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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by Mywife4u2001

  1. Can you tell me how we can do this. I will do anything i can but how do we start this. Thank you
  2. Thank you for following me

    1. ViperOne


      Thank you too! Are you a couple?

  3. If you are a bull and want to talk about how you have done or will do a hot wife, or if you want to talk to a bull about your wife, or if you want to talk to other men woman or couples and share or exchange thoughts or ideas. Its hot and its fun and will make you cum exchange numbers and have s blast
  4. Want to talk offline about my wife

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mywife4u2001


      How i would want her done as well as ideas you have

    3. olcrab


      Hey what would you like to see her do for you?

    4. Mywife4u2001


      Rather tell you over the phone to many eyes here

  5. Mine has had at least 20
  6. Mine has had at least 20
  7. White bull will be happy to tell you what i would do with ur wife 5306056806 steve
  8. If anyone wants to talk offline about our wives email me at [email protected] to exchange number
  9. Text me at [email protected] Very interested in california email [email protected] so we an discuss plan

  10. I would like to find someone serious and experience for my wife we are in California. I will help in any way i can please contact me at [email protected].
  11. Would like to discuss my wife with you she is 35 and petite please when you can get back to me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. teacherwifeincali
    3. bigdee6293


      Hey hi i am in in socal text me at six six one eight one six six eight one nine hope to get a text from u soon .

    4. bigdee6293


      High desert area

  12. I would like to discuss my wife with you you can send email to Al.m @mail.com or steve
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