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Cuckold Porn


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Everything posted by canadianwittol

  1. Has anyone heard this? It's available on Spotify too - very slutty, sultry song about a woman who cuckolds her husband, and he loves it even though he won't admit it.
  2. Thankfully my public exposure has been pretty limited, with a few notable exceptions. One summer afternoon reading on the deck in my polka dot bikini I suddenly heard the distant beat of music, and then conversation, and then before you knew it a big boat full of revellers came sailing around the corner and I bolted up from my lounger in order to crouch down behind it lest someone on the boat recognize a man in a bikini as they slowly went past. Another time I was actually on a boat myself with my wife and her bull (it was the bull's boat) when, coming in to dock, we had a very close call because another boat was coming way too close to us and our bull, who was at the helm, yelled for us (my wife and I) to grab these two aluminum poles he had on board for the specific purpose of pushing off against another boat to avoid collisions in close quarters. I'm not sure if I explained that well, but where I thought I could just wait in the cabin until we docked and change back into my male clothes before we hit the town, instead I had to urgently jump into action to prevent a collision, and that meant running out onto the deck in just my bikini. The other boat was very close so everyone got a really good look. I have a few other stories of exposure but nothing that will probably satisfy the appetite of anyone hoping to read a story of extreme humiliation; while I have had some public exposure, people in fact seem very open minded and tolerant these days; particularly where we live in the Pacific Northwest. While I have certainly felt embarrassed to be feminized in public, I can't say I've been ridiculed for it in a public setting.
  3. With the costumes, at first I hated it because it made me feel foolish, which of course was its' intent. Now that I've worn those outfits a few times I don't really care, I'm ambivalent about it. As for the bikinis, I hated those at first too but actually I kind of like them now, so long as nobody sees me in them. I feel free being practically nude on a warm summer's day reading a book - I've actually come to quite like wearing a bikini, in relative privacy. My wife doesn't really care about the outfits a lot, but she has come to really love that I wear panties. In part because she had the revelation that it would give her the added comfort of knowing that I wasn't going to be likely to be taking my pants off for any other women. (I have never cheated on her anyway.) I hated wearing panties at first, but over time I've gotten used to it and figured out what sorts of brands, styles and materials work best for me. I have a lot of pairs now which I find really comfortable and if I'm being honest at this point I'd have to admit that I like wearing panties now.
  4. At first my wife found it a little weird but harmless and fun. She has enjoyed it more and more over time. And yes, I wore black pantyhose with Mrs. Clause and black fishnet pantyhose with the bunny.
  5. If I'm being completely honest, I was 21 years old at the time and the truth is that I new myself that I couldn't get a better girlfriend than the one I had. I was already dating out of my league and we both knew it. I was basically a nerd and she was a cool French Canadian chick with a motorcycle. I had just one previous sexual partner to her, while I was her 21st (I found that number out much later, although certainly I knew from the get go that she was very experienced). In objectively looking at my situation, it essentially came down to this: continue to have access to this amazing pussy, knowing that I won't be the only one with access to it, or give it up out of pride and be left with no pussy. So we fell into a sort of "don't ask, don't tell" kind of thing although there were a few times where I had to come face to face with the fact, and each time it was incredibly humiliating. Not in a dramatic cuck-fiction way, but maybe I could better explain as an example. Being students at the time money was always short and so I only ever bought 3-packs of Trojan condoms. I'd gone over to her place and we'd had sex one night, and I left the other two on her dresser. A few days later we went back to her place again, and there's the box right where I left it. But when I open it up, there is one condom remaining. "There's only one." I said aloud. Looking at her face, it was immediately obvious where the other one had gone. She was not apologetic, just sheepish. I didn't know the word cuckold in those days; little did I know that she was setting me down this road for life. I can also honestly say that I hated incidents like that at the time; I wasn't experiencing "erotic humiliation" - just plain humiliation. Making the realization that my partner was willing to conspire with others to indulge their own sexual appetites even if it meant I had to play the part of the foolish cuckold, not caring or at least not caring enough about the embarrassment I would be forced to suffer. And this went on for two years. Then what's really f'd up....within six months of that relationship ending (amicably, surprisingly...) I found myself jacking off non stop thinking back on those memories.
