, but you have to remember what a shy, little, inexperienced thing she is (or was!) Her interest in black men may have started before that though as I recall before a prison visit to see her son she texted me saying that she'd like to go in wearing a skimpy top with her belly out. It's only recently that she's admitted that she had noticed young black inmates checking her out the time before and was flattered and turned on enough to want to give them something to look at. She blushed and smiled when I confirmed that I'd seen black guys checking her in the prison cafeteria when we'd been in there. I have often wondered if any of those black guys ever went to see Becky's son in his cell to ask about his mum...
  13. Jag knows exactly what I like too. So does my little Becky now of course. I've said it many times before here, but I love seeing just how many of our white women, not just models but our every day wives and girlfriends, are now completely open about their interest in black men. And that includes my Becky, which came as quite a shock. Our white women look so good even just holding an erect black penis, especially if their wedding ring is touching it, so of course those big black cocks look even better in our wives's mouths or sliding in and out of their pussies with their legs spread wide apart. It's not just the teenage girls either, women in their 20s and 30s love (as Becky would say) a bit of black too, but I especially enjoy seeing the mature ladies, in their 40s (Becky's 46), 50s and 60s discovering what they've been missing after many years with their boring, weedy white husbands. I can see a time soon when all straight white women have been blacked, married or not, Becky and my ex-wife Debbie included. In fact, I think Debbie may already have been blacked whilst we were married.
  14. Easy like Sunday morning. Minus 2 outside earlier.
  15. Cold here in the UK this morning. Minus 1 outside. Becky texted me at work last night to tell she was just getting ready to go clubbing with her young black boyfriend Tristan, what she was wearing and that she'd done her hair and nails especially for him. "He's picking me up. I hope that's okay?", she added, even telling me he has an Audi. She's not going out really, it's all online, but she is learning to tease me nicely whilst I'm at work. Becky tells me that Trist has a real girlfriend Chloe who has said they can share him, whilst he said he feels honoured to know I'm happy for him, a much younger black lad, to take my white wifey out whilst I'm at work. Becky told me he now calls her "his girl". I like that! She's still adamant that he has no chance with her. We'll see... Here's some more wives and girlfriends happy to go with superior black men. Shy little Becky's interest in black guys shocked me, but I think she was surprised that I wasn't annoyed. Quite the opposite. I told her i approve!
  16. I was never allowed to see my wife Debbie in action and I can't imagine Becky letting me watch either, but I was always content to hear all about it later. There were certainly some great photos in those last two posts Jag. It never ceases to amaze me how so many white women have now clearly been blacked and the numbers must be creeping up and up by the day. I love seeing all these wives and girlfriends with a big black cock in their mouth. Nothing would please me more than to know that Becky was persuaded pretty easily to get down on her knees in front of her smiling 18 year old black "boyfriend" Tristan and, reluctantly at first, encouraged to take his young erect cock in her mouth. "There's a good girl!", he'd murmur triumphantly. This photo of her always makes me think she's thinking about doing it with him or that maybe she already has and just not told me yet.
  17. I had a massage once and happily opened my mouth to accept his erect penis. He told me I was a good boy as I sucked his cock and he jerked me off. I must admit I enjoyed it and am curious as to whether a black cock would taste different and I'd be happy to find out.
  18. Friday morning here in the UK, 07.30am, just getting light.
  19. More photos and gifs from my PC.
  20. I know Jag and I appreciate yours and Gunner's input as Becky edges slowly towards going black. I've stressed to her that I'd be okay about it if she wants to try it, but I guess she just needs to be sure and get past her old-fashioned, faithful ways. You have to remember that at 46, she's only ever been with 3 guys, all of us white, and one of those was a drunken, revenge one-night-stand whilst on a break from her long-term partner some 25 years ago. She's not used to being with a man like me that's encouraging her interest in young black guys! I've been doing the same Jag, deleting stuff after I've posted it on my Peter C Collection thread. Needed a clear-out! Been so busy these last few days that I've only just caught up with all the posts here. Some really good ones from you and Gunner as usual. Saw this Becky lookalike that I rather liked and another where the wife is saying what I'd like Becky to say! It's a deal!
  21. So would my wife!
  22. Nothing yet. I'll have to mention that again to her. She seemed quite up for receiving a new pic every day, but she can blow a bit hot and cold sometimes and there'll be no mention of her black "boyfriends". She did text me last night at work to say she was getting ready to go out clubbing. getting tarted up and putting on make-up and texted me again at 02.30am to say she was home. She wasn't really out of course, it's all online but she likes to tease me about being a "naughty wifey" going out with her young black boyfriend whilst "poor hubby" is at work. Becky is a work in progress. She may indeed never go all the way and let a black guy bed her (at least not whilst she's with me), but she's come a lot further than I ever expected. I'm rather proud of her.
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