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Cuckold Porn

Peter C

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Everything posted by Peter C

  1. Friday, nearly 9am here in the UK. I wonder how many white British wives and girlfriends will be getting their first ever black cock this weekend? I'm sure the number must be growing every day. My little Becky next?
  2. We had agreed two ground rules prior to my wife Debbie taking the plunge. 1) that she'd use condoms despite the fact that she'd been sterilised, to avoid the risk of passing on any STIs to me, and 2) that she wouldn't go with anyone I knew so I couldn't put a face to the name. Of course, I now know that she broke both rules two months before she went with that young customer from work, for which I bought the condoms for her. A few years down the line she got re-acquainted with another ex-workmate of mine following him requesting her as a friend on Faceb00k. Not me you'll notice! He'd shown an interest in Debbie the first time he clapped eyes on her with me in our works' social club bar and, despite having only just started at the company, wasted no time chatting her up when I wasn't around and asked her out for a drink. Back then she'd been a good girl, faithful to me, and had declined his advances, but years later admitted that she had been very tempted. Fast forward about 22 years, with Debbie now 44 and occasionally having sex with other men with my full knowledge and approval, and up pops this Mick. Soon they were messaging and texting one another all day every day and I had a good idea where this was going. Mick had gained quite a reputation as a ladies man at work, bedding another colleague's wife, two female members of staff as well as the pretty blonde barmaid from the social club. Sure enough, Debbie was soon telling me that she felt she "was getting into something I can't get out of" and I heard myself saying that she could take things as far as she felt comfortable with. There were several cancelled dates and arrangements to meet up for coffee, etc, to the point where I thought nothing would happen, but then suddenly one February Sunday afternoon, off she went in a taxi to Mick's house. Long story short, they fucked bareback that afternoon whilst his wife was out and again at his place a couple of months later. I took their coupling much better than I thought I would, happily licking her out on her return with no way of hiding that she'd just been fucked well and fucked hard. Mick used to put me down in front of others when we worked together, often criticising the way I did the job and I could just picture that smug, almost arrogant, smirk on his face as his cock entered my wife's cunt at long last. Surely the ultimate put-down? Did he fuck her hard knowing this was Pete's wife he'd finally got into bed after years of trying or was it a way of punishing her for making him wait so long before she gave in to him? I thought that was the only two occasions that my wife had had sex with Mick, but it wasn't until I plucked up the courage to add him on my own Faceb00k about 3-4 years ago and chat to him about Debbie, that I found out that they'd actually fucked on and off for 2-3 years, usually at her request. They'd even been away on holiday for a week once when I thought she was away with someone else entirely! Why she became so secretive I'll never know. Any attempts by me since to talk to her about those times have been rebuffed. I'd love her to tell me more about the things I didn't know then. Maybe she grew feelings for Mick or some other guy she was sleeping with or perhaps it was just more enjoyable doing it behind my back and not having to come home and tell me all about it in bed later. Mick wasn't the only one she kept quiet about. Debbie would go to visit a female friend in a neighbouring town about once a month and stay for the weekend. I have since been told by that friend that Debbie soon stopped staying at her house, preferring to spend the nights at her mate's step-dad's place and in his bed.
  3. You could well be right Jag. She's rarely at her place recently, staying at her mum's house basically as a carer but with mum in bed early, Becky can still do her live online clubbing sessions with her young black "boyfriends". She teases me at work with texts saying things like what she's wearing "going out" or that she's "out with her 17 year old black toyboy" and sometimes I'll wake up in the morning to a text sent at 2 or 3am saying she's "just got home". She'll go as far as telling me she's been "bad" or "naughty", without mentioning the elephant in the room, her having sex with one of them, not even online or phone sex. More often than not, my texts pushing for more details or suggesting what these young black guys want to do to her are ignored. She gets "embarrassed", she says. Becky may well be unsure, scared even, of letting things go further or indeed, frightened of confessing to me that things have already gone further with her perhaps having bared her breasts and shaved pussy in exchange for the sight of some young, erect black cock. Her ex was abusive and controlling and made her life hell, whereas I'm the total opposite. She might be struggling, as you say, to get her head round me being so approving of her having a black "bit on the side" and wondering how much she should tell me for fear of me "kicking off" and dumping her. Her ex definitely wouldn't have let her do it that's for sure, he'd have beat her up and the black guy. Maybe she can't quite believe that a man would let her do this and be okay with it. We have talked about it, but we can talk more when we go away next month.
  4. Would I suck the cock of one of Becky's young black boyfriends? Yes, preferably just after he's fucked her, to say thank you.
