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Posts posted by secondjag

  1. On 7/27/2023 at 4:44 AM, Peter C said:

    Well, there is that. I have suggested to Becky that two friends on there that she chats to might actually have a wager on which one can get her into bed first. She wasn't offended, just laughed and replied, "Probably". I got the impression that she really wouldn't have any objection to being fucked by either of them or even both of them.

    I wouldn't be surprised if once she's had black, it'll open the floodgates and there'll be others. For a shy, inexperienced woman like Becky, who's nearly 46 and only ever been with 3 men in her life, all of us white, that would be pretty amazing.


    you know Peter, I have a strong suspicion they have, at a minimum, exchanged pics, and the brothers prob shared dick pics.  In which case she is closer then you think.

    Been a while since I shared here; knock yourself out.














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  2. 11 hours ago, Gunner3.5 said:

    Appreciate the compliment Secondjag. You set the bar high and we're trying to hold up the tradition.  BTW some great shots and welcome back! I hope

    You did fine Buddy; just fine.


    10 hours ago, Peter C said:

    Yes, welcome back Jag! 

    I do like to see the more mature ladies enjoying themselves. I suppose my Becky should be classed as mature now she's 46.

    Back in the day when they were young going with a black guy perhaps wasn't the done thing, still seen as taboo in some places and frowned upon. Now they see white women everywhere with black men and want to see what they've been missing. Even my shy little Becky told me she's heard that black men have bigger cocks and warned me they say, "Once you go black, you never go back".


    Thanks Peter, appreciate it.  Yep, no taboo anymore, just fun for all.  I actually included the matures for you and several other cuckolds who sometimes want to see women who look more like their wives.

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  3. Frannie went to the doctor, saying she had a problem with her aviaries.
    The doctor said, "Frannie, you're being silly. You mean ovaries.
    Aviaries are where you find birds."
    Frannie shook her head and said she meant aviaries.
    Not prepared to argue, the doctor told her to get on the couch for an inspection.
    After a quick look, he said, "Well, Frannie, you're right! There's been a cockatoo in there, too."

    There was a young lady named Hicks
    Who delighted to play with men's pricks,
    Which she would embellish
    With evident relish,
    And make then stand up and do tricks.


    One day, two deputies in the Sheriff's Office answered an emergency call at a farmhouse. When they walked in, they found the nude bodies of a man and a woman in the bedroom. They had been shot to death. When they went to the living room, they found the body of a man with a gun at his side.

    "No doubt about it," one deputy said to the other. "This was a double murder and suicide. This guy came home and found his wife in bed with somebody else and shot them both. Then he shot himself."
    "You're right," the other deputy replied. "Double murder and suicide. But I'll bet you when the sheriff gets here he's going to say, 'it could have been worse'."
    "No way. How could it be worse? There are three people in the house, and all of them have been shot to death. It couldn't be worse. You're on."
    About that time, the old sheriff arrived at the scene. He walked into the bedroom and saw the two nude bodies. He then walked into the living room and saw t! he man on the floor with the gun by his side.

    "No doubt about it," the sheriff said, shaking his head. "It was a double murder and suicide. This guy came home and found his wife in bed with somebody else and shot them both. Then he shot himself." After hesitating for a moment, the old sheriff looked his deputies squarely in the eyes. "But, you know," he said, "it could have been worse."
    The deputy who had lost the bet jumped up and shouted, "Sheriff, how could it have been worse? There are three people in this farmhouse, and all three of them are dead. It couldn't have been worse??"
    "Yes it could," the sheriff retorted. "You see that guy there on the floor? If he had come home yesterday, that would be me in there in that bed!"

    Just as a young man was about to get a chest X-Ray, the equipment slipped and his pelvic region was X-Ray'd instead.
    "Oh, no!" cried the lab technician." Your reproductive organs just received a dose of radiation!"
    "What does that mean?" asked the worried young man.
    "It's serious," replied the technician. "All your children may become lawyers!"

    A man named José worked in the fields of a rural country cutting down trees. Every afternoon his wife, Maria, used to bring him his lunch.
    Well one afternoon José got horny and started fucking the shit out of Maria, as they were doing it a bee flew by and stung her right next to her nipple.
    Days went by and the swelling wouldn't go away, so José took her to the doctor.
    The doctor took a look at it and said "Well we're going to have to get the puss out in order for her breast to heal, and the best way to do that is to suck it out."
    José looked at the doctor and said "Isn't there another way?"
    The doctor said "Nope, the old-fashion way is the best way for this."
    So of course he believed the doctor and went along with it, so the doctor went off on Maria's tit, I mean he sucked the shit out of it, he had her moaning and everything.
    A week later José while taking a piss got stung right on the tip of his dick so he went to the doctor.
    The doctor took a look at it and said, "Holy shit, that things huge! I'll be right back, I'm going to go get a shot that will make the puss come right out."
    José looked at him and said, "NO, no, no, like you said the old fashion way is the best way. Now start sucking!"







    We Have What You Need.jpg

    We had Words.jpg

    We are Gathered.jpg

    We Got Together.jpg









    We Need to Talk (2).jpg

    We Need Moses in New England.jpg

    We Need to Talk.jpg

    We Have Wine.jpg









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  4. he waitress was waiting about as patiently as could be expected while the guy was slowly going over the breakfast menu.

