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Peter C

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Everything posted by Peter C

  1. 8am. A cold, wet, dark Saturday morning here in the UK. Here's some more photos and gifs from my PC to warm me up.
  2. I seem to accumulated these on my PC. Apologies if any of these have been posted here before. Most seem to involve white women with black men for some reason, muscular black men with large penises.
  3. Just caught up with your recent posts Dober. You post some great stuff! It always excites me how many of our white wives and girlfriends must now have tried black with the numbers creeping up and up every day. When will my shy little Becky join that number, that is the question?
  4. Thanks guys. You've certainly given me some food for thought and I'll have to do some more delving, see what else Becky has to say. She says she's friends online with Tristan's girlfriend too and that they team up to have fun winding him up. So far she's denied any of these black guys online have got their dicks out for her, nor has she got her tits out or shown them her ass or pussy. I doubt she'd do the latter, but revealing a bit of cleavage might encourage Tristan to try and persuade Becky to take her top off, especially if that girlfriend of his isn't about! I'll see if she reveals more now she's confessed to giving an 18 year old black lad her number.
  5. Thank you Jag and I especially liked Gunner's likely scenario. No, not a bad thing at all. Becky was really apologetic about not telling me before that they'd exchanged phone numbers. As I pointed out to her, if she'd told me he'd asked for her number and asked me if it was okay for her to give him it, I'd have had absolutely no hesitation to agreeing to it, putting her hand on the growing lump in my trousers to emphasis my approval. "I know you would, And I'm sorry", she said sheepishly. She's been chatting online to this Trist since July when he was still only 17 and has been steadily dropping others on there recently. so he seems to be her favourite right now. How long he's had Becky's number i don't know, but that he asked her for it, knowing she was 45 (albeit a young looking 45) and with an older white guy, and got it very easily really turned me on. And him too no doubt if it's her pussy he wants! Becky still insists that she wouldn't do anything and that he hasn't suggested they met up or anything, they "just have a laugh". No, she reckons she hasn't seen his cock nor has she sent him any photos she insists and doesn't intend to. "Not a chance", she said.
  6. I have suggested to her that i should send her a photo of a naked black guy every day and she readily agreed to the idea. I haven't done yet though, with her iPhone playing up and her struggling to receive e-mails. But yes, I do have it in mind. Seeing as she's still quite shy, I might start with some nice muscular guys before showing some big black erect cocks, to be followed by white women like her sucking and being fucked by superior black men.
  7. 6 days? It doesn't take you long to talk a wife into bed!
  8. The more I go through Jag and Gunner's photos, the more I feel that my Becky is one of the few straight white women that hasn't had a black cock in their mouth yet.
  9. Yes Leo, I think you're right. She keeps denying that she'd do anything, despite my assertions that I'd be okay about it if it did happen. I am in little doubt though that if she does have a next sexual partner, either whilst she's with me or after me, he will definitely be black.
  10. It'll have to be a black one. I've told her I don't want her having any more white boyfriends and she agreed, saying that I was going to be the last white man she was going to go with. When I said, "Only black guys in future then?", she replied, "Definitely". This isn't a "I told you so" moment Jag, but Becky admitted to me yesterday that she has exchanged phone numbers with one of the DJs that does these online club sessions she enjoys when I'm at work in the evenings. I'd had my suspicions since we went away for those few days last month when her phone lit up with a name I recognised just as I was putting her coffee on the table whilst she was outside having a cigarette, and she has now sheepishly admitted it. His name's Tristan - Trist for short. He's black of course, "blacker than black" she remarked with a smile, just turned 18 (she's 46 remember with a son of 27) and has a white girlfriend slightly older than him, about 20 Becky said. Obviously, I was very excited about this confession. I don't know how long she's had his number, she first mentioned him and his mixed race pal Carlos back in July when they were both still only 17, but she still, when I suggested he must be planning to make her his "bit on the side" and will be desperate to start seeing her for sex, was adamant that "he ain't getting it, not a chance."
  11. Just getting light at 7am on a frosty Saturday morning here in the UK. Here's a few more photos and gifs saved on my PC.
  12. I do love to see a white woman down on her knees with a big, black, erect cock in their mouth, especially the more mature ladies, in their 40s (like Becky) and 50s who probably don't or have got bored of their husband's little dick. The ones where the woman is looking straight at the camera are great too. Imagine Becky doing that with those sexy eyes of hers, though in this photo that smirk suggests she already has!
  13. No, I know Becky well enough. She wouldn't do it. My ex-wife on the other hand would have done and did on more than one occasion, but not Becky. That's just not her style. I wouldn't be complaining if one of those cocky young black boys has succeeded in coaxing Becky into bed though. That's what she needs. Black cock.