  5. Congratulations! I was with my wife 12 years before she went with another guy - well, as far as I'm aware anyway! We discussed the idea of her cuckolding me for at least 2 years, but it was only a about 2 or 3 years back that I discovered that what I thought was her first extra-marital encounter wasn't. Chatting to an ex-work colleague of mine on Faceb00k one afternoon he eventually confessed to having fucked Debbie once at his house. I wasn't surprised as they'd always been friendly and in his defence she'd lied to him saying we'd split up, so when she offered him sex he wasn't about to turn it down. Once he saw I wasn't angry, he was happy to tell all, how she'd ridden him bareback but left hurriedly afterwards and had never come back for more. We both agreed that, although me and him hadn't always seen eye to eye, it would have been nice if I had known at the time as he would have been more than happy to fuck my wife for me on a regular basis. This had occurred in the October, when we were still discussing the possibility of her going out for extra from time to time and we had pretty much pinned it down to being either Dave, one of the delivery lorry drivers where she worked, or Chris, a cocky 23 year old lad who'd been chatting Debbie up and been asking her out, not bothered that she was nearly 35 and married with 4 kids. Not only that, she was the assistant manageress of the shop. As things turned out, just after Christmas and the day after her 35th birthday, it was young Chris that she agreed to go out for a few drinks with after work, ending up back at his place in his bed, her dark green and black work uniform and her bra and panties on the floor, with Chris eagerly fucking her 3 times before he let her come home. I often wonder how many others she fucked that she never told me about?
  6. It's Friday. Here's 12 more... "My wife just likes cock. It doesn't always have to be mine" was so apt for my wife Debbie and that looks a lot like her too.
  7. Thanks guys. Yes, when you look at it from an outsider's point of view it would appear that Becky is indeed close to going black. As the guy that knows her best though, I'm still not convinced she'd be brave enough to be showing these black guys her shaved pussy, though it would be great if she has and I'd be really pleased if she admitted that they've been getting their cocks out to show her. Once when I suggested showing them more cleavage by wearing a bra or bikini top on webcam, despite the prospect that they'd be urging her to take her top off altogether, she texted me back saying, "Maybe I already have done lol". I excitedly asked for more information, Becky eventually saying she hadn't and wouldn't as "they are for your eyes only". We're going away for a few days next month so hopefully I'll be able to delve deeper and see how far Becky has really gone up to now and how far she wants to take this. She may be just needed a little bit more reassurance from me that I'm really going to okay with it happening before she takes that plunge. Seeing as she's already surprised me by dropping her normally shy, inexperienced persona with her confessing to having a thing about black men and being comfortable telling me how she chats online with these guys when I'm at work, I suppose I should be prepared to be shocked again, so watch this space!
  8. I must be honest, I do like the idea of one of Becky's son's best mates getting her into bed and for him to brag about it to his other friends. She told me once that some years back her son had embarrassed her in front of all his friends by pressuring her into telling them how many men she'd been with in her whole life. "Two", she said, blushing furiously. He laughed, the others probably laughing with him, as he said that they'd all been with lots more girls than she had men. I like to think that at least one of his mates looked Becky up and down approvingly, wondering what it would be like to be her third and give his mate's mum a damn good fucking.
  9. This looks like Becky too. As leone55 has noted in recent posts, her shaving is quite a new phenomenon which she has only started doing since she's be chatting to black men online. Coincidence or, in a chat room on webcam, are they asking to see more than just her face? She says they don't believe her when she tells them her age, but says she prefers these much younger guys now as they're "more fun" than the ones her age. Good for her ego and self-confidence too, all this attention from young black dudes.
  10. Very much so, especially when it's a nice big clack dick penetrating a tight white pussy. I've never been very good at doggy style so maybe Becky would be in for a treat if she can be persuaded to meet up with one of her online "boyfriends". Even though she's just turned 46, she is being chatted up almost every night now by young confident black boys in their late teens and early 20s. She's very flattered by all the attention she's getting and very pleased, though surprised, at how I'm okay with it. Is this Becky, finally with a black lad young enough to be her grandson, let alone her son? Unprotected too...
  11. Tuesday's Twelve... A couple here particularly strike a chord with me. I liked the idea of my wife having a boyfriend, a much younger "bit on the side", something that's now in Becky's mind of course, but black. Also, my wife couldn't resist telling 2 or 3 of her mates about her getting sex elsewhere and that I knew and was okay with it. I confirmed this with them via Faceb00k Messenger, one telling me how lucky Debbie was to have such an understanding, considerate husband as she had to cheat on her husband without him finding out!
  12. Another great selection Jag. I've never been caged nor likely to be, but it's nice to see those little white dicks posed alongside much bigger black cocks, the black guys then only too happy to give the white wives the proper fucking they've always wanted and no doubt need so bad.