    Being a smart ass, he said to the other guys in the booth, and loud enough for her to overhear, "I usually never return to a restaurant unless one of the sausages I'm served with my eggs is a match in size for my own."

    The waitress gave him a disgusted look and commented, "In that case, maybe you should be looking at the children's menu."

    Plato:  "Did you ever fuck your girlfriend in the other hole?"
    Socrates:  "You are fuckin mad. I don't want to make her pregnant!

    "Mom, hey, Mom! Lennie passed his bar exam, so we're going to get married next week!" The bride-to-be was ecstatic. "Gee, honey, don't you think you two should wait till he's been practicing for a year or so?" cautioned her mother. "Oh Mom," said the bride with a blush, "we've been practicing."

     A man walks into a pharmacy and buys a pack of condoms. The cashier asks him if he wants a bag. He replies, "No, she's not that ugly."

    The 15-year old girl is going on her first date, and her mother warns her not to let the boy put his hands up her dress.
    The girl agrees, and the mother is reassured that her will not let the boy put his hands up her dress.
    The boy and girl go out, and after a movie and a nosh they are parked in lover's lane.
    He makes a move and tries to put his hands up her dress.
    She stops him once, twice and three times. He's all disappointed.
    Then she tells him why, "I promised my mother that I wouldn't let you put your hands up my dress.
    But, you can put your hands down the back of my dress, and it's the second hole you come to!"





    • Like 3
  5. A Jewish boy was walking with his girlfriend on the grounds of his father's house. His father was a successful doctor, and was carrying out a circumcision in the on-site surgery.
    As they were walking, they heard a scream and a foreskin flew out of the window and landed at the girl's feet.
    "What's this, "she asked.
    "Taste it," he replied, "If you like it, I'll give you a whole one!"


    There was a young lady named Mandel
    Who caused quite a neighborhood scandal
    By coming out bare
    On the main village square
    And massaging herself with a candle.

    There was a young lady named Mable

    Who liked to sprawl out on the table,
    Then cry to her man,
    'Stuff in all you can -
    Get your ballocks in, too, if you're able.'

    A Mexican is strolling down the street in Mexico City and kicks a bottle lying in the street.
    Suddenly out of the bottle comes a Genie. The Mexican is stunned.
    The Genie says, "Hello Master, I will grant you one wish, anything you want."
    The Mexican begins thinking, "Well, I really like drinking tequila."
    Finally the Mexican says, "I wish to drink tequila whenever I want, so make me pee tequila."
    The Genie grants him his wish.
    When the Mexican gets home, he gets a glass out of the cupboard and pees in it.
    He looks at the glass and it's clear...looks like tequila.
    Then smells the liquid... smells like tequila. So, he takes a taste, and it is the best tequila he has ever tasted.
    The Mexican yells to his wife, "Consuelo, Consuelo, come quickly!"
    She comes running down the hall, and the Mexican takes another glass out of the cupboard and fills it. He tells her to drink it. It is tequila.
    Consuelo is reluctant but goes ahead and takes a sip. It is the best tequila she has ever tasted. The two drank and partied all night.
    The next night the Mexican comes home from work and tells his wife to get two glasses out of the cupboard.
    He proceeds to fill the two glasses. The result is the same. The tequila is excellent, and the couple drinks until the sun comes up.
    Finally Friday night comes and the Mexican comes home from work and tells his wife, " Consuelo, grab one glass from the cupboard and we will drink Tequila." His wife gets the glass from the cupboard and sets it on the table.
    The Mexican begins to fill the glass; and when he fills it, his wife asks him, "But Pancho, why do we need only one glass?"
    Pancho raises the glass and says, "BECAUSE TONIGHT, MI AMOR, YOU DRINK FROM THE BOTTLE."






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  6. An English landowner and his Irish manservant both died and went to Hell, all within a week of each other.

    They ran into each other one day. "My lord," the Irishman exclaimed, "What are you doing here?"
    The landowner sighed. "I'm here because I lied, cheated, and stole to pay the debts run up by that playboy son of mine. But you were a faithful, loyal servant. Why are you here?"
    "For fathering that playboy son of yours," the Irishman replied.

    A Rabbi from Peru
    Was vainly attempting to screw.
    His wife said "Oy vey"
    If you keep up this way.
    The Messiah will come before you.

    There was a young man from Bombay
    Who fashioned a cunt out of clay
    But the heat from his prick
    Turned the clay to a brick
    And chaffed his foreskin away.

    The census taker rang the doorbell and was quite surprised when the door was opened by a nude woman.
    "Don't be alarmed," she said, "I'm a nudist."
    Although somewhat embarrassed, the man proceeded to ask the routine questions.
    When his asked, "How many children do you have?"
    The lady replied, "Eighteen."
    "Lady," he gasped, "you're not a nudist, you just don't have time to get dressed!"






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  7. 5 hours ago, cucksean said:

    Omg Jag there is no way you can drop!  Those pics especially of.the rings and bbc are over the top awesome!!!  Thank.you!!!


    4 hours ago, Gunner3.5 said:

    Damn I bow to the master Jag!

    I'm glad u dug 'em guys.  I tell ya, there's some funny shit that goes on here.

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