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Cuckold Porn

Peter C

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Everything posted by Peter C

  1. Yes, welcome back Jag! I do like to see the more mature ladies enjoying themselves. I suppose my Becky should be classed as mature now she's 46. Back in the day when they were young going with a black guy perhaps wasn't the done thing, still seen as taboo in some places and frowned upon. Now they see white women everywhere with black men and want to see what they've been missing. Even my shy little Becky told me she's heard that black men have bigger cocks and warned me they say, "Once you go black, you never go back".
  2. We've missed you more Jag. Dober, Gunner and I have been trying to keep things ticking over as best we could!
  3. Welcome back sir!
  4. Indeed. Dober, you and I are certainly doing our best in his absence. I particularly like this photo you posted. It looks so much like my Becky and she seems to be really enjoying her first experience with a much younger black guy. She's really into the really young ones that chat her up online now, 17, 18, 19 year olds. She's 46 tomorrow. What a lovely birthday present that is he's giving my girlfriend whilst I'm at work. At last she'll be able to smile and proudly tell me she's been blacked.
  5. I love the superior, assertive, dominating attitude of these men as they successfully convert yet another poor unsatisfied white wife to black cock so easily. Shame that's not my Becky on her knees in front of him.
  6. You wouldn't believe how much that looks like my youngest dau8hter. She already has 2 kids by two different guys, so perhaps she's taking after her mother and enjoys going out and getting extra.
  7. I haven't got what it takes to be a bull, but I should imagine it's just a case of chatting up women when you're out and about. Don't worry about a wedding ring on their finger. Many will be feeling they're taken for granted by their husbands and with kids and a house to look after, there will be women flattered by a new man paying them attention and quite up for some extra-marital activity. I'm sure women up for it give off some invisible signal that they might be available. You may learn how to pick up on this as you progress and gain experience. Another way of course would be via sites such as this, keeping an eye out for husbands looking for a bull for their wife or couples up for inviting someone new into the marital bed. I see you've added your location here which is always helpful. You might very well get private messages from UK-based guys in your area looking to get their wives fucked. Either way, good luck!
  8. Thank you Gunner! These posts only serve to emphasize that superior black men intend to fuck all our white women. One day at a time, one by one our wives and girlfriends will succumb to curiosity and temptation and open their mouths and spread their legs for black cock. My Becky's turn will surely come soon. It's getting ever closer. I know it and she knows it.
  9. Got quite a shock this morning when I logged in and saw 26 notifications liking my posts. Thank you Gunner3.5!
  10. My wife actually did go away on holiday with an ex-workmate of mine whilst I stayed at home with the kids. They went away together with Debbie now his wife for a week. She came back refreshed and contented with a spring in her step, boasting about how much sex she'd had. In bed the first night back she counted on her fingers how many times they'd done it. Once as soon as they'd arrived, twice a night, sometimes three times and one for luck just before they left to come home. She ran out of fingers, estimating that they fucked 15 times. He'd picked her up with her suitcase from right outside our house, then on the way back had even had the audacity to attend the funeral of another ex-colleague of mine. I had to work, so I imagine Mick and Debbie arriving together, going to the wake together and then leaving together would have aroused some suspicion and gossip that Mick, a well known ladies man, had now moved on to Debbie and probably already fucking poor Pete's wife. They weren't wrong of course - he'd been fucking her for awhile. Nothing was ever said to me at work though, no-one mentioned Debbie being at the funeral with Mick. The strange thing is it's only in recent years I've found all this out from Mick himself. Debbie told me she was going away with a young lad she'd met, a 25 year old paratrooper. So when I asked her if this young guy had been better in bed than me during her holiday, when she replied without any hesitation "Yes", it was actually Mick that had been better than me. I don't know why she told me it was her soldier. I'd have been absolutely fine knowing she was going to be Mick's wife for a week.
  11. Ten more today from my PC.
  12. Further to my account above, I remembered that I have a photo of my wife Debbie with her dress hitched up to show off her autographed thigh. I seem to recall her proudly showing several of my workmates in our social club bar too. I must apologize for the poor quality of the photo, but I hope you can all see just how high up the guy signed his name, almost on her ass. I wonder where he had his other hand to steady himself whilst he signed the autograph? on her ass or on her inner thigh almost brushing her pussy?