  6. Yes I have: around 2019 while we had our bull at our cabin in the summer he suggested that rather than lounging on our deck in swim trunks that it would be better if I wore a bikini. I was horrified at first but my wife laughed at the idea that I'd wear panties but not want to wear bikini bottoms because they were practically the same thing. Of course, he wanted me to wear the top too, and I did. I have four bikinis now. There were two other outfits he came up with around the same time; because we normally got together over holiday long weekends. One Christmas he gifted me a "Sexy Mrs. Clause" costume to wear on Christmas Day, which I did - and on the Easter Long weekend that followed he got me a bunny costume (like a playboy bunny) and I spent a humiliating Easter Sunday wearing that.
  7. Around 2017 my wife began having me wear her panties from time to time, but neither of us were happy with the arrangement as they were really too small for me to wear on a practical level and by the same token, I was stretching them out for her. So she started to buy me my own pairs that would fit me, and for a few years I would wear them on nights she had a date or whenever she wanted to give me a little dose of humiliation. By 2020 however she'd slowly bought me enough pairs that one day she and her bull realized that I had a whole drawer full of my own panties and she decided there was really no need for me to have any boxer shorts.
  8. I'm a cuck not a bull but we have a very long term bull who my wife started seeing in 2016. My wife has slept with a great many men since we got married 14 years ago, but this one is the only true "bull" who has emphasized participation and who requires my humiliation. Despite how that sounds, I would describe us as good friends and we have had many conversations over the years outside of the bedroom where we have discussed the "philosophy" of cuckolding if you will. His point seems to be: having sex with any hot woman is fun, but bagging a married woman gives him the additional thrill of subjugating and humiliating her husband in the process. He views it as a kind of light-hearted bullying if you will. He loves to order me dressed in women's lingerie and never misses an opportunity to remind me that I eat a steady diet of his cum out of my wife's pussy. I've mentioned before the story of King Edward VII who thoroughly enjoyed the "sport" of cuckolding many of London's high society men. Of course, being cuckolded by the King meant you really had little recourse but to suffer the humiliation with as brave a face as one could muster. The King's personal aide once asked him why he always referred to his favourite mistress, Alice Keppel as "Mrs. Keppel" even in private situations. The King answered that he referred to her by her married name because "the cuckolding of George (her husband) is all part of the fun."
  9. I certainly understand (and respect) your point of view here, Sir. Let me offer for sake of argument though: how does a bull treat a "classic cuckold" - i.e. in the circumstances where there isn't a contract - where in fact the cuckold may even object to being cuckolded, but is powerless to do anything about it. I have lived through the circumstance where I discovered I was being cuckolded without my consent, and for a litany of reasons, chose to remain in the relationship. In my case, the bull treated me with a sort of arrogant indifference, but I wonder if you would be so bold as to propose a contract to a cuckold under these circumstances? In that initial case, I had never even contemplated a cuckold fetish before and it's something that grew as a result of my circumstances. I think looking back that if he had proposed a "contract" I may well have accepted it. My girlfriend at that time did eventually lay out the terms by which she was going to continue to date, and I did accept them, although I had no "contract" (and only passing interaction) with the bull. Is that a thought for discussion?
  10. Thought I would share with whomever may be interested that my wife and I will be spending the weekend with her main bull, and this time my wife came up with an idea she thought would be fun. While shopping of a halloween costume she will be wearing to a halloween party with this same lover, she also thought it would be fun to buy me the stereotypical "French Maid Uniform" and has informed me that I will be wearing it this weekend - I never for a moment ever thought I'd fulfill this long-standing symbol of ultimate cuckold humiliation but finally, after 14 years in the lifestyle, it appears that I will. We went over the outfit last night and it will comprise the traditional black dress with white lace trim, a white-lace trimmed satin apron tied in the back, a silly little cap on a headband likewise trimmed with white lace, a white petticoat and white lace gloves which will be worn with a white lace bra and panty set and a black lace garter belt with black, lace-topped fishnet stockings. This may well end up being the most humiliating circumstance that my wife has ever requested of me. I have been crossdressed in front of my wife's lovers before, but to wear an outfit specifically designed to symbolize lower status as a servant will be a heady and serious humiliation indeed. Wish me luck.