  14. A chilly wet Wednesday here in the UK, but here's some more photos and gifs saved on my PC.
  15. Mmmmm, that last photo you posted reminds me of how my ex-workmate sent my wife Debbie home the first time he fucked her that February Sunday afternoon. Hours later, after the kids had gone to bed, it was still obvious from her red, puffy, gaping pussy, that she'd been fucked well and fucked hard. This may have been Mick excited about finally getting Pete's wife into bed or perhaps punishing Debbie for making him wait so long. He'd been after that pussy for years and had finally persuaded her to spread those legs of hers. He's boasted to me since how she liked it rough safe in the knowledge she could climax noisily without having to worry about the kids hearing, clearly a much needed change from our normally gentle, considerate, quieter love-making. Although she told me his cock was half the size of mine, she liked his stocky build and tattoos and would end up going to see him from time to time whenever she needed a good hard pounding. This went on for 2-3 years until he moved away with another guy's wife he'd also been servicing.
  16. I'm sure, with me working 6 evenings a week, my Becky could do the same. From the number of young black guys she was talking to online, I'm sure there'd be no shortage of volunteers to introduce yet another white woman to black cock, but since we've been away for those few days, she seems to had a change of heart. No mention of her online garage and hip hop clubbing sessions or her entourage of much younger "boyfriends", but all over me like a rash and in a really good mood. I'm not complaining, it's great and I'm loving it, but I wonder why. Perhaps they were getting too pushy and scared her off or maybe - though I doubt it - she's done it with one of them behind my back and is feeling guilty.
  17. Brrr! Winter's coming. Just 4 degrees C here in the UK this morning. Our wives and girlfriends are going to need a big, strong black man to keep them warm. Especially my Becky. She's always complaining she's cold.
  18. Another week, another batch of photos and gifs from my PC.
  19. Yes, I have a half-decent sized cock (7 inches) but Mick obviously knew what to do with what little he had, presumably 3 and a half to 4 inches. He was quite stocky and heavily tattooed which may also have added to my wife's enjoyment, as did the fact that even though I didn't like him very much, there I was readily agreeing to her going to see him for sex.
  20. Didn't have time to post here on Friday or Saturday, but here's another batch of photos and gifs. I make no apology for the amount of white women I include, wives and girlfriends being converted to go black. If my Becky goes with someone else I'd hate it if he were white. I've told her he'd have to be black and she agrees.
  21. When my wife used to go out without me the wedding ring on her finger didn't seem to put men off at all. She loved male company and attention which made it easy for guys to chat her up and try their luck. She'd be particularly flattered when the guy was a lot younger than her and and in her 30s and 40s she was fucked by lads of 23, 25 and 28. I doubt all bulls have big cocks, just an air of confidence with women. A guy I used to work with fucked another colleague' wife, at least 2 female members of staff and the pretty blonde barmaid fro our works' social club. He soon went after my wife too, but she was a good girl then and turned down his offers of a date. Years later however, we'd got into the cuckolding lifestyle and when she got a friends request from him on Faceb00k she admitted that she'd been tempted to start seeing him behind my back all those years ago and still fancied him now. Although we'd agreed that she wouldn't go with anyone I knew so I couldn't put a face to the name, I knew where this was going and sure enough, soon they were messaging and texting one another all day every day. Then one Sunday afternoon she went over to his house whilst his wife was out and, after over 20 years, he finally got what he'd been after. He fucked her well and fucked her hard, but she told me later that he had quite a small cock. "Mick's hard is the same size as yours soft", she commented one night as I undressed. That didn't put her off though as she'd go and see Mick on and off for the next 2-3 years, presumably when she needed a good pounding rather than our more gentle, considerate love-making. Then he moved away with another man's wife he'd also been fucking, so having a small dick wasn't a problem for him.
  22. Thanks Dober! Would I suck Becky's young black boyfriend's cock for him? Yes, 100%. Maybe to lubricate it for him before he penetrates Becky's tight white pussy for the first time or as proof that I totally approve of him fucking my girlfriend for me or even just as a thank you for finally giving her what she's been thinking about for the last three and a half years. I've had a white dick in my mouth, but now I'm curious as to what a black cock tastes like.
  23. Thank you Jag! Thank you Gunner! There's no getting away from the fact that our white wives and girlfriends look so much better when they have sex with a black man. Becky please note! I especially like the "eyes" ones, wives, wedding ring on their finger, proudly looking straight into the camera with their mouth full of big black cock.
  24. Yes, especially if she delights in telling me that her husband has been fucking my Becky for me whilst I've been at work and makes me say that I totally approve.
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