  13. I'm surprised no-one has replied to your post so far as I found it really interesting. I pretty much agree with what you say too and often like to offer wannabes advice based on my own experiences. I'm a "usedtobe" since my wife and I split up in 2012. I don't blame our divorce on cuckolding though yes, it must have had a bearing on matters, but she certainly didn't leave me because she was disgusted by me suggesting she have sex with other men. She enjoyed the freedom I gave her to go out for a bit of variety from time to time. We met when she was 22 (I was 29) and over time it became evident that she'd been a bit of slag from an early age. Not long after we started seeing one another she went away for the weekend to visit her best mate where she used to live. Debbie returned absolutely smothered in love bites (hickeys to you American guys!), all over her neck, shoulders and breasts. She made no attempt to hide them telling me that her mate's brother had done them with me getting the impression that it was quite normal for them to have sex whenever she went to visit his sister. I was shocked, devastated, not only that she'd done it, but also how blase she was about it. She looked a right slag. It didn't turn me on, but I didn't dump her for her infidelity and maybe that was the first trigger for me. As far as I'm aware she never cheated on me again, but as she got into her early 30s I seem to have changed. I was working shifts by now, one week early, one week late, and Debbie kind of developed a social life of her own, be it out at bingo, playing darts for a ladies team around local pubs and clubs or drinking with friends, sometimes in my works' social club bar. After a few drinks she'd usually come home quite horny and in bed would sometimes tease me about having been chatted up, bought a drink or having one of my workmates put a hand on her leg, grope her arse, even the occasional squeeze of her tits. She never complained, saying how she enjoyed male company more than female and liked the attention. Then we'd make love. For whatever reason, my attitude started to change. I can remember being furious many years before when my first wife came home from work and told me that she'd asked a guy there to do something for her and he'd replied, "Only if you let me fuck you". Now however, the knowledge that Debbie, my second wife, was being chatted up and, knowing my workmates, being propostioned aroused me. It also occurred to me that Debbie was enjoying it and given her apparently promiscuous past, began to think that with several drinks inside her, with the right guy asking her at the right time, there was a pretty good chance that she'd soon be on her back with her legs spread for some lucky guy. The prospect of that happening really turned me on and I told her so. She started being a bit more open about her nights out with the girls, having a blue comedian at the bingo hall autographing high up her bare thigh with a permanent marker or me having to listen to her on the phone to her mate drooling over the young singer in a band she'd seen at the same club, how just looking at him had her "cunt wet and go all twitchy." Sat in the car one day chatting about things like that, I suggested that next time that band were in town she should go. She'd been thrilled to chat to this young guy at the bar who, despite his girlfriend being present, had asked my wife to go clubbing with him and the rest of them band. She'd declined the offer, but I said next time she should go. "I might get carried away though. Snog him or let him feel me up babe. He was really nice", she replied. "That's alright", I said. "As long as you come home and tell me I don't mind. You can even sneak off somewhere with him and let him fuck you if you like." "Yeah! As if you'd let me do that!", she laughed, but that comment did set the ball rolling. It took about 2 years of talking about it, discussing various scenarios, encouragement and persuasion from me and some role-play in the bedroom with a realistic looking sex toy as some random guy she'd met and brought home, but she did eventually take the plunge with a 23 year old customer from the shop she worked in who'd been chatting her up. She was very flattered as well as tempted, but told him she was just about to turn 35 and married with 4 kids. Debbie was also assistant manageress, but none of that bothered this cocky lad. After checking with me that I was okay with it, she agreed to go for a drink with him one evening after work, amusing him by saying that she'd have to tell her husband she'd be late home due to stock-taking. "Oh, you're going to be late home alright Deb. I live with my sister but she's away, so we can go back there after". Sure enough, after 3 or 4 drinks at the nearby pub, he walked Debbie back past the shop so they were seen by other staff and the group of teenage lads that used to hang about outside, back to his place where he soon had Debbie's work uniform off and my wife naked in his bed. The stamina of youth enabled him to eagerly fuck her 3 times that night before he walked her to the station to catch her train home, back past the shop and those boys. He must have gone back and bragged to the boys that he'd just fucked "that ginger bird from the shop" as days later on two separate occasions she was propostioned by lads of 16, 17, both clearly hoping to get some of that mature married pussy that their mate had got so easily a few nights before. Not wishing to risk her job or get a reputation as the "town bike" she politely declined their offers. They never gave her any trouble though. I'm sorry I've gone off on a bit of a tangent there, but what I'm trying to reiterate is that as well as needing to be in a really strong, trusting marriage or relationship, communication is key. Keep talking about it, but not all the time. She can get bored of hearing the same thing every time you have sex. And I agree about finding out what she wants, not just you, find some common ground and there's more chance of success. A word of caution though. It's not for every couple, every husband, every wife and may end up just being a fantasy. But if the wife does end up having sex with someone else, there's no going back. She can't be unfucked and if you get insecure or jealous after the event, that "cuckold angst", you have to learn to deal with. You can't blame your wife if it had been your idea in the first place. You now have what society would regard as an unfaithful wife. Fortunately I liked knowing that! Her's my naughty wife Debbie, all dolled up for a date with another man whilst I stay at home looking after the kids, and another of her naked eagerly awaiting some extra-marital cock.
  14. I guess I should consider myself very lucky to have had a wife like Debbie only too willing to spread her legs for other men, not secretly but with my knowledge and approval. As far as I'm aware she was faithful for the first 12 years we were together and it took over 2 years of role-play in the bedroom, discussion, persuasion and encouragement before she finally took the plunge. We never called it "cheating" or "being unfaithful" as it had been my idea that she go out and get some extra cock. Debbie was just "naughty". After that first foray I suffered from the dreaded "cuckold angst" and insecurity which resulted in Debbie not pursuing anything else for over 9 years, but once she got back into it, this time was much more successful. At least another 4 men enjoyed the pleasure of my wife in their beds, including my ex-workmate Mick, who after having been after her for 20 years finally got what he wanted and continued to fuck my wife on and off, usually at her request, for the next 2-3 years until he moved away. Eventually Mick was fucking Debbie more than I was. I've thanked him since, admitting that she must have needed it.