  11. Thought I would briefly share this based on an interaction I had with an impressive young man who was setting out to find himself an unfaithful partner. I was chatting with a young fellow who had a girlfriend that loved attending music festivals such as Coachella and Burning Man. I have never been to festival like that, but I am to understand that infidelity is unsurprisingly common at venues like this. The young man I was talking to didn't particularly enjoy music festivals but found himself dating a young woman who was a regular attendee. He had admitted his cuck fetish to her and she had helpfully offered to give it a trial run for him by coming to a mutual agreement that she would be free to be unfaithful to him at a music festival. So it began and that ended up evolving into a full-blown cuckold relationship which continued at home as well. I thought that was a brilliant way for young men in today's world to identify good possible cuckoldresses. A second thought for anyone who might be looking are alternative/goth-style communities. In my own younger days I had some success with this as well. I found that girls in the alt/goth community were often very interested in BDSM and anything that had a countercultural "shock value". In my 20's I met a goth girl who very much enjoyed the imbalance of the relationship and the domination of me; more importantly to her I think is that she enjoyed the approval she got from others in the goth scene at having created such an outrageous situation - of course, cuckolding was considerably less mainstream 20 years ago, so outrageous it was (and certainly, very humiliating for me.) I'm always happy to try and help, if I can, advise and assist the next generation of young cuckolds to get themselves cucked (and by extension, to assist the next generation of bulls to have access to our wives' and girlfriends' pussies.) Does anyone else have some great tips for aspiring cuckolds?
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  12. I'm sorry I didn't give you a reply earlier but I'm glad I came across your post. You've got a few different questions on the go here, but first off I would suggest you consider whether or not she showed you pics of other guys to make you jealous or to see if you got jealous. It might have been her way of trying to get you to express attraction for her. How did you respond when she started showing you these pictures? I can appreciate that you felt defeated and humiliated but that may or may not have been the response she was hoping to provoke. You need to take a brutally honest but objective self-inventory, and that isn't going to be easy to do if you're lacking confidence. You do remind me of me university relationship which set me on the path of cuckolding: I didn't know it at the time, but on the night of our second date I dropped her off at home, and being raised to be a gentleman I contented myself with just a peck on the cheek before I let her out. I was to find out much later that she was floored that I didn't "try anything" with her because if I had, I would have gotten it. Unsatisfied, she went inside and immediately phoned her ex who promptly came over and fucked her. It took me 9 months to find out she was being unfaithful, but once all was revealed I realized that I'd been cucked since our second date! 😱 Another note of caution - inquiring with her about getting home safe is not going to come off as an attractive quality. If you want to be this girls' bf you should almost have an air of not caring. Of course if you want to be a cuck you may be on the right track... Now why does the angst turn you on? Well my friend you may indeed be well suited to enjoy our fraternity of cucks. Again...you have to be really honest with yourself and ask yourself if you can handle it. It's not always easy. But if this is what you really want nothing else will ever be as hot.
  13. My wife has never fucked around without my knowledge. The closest I could relate to you Peter is the one time - the one and only - where I begged her not to sleep with one guy specifically. I could see them flirting and knowing where that was headed I did just that one time remind her that I was totally content to let her sleep with whomever she pleased, just PLEASE not this one guy. She fucked him anyway. I wasn't happy about it, but I will say this - in retrospect it may be the time I felt the most, truly cuckolded. I objected to her infidelity in this one case and she decided on her own that I was just going to have to deal with it. She only saw him for a few weeks and there was some tension in our household when she did because I was not supportive of it (something I'm not proud of) but it was the closest I've experienced to being cuckolded in the classic English sense.
