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Everything posted by Kaktuscpl

  1. Atom Ant from the Jetsons,I think
  2. OMG the one with Judy and Pebbles.....anyone else miss "Atom Ant?" the 1st time ? LOL PRICLESS
  3. the road runner one.......about damn time LOL
  4. LMAO yeah sorry about that.......I was pretty baked ,and I can get easily distracted when I'm in that condition LOL ........... Oh look ....a squirrel.....LMAO
  5. Well I can , and Do enjoy talking about cars and bikes..but admittedly I only know what I like/have owned..... Now we ever have a talk about forklifts...LOL
  6. I do too...Paula and Adam that is ...just wish I could have seen more....as I said it was in the backseat of our SUV at night so it was super dark...I asked and they agreed , to making out/heavy petting ,while I drove them around,watching through the rearview mirror ......I was so excited/turned on..I'm surprised we didn't crash LOL... We eventually ended up parking at the lake,and they fucked ...I may not have been able to see everything (clearly at least) But I remember VIVIDLY every sound
  7. uuummm.....cuter EVERYTHING
  8. FUCK ME.......hopefully without sounding/coming off as sexist.....your comment about the swing arm...is fucking impressive.......You never cease to amaze me girl Just sexy as hell.......ALL AROUND ......
  9. "the Long Game" dude I have never heard put/said any better than that.....and with that kind patience and determination ....I have No Doubt that (It is going to happen
  10. Our kids were pretty much grown when we started playing ,,,,but I was thinking , maybe get the grandparents to take them for the weekend...a babysitter ,,we haven't had the opportunity to "host" anything at home ..YET....just the backseat/back of our SUV, and a hotel room
  11. I KNOW RIGHT......ME TOO
  12. NO DOUBT "Nicki" is a treasure trove of GOOD/GREAT advice......and can definitely help you avoid any pit falls........... And for the record I am ,in no way biased when it comes to her LMAO
  13. Had a Kawa KX-125 when I was a kid/teenager ...and The only bike I actually owned was a Purple Honda Shadow 1100 ...kept having stator issues,,,and was needed cash to close on our house so sold it ...I'll try to dig up some pics of "Shady"........God I miss that bike
  14. Dude.......that is so fucking hot
  15. I think seat looks wrong to be a Ducati.....but I'm more into cruisers and dirt bikes..not a huge fan of "crotch rockets"
  16. OK ......a couple of these I'm having trouble with (HAVing trouble focusing on the bike(s)) LOL But I'll give a go..... (1) looks like a heritage classic (2)I think is a Buel (3) looks like either a Victory or a Valkyrie (4)I think is a Shadow (5) either German or Russian messenger bike from WW2 (6)Can't focus....LOL (7)Yamaha (8)Suzuki (9)custom job (10)can't focus ......
  17. Wishing everyone a Happy (hopefully)SEXY Valentines Day Have a great day and some great sex.... Love and Respect KAK
  18. Damn ONLY 36 were ever produced .....no wonder it's so much
  19. woah Fuck me...... between 45 and 60 million at auction ..per google
  20. HOLY SHIT!!.... why so much? one of a kind,or something?
  21. Had to look that one up.....and.....HOLY SHIT......is it wrong to call a car sexy as hell?
  22. Wow NICE........sure...just don't go super rare... I can probably find it
  23. Red or Black?or would you prefer a custom color?
  24. I believe you are correct.....but they fail to mention the Ferrari is from HotWheels/Matchbox... LOL
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