  13. Another week, another 12 photos and gifs from my collection. There seems to be a predominance of black cock in white mouths, as I continue to encourage my girlfriend Becky to go black. One refused to load - error code 99.
  14. A photo there that reminds me of being tasked to shave my wife Debbie's wild and untidy ginger pubic hair off for her. In hindsight I have wondered if the 23 year old she went with the day after her 35th birthday had inadvertently made a comment about how hairy her cunt was and this had perhaps prompted her to have it shaved. Maybe this lad, a customer at the shop Debbie worked in, although bold enough to chat up the assistant manageress and ask her out, unconcerned that she was 12 years older than him and married with 4 kids, had never been with an older woman before and being more used to girls more his age was shocked to see such a hairy pussy. It didn't put him off fucking her of course and the lucky boy, after a few drinks at a nearby pub after work, took my wife back to his place and had his young cock inside her 3 times that same evening. With a bowl of warm water, a towel and my razor, it became my task to shave Debbie on our bed with her legs nice and wide. The first time was exciting, but hard work and tedious, such was the thickness of some of her pubic hair, but I got used to it and thoroughly enjoyed doing it, her pussy now smooth and bald ready for her next extra-marital encounter. It definitely looked better. Sometimes it would be for a specific date, sometimes for a girls' night out "just in case", but it was also a good way to prove to Debbie that I was more than okay with her having sex elsewhere if she wanted to. Ironically, Mick, my ex-workmate who'd been after my wife's pussy for many years, told me that he was actually disappointed to finally get her into bed and discover that she was shaved as he'd always fantasised about seeing her bright ginger pubic hair. Again, it didn't put him off either. He ended up fucking my wife on and off for 2-3 years.
  15. Thank you Jag. Very obvious what I'm into from the saved photos and gifs. Pale white flesh looks so good against dark black skin. What is it you like about white girls as an experienced black guy? I hope my Becky fits the bill. We're both very excited how popular Becky is in the chat rooms she frequents, even more so since the black guys paying her so much attention have got younger and younger. She once told me how much she appreciates being with an older man - I'm 19 years older than her - so I have been pleasantly surprised how she's taken to much younger guys in recent months. Black of course! Since she started down this road with 2 black men about her own age, they have got younger and younger. 2 guys in their early 30s came next, followed by a lad of 25. My reminder that he was younger than her son put a big smile on Becky's face and since then it's been like a countdown : 22, 21, 20, 19, 18 and now 17 year old black boys all vying for her attention, not the slightest bit bothered that she has an older white "hubby". It's done wonders for her ego and self-confidence, she's definitely smiling more. The next step of course is can one of them persuade Becky to go out for a drink whilst "hubby's" at work?
  16. Very much so Jag and I'm sure you'd be just the man for the job. I think of little else, a little sad that at 46 Becky has only ever been with 3 guys, all of us white, and went without cock at all for years. It seems such a waste and such a shame that that tight little pussy hasn't had more use. I don't want number 4 to be white. The next man to fuck Becky needs to be black. Then I'll know she's been fucked properly at last and she'll realise what she's been missing - black cock. I think it would change her overnight. This photo you posted has the look of Becky about it.
  17. Would you now? Gunner liked your comment so perhaps if he'd like Becky to have her nipples pierced too. Sadly, my requests for her to have her belly button done have always been rejected cos "it would hurt", an argument that I disagree with seeing as she has had a baby and has several tattoos. Just for you though Leo, here is Becky baring her belly and those breasts. I know how much you'd like to introduce her to that Italian cock of yours!
  18. Oh yes, that is definitely Becky's belly. She'd like it to be flatter. I'd like her to her navel pierced!
  19. Saturday's selection from my PC.
  20. My wife Debbie was pleasantly surprised that I didn't complain that she'd not only been to see an ex-workmate of mine I didn't get on with, but hadn't bothered about making him use a condom. Seeing her pussy so red and puffy from the pounding he'd given her was enough for me to eagerly bury my face between her legs and taste her familiar juices mixed with Mick's cum. She tasted so good!
  21. Would I suck Becky's black boyfriend's cock for him? Of course, as a thank you for giving her what she really needs.
  22. This belly looks suspiciously like Becky's. Perhaps she was keen to take it bareback but reluctant to let her black boyfriend cum inside her for fear of getting pregnant. She's still fertile and with her son now 27, there'd be a lot of explaining to do if she were to present us with a black baby now!
  23. What's not to like? It's great to see so many white wives and girlfriends with a black cock in their mouth or with their legs spread wide for a black man. It's also nice to see so many guys present to show their support as their wives take what might well be their first ever black cock. I notice one husband there wearing an England shirt so that's another British wife going black.
  24. It's Friday, 8am here in the UK. Here's another twelve photos and gifs from my home PC.
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