  14. Just thought I would report a happy event to all - this past Monday my wife and I celebrated 14 years of marriage! Which means another milestone is coming up - my first cuckolding took place only 47 days later, on November 4th, 2009. This got me curious...what percentage of my marriage have I spent as a cuckold? I asked Google to tell me how many days it's been since September 18, 2009 and the answer is 5,115 days - wow! Then I asked Google how many days since November 4, 2009 - 5,068. OK, cool. Here's where it gets nerdy: if I divide the number of days I've spent married by the number of days since I've first been cuckolded, I get 99.08%. I've spent more than 99% of my married life being cuckolded! 🤘 My wife has been unfaithful to me for 99% of the time! 👱‍♀️ Other men have been fucking my wife through 99% of my marriage! 😱
  15. Wow, DomBull I can't believe how much insight you have into the mind and experience of a cuck. That's honestly exactly what it's like. Especially the parts about the unexpected taking place - dates taking longer than you thought they would, etc. - you just never know what will happen and you must resist the urge to text her and interrupt her date. It might be off topic but you remind me of my first time being cuckolded in November of 2009; in that case she did not come home late because for her first affair partner she chose a co-worker and they had met at a hotel during lunch that day. I hadn't talked to her all day (its funny - texts are so much more ubiquitous now, but we didn't text as often then as we do now) - so all day long I had no idea whether she had gone through with it. All I knew was that she left that morning with very sexy underwear on and right before she left, she gave me one final opportunity to put on the brakes if I wanted to stop her. It almost felt as though she had hoped I would stop her and for a moment I contemplated it. She reminded me that whatever happened today would be "a bell that can't be unrung". I reassured her that I was very willing to have her go through with it so long as she wanted to. Once the door closed behind her I knew immediately that I was no longer in control of the situation. It must be what it's like when you are sent to prison and hear the cell door close on you. You are not in control anymore. At that point I really wasn't sure she would go through with it, but I knew there was at least a very good chance that she would. As true to the definition of a "cuckold" in its most classic sense, it was now completely up to her whether or not she was going to make me wear the horns of the cuckold; to condemn me to a lifetime of humiliation. I got home first that day. My heart leapt when I heard her opening the door - and when she walked through it we just looked at each other - her still standing in the doorway. Her searching my face for my reaction and me trying to figure out just by looking at her whether or not anything had happened. We held each other's stare for probably 10 seconds although it felt much longer. She finally broke the silence by telling me simply that I was now a cuckold. That was 14 years ago this November and I have been cuckolded many, many, many times since!
  16. Every time a wife gets laid, a cuckold gets his horns. Congratulations, and welcome to our fraternity. Among our ranks have been generations worth of noblemen, generals, explorers, captains of industry, entertainers and plenty of ordinary men too. From Chaucer's the Miller's Tale to Moliere's Georges Dandin, our role in history has been well chronicled and today you join this historical tradition. I caution you that it is a route filled with ups and downs, but it is an erotic and satisfying journey to travel. I sincerely hope you will enjoy it.
  17. Great question, sir. In our case I have never paid for any of my wife's dates but neither really would I have to. My wife makes three times what I make and so she's never asked me to and I doubt if she ever would. Her current lover she met at a private club to which she belongs for business reasons, and he makes substantially more even than her. He owns a boat and often their "dates" will be spent on his boat. On the other hand - I have invested some time when it comes to the pedicures: I learned some time ago how to give my wife a great pedicure (there are many helpful videos on YouTube) and usually it will be my job to prepare and paint her toenails prior to her going on a date (usually the night before). I have come to take great pride in this task: my way of contributing to my own humiliation. That all being said, if for whatever reason my wife did ask me to pay for a date she was on, I would be very happy to do so.
  18. Picking up where we left off, I have to agree again with the OP, DomBull4u that I'm surprised that this thread hasn't generated more feedback. I see I was the last to post on it, some 8 months ago now! I actually came looking for it because of something that happened on the weekend. My wife was away at a work convention last week and and came back Friday night. We saw her best friend on Saturday (who knows all about our lifestyle and approves of it) and she was asking how it went, and my wife's answer was "Well, it's a good thing he (me) doesn't mind wearing the horns." Just a small story - it's not even a story really - it's basically a line - but when her friend turned to me for my reaction, smiling ear to ear, it was hard not to feel a little bit humiliated at how openly my wife discusses with her friends her freedom to be unfaithful to me. In moments like this it almost seems like you can actually feel the weight of the "horns" on your head. Of course she then went on to discuss in detail her series of hook-ups with a young man from Quebec.
