I'm surprised this thread hasn't garnered more responses, but wondering if some of that is perhaps cultural.
There isn't much reference to the old terminology of "horns" as it relates to cuckolding in the English world as its' become quite outdated. In other cultures however the word "cuckold" often translates directly to terms like "horned one". Cuckolding expressed as a verb in Russian translates literally to "putting the horns on him".
My wife is from Bulgaria and is fluent in Bulgarian and Russian and she loves references to horns, which are replete in both languages. A few years ago she bought a silly little plastic set of halloween horns and every once in a while if she were to return home from a date she will get those horns out of her closet and come and put them on my head before she sits with me and tells me about her date. In some ways I find this small act probably one of the most humiliating my wife subjects me to, but it absolutely drives her wild.