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Everything posted by klb95991

  1. http://wife-to-share.tumblr.com/post/154703969275/by-the-end-of-the-night-hopefully-she-will-have Link
  2. http://wife-to-share.tumblr.com/post/154703969275/by-the-end-of-the-night-hopefully-she-will-have Link
  3. Klb95991
  4. Came close this weekend. We were out dancing and drinking. By the end of the night I had her waving and trying to get the attention of a guy she thought was cute. Unfortunately he seamed to be totally oblivious
  5. Thanks those 42ddds are what attracted me to her to start lol
  6. Again I used the forgot they were there this weekend. Wife was sitting next to me as I showed a friend vacation pics. She got a bit red, and said I thought you told me you kept those all hidden. That started a new conversation of what other pics do you have. I ended up showed a several others to him at that point when wife went to restroom.
  7. Tumbler name is wife-to-share I'll try to post link tonight
  8. Wow. I guess he liked the picture nice
  9. As does mine
  10. One of mine got a good look at one on my phone. He pretended to be shocked. I told him I thought I had hidden it as I took phone back, then he asked if he could see it again
  11. Thank you 42ddds
  12. I agree. I get messages from guys and demon that have seen the tumbler posts I did of wife. Definate turn on
  13. Close to Sacramento Ca
  14. Kik klb95991
  15. Thank you i appreciate it
  16. I have shared pics with some friends when we were all out for drinks. His wife and mine were both there as we shared pic. Both wife's were watching what we were doing and making comments. Don't show that, I like that one etc
  17. I agree. No one has approached my wife do to her anklet. So I have gotten her to where low cut tops to show her ddds. Being almost 6ft and a redhead helps. Lots of looking but no one brave enough to even ask her to dance when we go out. I make sure that she has her anklet showing, and disappear often
  18. I ended up making a tumbler of mine wife-to-share
  19. My wife has agreed to, and it's been a great fantasy during sex, but that's it so far. Getting closer
  20. klb95991


    Still haven't had any luck with the ankle, but have got wife to where much more revealing tops lots of guys love the view of a 5ft 11 redhead showing off her ddds . But no one notices the anklet, yet
  21. I posted some of the pics without captioned as you had requested. I have a ton more just haven't had much time to post lately
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