  19. I stumbled across your thread and thought I'd chime in - I first got put in panties in 2017 on an occasional basis (i.e. when wife's bull would come over) but got pantied full-time in 2020. My wife took my boxer briefs down to the garbage on our way out to celebrate NYE 2019/2020! For the first few years I thought it was unfair to be "pantied" and I couldn't understand why it was so important to our bull. But it makes my wife feel better (knowing I don't want to take my pants off in front of other women) and my bull enjoys it as a kind of light-hearted bullying. I couldn't understand what gave him such a thrill about making me wear panties but in studying cuckoldry of old I think I finally made my peace with it. In medieval times people enjoyed making cuckolds wear "horns" as an outwardly, public sign of their humiliation. The meaning of which everyone knew. Even then people loved to gather together and delight in a cuckold's humiliation, it's as old as time. Now I think of wearing panties as being much like the way many cuckolds were forced to wear horns. Bulls and others enjoy our embarrassment and I think in the modern FemDom style of cuckoldry, making a cuckold wear women's panties is really just a modern day way of expressing the same thing. In a way it's almost like carrying on a tradition. I wear panties every day now and I don't mind it at all anymore. Many pairs are actually very comfortable.
  20. My wife isn't a corporate wife per se but she is a very, very successful real estate agent who made approximately $300,000 last year - certainly much, much more than I. This has created a few situations - namely her office parties and events at the exclusive club she joined - where it certainly *feels* like I am being sized up by others as her beta, cuckolded husband. She has slept with co-workers, clients and two other members of her club, so at all of these events there are certainly others who know for a fact that she has cuckolded me, although I have no way of knowing who knows and who doesn't.
  21. For the first 5 years of our marriage she had just one affair with just one partner. They would meet for sex once a week at lunchtime during the week. When that finally fell apart, she began "dating" mainly through Ashley Madison, and over the next 4 years or so came 13 more. During that period I'd think to myself "wow, she's really gotten into it now - now I am a true cuck." Then she got on Tinder - that was in 2018. Between the summer of 2018 and the start of the pandemic, she regularly met guys on Tinder for one nights stands and at that point I totally lost track of how many men she was with. She has definitely slept with somewhere in the range of 100 men by now. As things began to open up a bit more after the pandemic, she has preferred now going back to having steady relationships with specific lovers, although she'll still browse Tinder a little from time to time. But for a little more than a year a half she was getting a different cock literally once a week.
  22. I know right away what the most humiliating comment was for me, but it's a little different than most here as it has nothing to do with my dick. My wife's best friend knows all about our cuckold lifestyle and knows the details of virtually everything we do. Back about 6-7 years ago we met a bull we still see occasionally who insisted on me wearing women's underwear, which eventually I began to do - only occasionally at first - but in any event, the best friend was aware that I'd begun to wear panties from time to time as my wife was always (and still is) quick to apprise her of whatever salacious details have recently transpired. This friend is actually a great person who is a friend to both of us and who has often complimented me as an incredible husband for being a cuckold and allowing my wife such latitude with taking lovers, etc. In contrast to her positive reaction to the cuckolding however, she found the revelation that I'd started wearing panties to be absolutely hilarious. On this day, we had promised her, the best friend, a ride to the airport and while she and my wife were standing around talking, I being the man was trying to keep everything running on schedule and began to start reminding them they needed to hurry up if she wanted to catch this flight. Well, another 15 minutes later and after about the third or fourth barbed reminder I made about the need to keep to our schedule, my wife snapped back "Just give us another minute" and then her very quick-witted friend started to smile the kind of smile you see just before someone tells a joke - as they're thinking it in their head - which she finally dropped on me. She said: "Yeah! Don't get your panties in a bunch!" which made them both laugh outloud, at my expense obviously.
  23. Yes, I do wear women's panties now any my wife loves it. I was certainly reluctant at first, fearing (quite rationally, I think) that people might notice, but my wife said that was a small sacrifice to make for the dual purpose she had in mind: first, to create a tangible symbol of my cuckolding and second to disincentivize me against any temptation I might have to cheat myself - my wife fearing that after 13 years of cuckolding that one day I might rationalize to myself that I have earned the right to enjoy a dalliance myself. I have never cheated on my wife, but I do work on a University campus full of young and attractive women so it is something she is always aware of. She has much better peace of mind knowing that I don't want to risk the humiliation of taking my pants off for anyone but her. I've been wearing women's panties exclusively for three years now and doubt very much if I will ever wear men's underwear again. After some initial trial and error I now own plenty of comfortable pairs which fit me properly and after three years I really don't think about it much anymore.