  15. Thank you Martin. It always pleases me to read favorable comments about photos of my naughty ex-wife Debbie or my shy young lady Becky. I'm sure she'd benefit from a few sessions with you. When I tell guys that she's only ever been with 3 men it's often met with an offer to make that 4!
  16. Sadly, I don't think I could persuade my girlfriend Becky - 46 next week and 19 years my junior - that we need to visit the West Midlands to see you. Saying that, although she's quite a shy, little, inexperienced thing, she has started coming out of her shell over the last 3 years, being embarrassed when she confessed to having a thing about black guys and more recently admitting, blushing but smiling, that she wouldn't mind if they were early 20s or late teens. Dirty bitch!
  17. Thanks Martin. Although she once said, "If you were to walk in on me in bed with another man, you wouldn't even try and stop us would you?" (to which I replied, "No. I'd want you to carry on), Debbie was of the opinion that I wouldn't be able to handle watching another guy fucking her. In the early days she may well have been right. Now I'm older and wiser and probably kinkier than ever, I reckon it would have been amazing to see her naked with another man with his cock inside her. I think she'd have put on a real show for my benefit too, noisier and more vocal than with me when we were at home with the kids in ear-shot!
  18. Thanks Dober. You're doing a fine job keeping things ticking over in Secondjag's absence and I'm doing my best to do my bit with my Peter C's Collection posts. I vividly remember licking some of my ex-workmate Mick's cum out of my wife Debbie's well used cunt the night she'd been to see him for the first time one Sunday afternoon. She tasted different that night - better with this new ingredient added to her familiar juices - and certainly felt different when I mounted her, definitely wetter and more open than usual. It's a shame we had to wait until our kids had gone to bed before I could inspect what Mick had done to my wife properly. He'd been after her pussy for about 20 years and things had finally fallen into place so at last he had succeeded in getting Debbie into bed. He used to put me down in front of the others at work, criticize the way I did the job, but the ultimate put-down for him must surely have fucking Pete's very willing wife. It would have been nice to have been able to smear my cock with his cum and to re-insert Mick's sperm back into my wife's cunt. Mick went on to fuck Debbie on and off for the next 2-3 years, usually at her request, until he moved away with someone else's wife he'd also been servicing.
  19. Some more photos or gifs saved on my computer. If I die suddenly someone needs to clear my pictures and browser history!
  20. Good man! Bed, breakfast and the farmer's wife. Did the farmer know?
  21. I'm firmly of the opinion that all wives should have the right to enjoy some extra-marital cock from time to time. My wife Debbie did and I loved knowing she was getting a bit of variety and the extra sex she needed. She liked them young, early-mid 20s with her in her 30s and 40s and was indeed eagerly fucked by lads of 23, 25 and 28. I was 7 years older than her so when I was 50, 51 Debbie was enjoying being bedded by guys young enough to be my son. That turned me on too!
  22. I'm still running an old version of Chrome with Windows Vista on my PC and it let me watch it!
  23. My wife Debbie here was out enjoying getting the extra cock she needed from 2009 to 2012, but I wasn't on this site back then. I was only on Cuckold Place and have never frequented chat rooms. I hope you find the pix you're looking for.
  24. I so wish I knew you 13, 14 years ago when my now ex-wife was cuckolding me, of course with my knowledge and full approval. She'd dabbled at it back in 1999 at the age of 34, 35 with a work colleague of mine (same company, different location) and a 23 year old customer from the shop she worked in. He wasn't fazed by the fact that she was the assistant manageress there, nor that she was 12 years older than him and married with 4 kids. She was flattered by the attention and his confidence paid off when she agreed to go for a drink after work with him and ended up back at his flat in his bed, vigorously fucked 3 times before he sent her home. Once she'd told him that she'd told her husband they were stock-taking and didn't know what time she'd be home, he knew she was going to let him shag her. We then had a long gap caused in the main by my insecurity, letting that "cuckold angst" get the better of me, but as time went on I felt the urge for Debbie to start cuckolding me again. We were older and wiser now, me 51, her 44, but my wife's initial response was, "No, I'm not going down that road again", but gradually softened her stance to a "maybe", then, "Are you sure you can handle it this time?" Satisfied with my reply that we were stronger than ever now and would like her to do it again, we re-embarked on the lifestyle, this time with more success. The internet and social media had grown in popularity now and led Debbie to explore dating sites. It wasn't unusual for me to wake up in the night and find her sitting up in bed topless chatting to men on webcam, once even out of bed with one leg on a chair showing some guy her pussy. "Shush!", she'd whisper as I stirred. "This guy likes knowing I'm in bed with my husband asleep next to me", so I'd dutifully lay still whilst she enjoyed being told what this guy was going to do with her in his bed or better still in our bed. How good it would have been to have a nice long weekend break in the Midlands, leave the kids with her sister whilst I brought Debbie up to meet you. I never did get to watch her in action with another guy. Maybe I would have done with you.
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