  24. At the risk of sounding like a total nerd, there *are* a tremendous wealth of great cuckold books out there depending on what sort of info you're looking for. Three of the best right of the top of my head: 1. The Ethical Slut - the word "cuckold" is not to be found in this book, but it does speak from a stand point of thinking about non-monogamy as a general concept and is a great way of getting a woman who might not otherwise consider a non-conventional relationship to challenge her thoughts and beliefs about it. This book was absolutely seminal in my wife's acceptance of non-monogamy. Without it, I'm certain I wouldn't be a cuckold. 2. Insatiable Wives - I think everyone in this community is now familiar with David Ley's thorough examination of cuckolds throughout the course of history. Most of this information is largely anecdotal rather than instructive but it will certainly assuage some of a cuckold's angst by realizing that you've got plenty of company. Since time began there have been many cuckolds: you are not the first and you will not be the last! 3. Cuckolding by Marisa Rudder - this is a newer book and is more of a "how to" get into cuckolding book but it is written from the women's perspective with plenty of advice for the cucks. Reading presents a lot of great opportunity for self-improvement whether you're reading about something pertaining to your career, your finances, your marriage or yourself. I try to read on all of these topics and I have read a number of books on cuckolding which I would absolutely credit with helping me to be a better cuckold.
  25. It took me a lot of time to realize it, but the fact is that humiliation is a central part of what being a cuckold is all about. While I did desire to become a cuckold, and urged my wife to do it (which she did) I never sought out humiliation. It didn't happen for us until my wife met a bull on Ashley Madison who was into humiliating cuckolds - that didn't happen until almost 7 years into our cuckolding marriage. When he came into the picture, I resisted at first for a long time, mainly on the grounds that I didn't feel it was "fair" (I still don't.) I was one of the cucks who would post that I'm not into humiliation and that not all cuckolds want/like humiliation. But the truth that I see now is that I was really in some state of denial and trying to make the world what I wanted it to be rather than seeing it for what it is. The simple fact is that you need only read hundreds of years' of literature to see that for whatever reason, from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, to the many plays of Shakespeare and Moliere and even to more recent films and TV shows - everything from "You're the Worst" to "Along Came Polly" feature scenes where a man is made a cuckold to the comic delight of the audience. There are literally centuries worth of pop culture that prove that people love to laugh at the misfortune of a cuckold. Even if *you* do not consider it humiliating to be a cuckold, it really isn't your choice. Other people who hear that you are a cuckold (and they will - no matter how much you are keeping it secret, at a minimum, your wife's lovers are bragging to their friends) will take delight in it and wherever that conversation takes place, you are the laughingstock whether you wish to acknowledge that fact or not. The bible says that the wages of sin are death; and in the same vein I would say that the wages of being a cuckold are humiliation. It took me the better part of 5 years to accept that fact, but you are better off once you realize that this is merely the role that you play in order to not only get what you want (assuming you want to be cuckolded) but to make your wife happy and to maximize the enjoyment of the bull. A few years ago, when I was still struggling to understand our bull's motivation in humiliating me, I asked him point blank why he liked it so much? What did it do for him? He kind of shrugged his shoulders and said it's fun. Without it, he could just be banging single women but that for him, this is what made it so much better than just hooking up with single women. He also took that opportunity to assure me that it wasn't anything personal and that he quite liked me, but that essentially he liked putting me in patently absurd situations that most would assume that no husband would ever accept. That answer squared up with another story from history regarding the British King Edward VII whose favourite mistress, Alice Keppel, was married to her husband George Keppel for 56 years. Even in private situations, King Edward almost always referred to his Mistress as "Mrs. George" or "Mrs. Keppel" even in situations where she was obviously his Mistress. Many found it somewhat odd that he would be so boldly open about having a married Mistress, where most would expect him to be more discreet to protect her marriage if nothing else. One day, the King's trusted aide asked him directly why he referred to her so formally. The King replied to his young aide that he loved to remind everyone including himself that his Mistress was married because: "Cuckolding George is all part of the fun."
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